Iran Would Defeat America In A War

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh goody, I love this game. The 'what if?' game

This is where we get to ignore all the laws of physics.

My turn, 'What if?' an army of six battalions of Djinn suddenly appears hovering in the skies over Iran and they declare the continent of Antarctica is the home of the one and true ruler of the Multiverse, and everyone must now submit to the rule of the Djinn and pay tribute to them.

Huh, then what are you going to do? Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Djinn is an arab creation. don't think it exists in Iranian myths.

what you're thinking of is the Mahdi, the so called 12th Iman, that's more of an Iranian creation.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
No they don't. The constraints of the Iran Deal that Obama signed in 2014 make it impossible for Iran to get an Atomic Bomb. The agreement ends in 2024, at that time Iran can turn on the high-speed centrifuges and start the enrichment process over again. They have to enrich to 90% U-235 to get an Atomic bomb. Iran is seven plus years away from getting a nuke. Originally Posted by adav8s28
The quick response; I have a bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in.

How would you know? There is no valid inspection, no penalty for breaking the treaty which was not ratified by the Senate. Only the word and good will of a government that has neither.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The quick response; I have a bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in.

How would you know? There is no valid inspection, no penalty for breaking the treaty which was not ratified by the Senate. Only the word and good will of a government that has neither. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

it wasn't even a treaty .. a UN bullshit resolution. that's worth less than a 4 pack of Charmin at CVS.

The quick response; I have a bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in.

How would you know? There is no valid inspection, no penalty for breaking the treaty which was not ratified by the Senate. Only the word and good will of a government that has neither. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is how we know when it is signed and sealed...history tells us.
Marshall2.0's Avatar
It was always my fear that if Iran declared war on the US during the Obama years that he would have surrendered.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Djinn is an arab creation. don't think it exists in Iranian myths.

what you're thinking of is the Mahdi, the so called 12th Iman, that's more of an Iranian creation. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
My point was that if we wish to leave reality and play the 'What if' game, then everyone gets to play fantasy.

I had previously assumed this thread was somehow connected to reality.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
It was always my fear that if Iran declared war on the US during the Obama years that he would have surrendered. Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
That would have been a distinct possibility.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

My point was that if we wish to leave reality and play the 'What if' game, then everyone gets to play fantasy.

I had previously assumed this thread was somehow connected to reality. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
It's a weird world in here. Not unlike being underwater in a steel tube for an extended period of time. You must remember to parse the extreme statements and serious statements from the jokes and attempted humor.

I know this current administration blurrs the line between reality and a surreal nightmare. Being physically seperated from the outside world is different from being mentally seperated from the real world. His majesty is familiar with the latter rather than the former.

Afghanistan asks for explanation after Trump claims US could wipe it 'off the face of the Earth'

The US has been pursuing a diplomatic strategy to end the 18-year war in Afghanistan, holding on-again, off-again talks with the Taliban in Qatar to reach a peace deal. Earlier this month, a group of prominent Afghans —including some Afghan government officials acting in a personal capacity — held two days of joint talks with the Taliban, unofficially agreeing on a roadmap on how they might reach a peace deal.

adav8s28's Avatar

How would you know? There is no valid inspection. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Science. It is not possible to get an atomic bomb unless you enrich Uranium out of the ground to a concentration of 90% U-235. The constraints of the agreement does not allow Iran to enrich uranium past a concentration of 3.67% U-235. All 5,000 high-speed centrifuges have been turned off and are under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time by the scientists at the IAEA. The last inspection by the IAEA was completed in May 2019. Iran is in compliance with the aforementioned constraints. JD you are mistaken. See the report in the link below.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Science. It is not possible to get an atomic bomb unless you enrich Uranium out of the ground to a concentration of 90% U-235. The constraints of the agreement does not allow Iran to enrich uranium past a concentration of 3.67% U-235. All 5,000 high-speed centrifuges have been turned off and are under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time by the scientists at the IAEA. The last inspection by the IAEA was completed in May 2019. Iran is in compliance with the aforementioned constraints. JD you are mistaken. See the report in the link below.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Maybe you didn't grasp the simple concept JD was imparting to you.

There was no provision for unannounced inspections -- AKA "constraints" -- to insure Iran was in compliance.

"Constraints" is the operative term.

There were no genuine "constraints" in place to insure compliance; hence, Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty from day one.
adav8s28's Avatar

"Constraints" is the operative term.

There were no genuine "constraints" in place to insure compliance;
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's a lie. There are a number of constraints that Iran must follow. I will give you two examples:

1. Iran cannot enrich Uranium past a concentration 3.67% U-235.

2. Iran cannot run any of the 5,000 hi-speed centrifuges.

All of the major constraints are listed in this link below under "Summary of Provision" section. You have been given this before. You just refuse to read it. You also refuse to accept any report that the scientists at the IAEA gives.

You won't even except what your favorite and number one source Albright reported on in 2014 that the "Weapons grade Uranium" Iran had before the agreement was signed was diluted down to a 4% concentration of U-235. This was in a report that was in a link posted by Waco Kid. You know that Waco is Trump guy. You won't even accept that.

Here is Waco Kid's link that has a report from the Insitute of Science. Your source Albright confirms two things.

1. Iran diluted the "Weapons grade uranium" that it had to 4% concentration of U-235.
2. Iran was not using any high-speed centrifuges.
Why don't you go in and report back...TOFTT!!
Your recon will be much appreciated!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's a lie. There are a number of constraints that Iran must follow. I will give you two examples:

1. Iran cannot enrich Uranium past a concentration 3.67% U-235.

2. Iran cannot run any of the 5,000 hi-speed centrifuges.

All of the major constraints are listed in this link below under "Summary of Provision" section. You have been given this before. You just refuse to read it. You also refuse to accept any report that the scientists at the IAEA gives.

You won't even except what your favorite and number one source Albright reported on in 2014 that the "Weapons grade Uranium" Iran had before the agreement was signed was diluted down to a 4% concentration of U-235. This was in a report that was in a link posted by Waco Kid. You know that Waco is Trump guy. You won't even accept that.

Here is Waco Kid's link that has a report from the Insitute of Science. Your source Albright confirms two things.

1. Iran diluted the "Weapons grade uranium" that it had to 4% concentration of U-235.
2. Iran was not using any high-speed centrifuges.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
The only lie here is your denials. There was no provision for unannounced inspections to insure Iran was in 100% compliance; hence, there were no constraints. There was no truly thorough initial inspection made to determine Iran's actual capability, and every subsequent inspection was delayed by "negotiations" as to when the inspectors would be allowed to check the sites affording Iran more than enough time to move things around in preparation for an inspection.

Then there's the Iranian engineer that admitted that Iran cheated on Odumbo's piece of shit deal from day one.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah its outstanding just how gullible most people are in believing the LSM BS and not there own eyes , and the UN yeah AKA one world gov that's a joke right ,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 07-24-2019, 07:41 AM
Let SC book a flight to Tehran and walk off the Plane
Then "Surrender" to Iran.

SC might find Evin Prison to his liking!