For those who need proof of election fraud....

matchingmole's Avatar
Donald Trump isn't going to commit to running in 2024 because he hasn't conceded the 2020 election.
And he never will.
If the result of the 2020 election isn't overturned, we've lost our republic.

@ScavinoChannel Originally Posted by bambino

Trump is actually that stupid
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 12:13 PM
Trump is a con man, just like Jim Jones, David Koresh and David Berg. And he's playing his gullible followers like a piano. Pathetic. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I'll play devil's advocate. Does he believe his own bull shit? That is, does he really believe he was cheated out of the presidency with massive voter fraud? It's possible. The CrowdStrike issue shows he can be made to believe in a fantastic conspiracy theory. He believed a wealthy Ukrainian owned CrowdStrike and was hiding a server used to hack the DNC, or he wouldn't have brought it up with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy on the infamous phone call. It's not a huge step from "Ukrainians hacked DNC servers and made it look like the Russians did it" to "Venezuela and the Democrats hacked the voting machines."
Lapdog's Avatar
It's hard to say if he believes his own bullshit. He's a proven lifelong liar, and he's seen it work for him so many times that it's possible and even likely that he does believe. I'm sure he has difficulty separating truth from reality, with a track record like his.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is a con man, just like Jim Jones, David Koresh and David Berg. And he's playing his gullible followers like a piano. Pathetic. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Whats truly pathetic is you including Trump in this group and posting it!
Lapdog's Avatar
If the shoe fits, he should wear it, WD.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Whats truly pathetic is you including Trump in this group and posting it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn, you've drunk the kool-aide!!

ive seen this same sort of posting before in here

the dimocrat russian hoax
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 03:15 PM
ive seen this same sort of posting before in here

the dimocrat russian hoax Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That’s a good point. The Republicans don’t have a monopoly on conspiracy theories. In addition to those who claimed Trump didn’t really win the 2016 election, you’ve got people who believe the Republicans rigged voting machines in 2004 so Bush could win. And then there’s Stacy Abrams who’s still saying she should be governor of Georgia. Voters need to wise up. Widespread voter fraud would be pretty difficult to pull off. And how many people are crazy enough to try it, considering they’ll potentially get thrown in jail if they’re caught.
That’s a good point. The Republicans don’t have a monopoly on conspiracy theories. In addition to those who claimed Trump didn’t really win the 2016 election, you’ve got people who believe the Republicans rigged voting machines in 2004 so Bush could win. And then there’s Stacy Abrams who’s still saying she should be governor of Georgia. Voters need to wise up. Originally Posted by Tiny
well I sorta meant the following, I'm not quite sure what you say is a good point or how you took what I typed:

the lefties in here then "knew" trump colluded with the Russians and believed everything their news media and their big tech and dimocrats told them and scoffed at what trump said, which proved to be totally correct and at people in here telling the truth

and now this same group, albeit a different mix, is accepting everything their news media and big tech and their dimocrats say and claim and are scoffing again at people in here wanting to find the truth
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 05:53 PM
well I sorta meant the following, I'm not quite sure what you say is a good point or how you took what I typed:

the lefties in here then "knew" trump colluded with the Russians and believed everything their news media and their big tech and dimocrats told them and scoffed at what trump said, which proved to be totally correct and at people in here telling the truth

and now this same group, albeit a different mix, is accepting everything their news media and big tech and their dimocrats say and claim and are scoffing again at people in here wanting to find the truth Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well, I agree with you about 2016 and the Russian collusion. It was a witch hunt. But believe the truth is that Trump lost, fair and square, in 2020. Yeah, there probably was some minor election fraud, but no where near enough to overturn 7 million popular votes or 74 electoral votes.
bambino's Avatar
Well, I agree with you about 2016 and the Russian collusion. It was a witch hunt. But believe the truth is that Trump lost, fair and square, in 2020. Yeah, there probably was some minor election fraud, but no where near enough to overturn 7 million popular votes or 74 electoral votes. Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 06:20 PM Originally Posted by bambino
So then why did the hand recount of the paper ballots generated by the Dominion voting machines not change the results? And if the machines in Georgia didn't mark the ballots correctly, why weren't voters raising holy hell before they dropped the ballots off to be scanned?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, I agree with you about 2016 and the Russian collusion. It was a witch hunt. But believe the truth is that Trump lost, fair and square, in 2020. Yeah, there probably was some minor election fraud, but no where near enough to overturn 7 million popular votes or 74 electoral votes. Originally Posted by Tiny
He doesn't have to overturn 7 million votes. He only has to overturn 43,000 votes in four states. Which four depends on how you want to run the table. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia all have problems with the way things went down with thousands of non existent or illegitimate votes in Nevada to mal-practice by state officials in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Georgia. We even have problems with machines changing votes from Trump to Biden in Michigan. Mystery votes in Pennsylvania and Georgia. And in all six states, numbers of mail-in ballots don't jive with votes received or ballots ordered.

Like has been written, more evidence of irregularities than a honest election.
bambino's Avatar
So then why did the hand recount of the paper ballots generated by the Dominion voting machines not change the results? And if the machines in Georgia didn't mark the ballots correctly, why weren't voters raising holy hell before they dropped the ballots off to be scanned? Originally Posted by Tiny
Stay tuned Tiny. Look, I think you’re a good guy and all. Maybe a little naive and gullible. But so was I until about 6 Myra ago. I mean the MSM puts out the same talking points with the same words. How is that possible? It’s not a coincidence. I’ll get to the point. There’s a war going on right now. It’s a cyber and information war. There are two sides. The Great Awakening or the Great Reset. That’s exactly what’s happening. The Reset is a Global governance, the Awakening is Sovereign governance. It’s really as simple as that. Which side are you on? How do think Trump was elected in the first place? There are protests around the world. Look what’s happening in France. I’ve been posting links about this for weeks. Maybe stick your toe in some alternative media sites and educate yourself. Maybe, just maybe you’ll have a more informed outcome. Just sayin. To dismiss deep election fraud based on MSM reporting is malpractice.
winn dixie's Avatar
He doesn't have to overturn 7 million votes. He only has to overturn 43,000 votes in four states. Which four depends on how you want to run the table. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia all have problems with the way things went down with thousands of non existent or illegitimate votes in Nevada to mal-practice by state officials in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Georgia. We even have problems with machines changing votes from Trump to Biden in Michigan. Mystery votes in Pennsylvania and Georgia. And in all six states, numbers of mail-in ballots don't jive with votes received or ballots ordered.

Like has been written, more evidence of irregularities than a honest election. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

The math has never added up with the vote totals. Thats the proof rit thar'.
Counting the same mail in votes and getting the totals from vote changing machines is not gonna change anything.
The dims knew what precincts in certain pivotal states to cheat in where they could get away with it.