Newbie discrimination

well if P411 is a waste of time what would you suggest I'm on disability due to a near fatal car wreck years ago and the site Date Check says they can't verify me because I'm on disability and there are a few others that say the same, I've only seen 3 providers and only 2 of those of a regular basis I know that one of those absolutely refuses to give a reference she says why would she help you find someone else to give your money too the other one is a sweet heart and only comes to my city on random occasions so I don't think she would mind

I completely understand the need to screen but just because I collect disability I'm sort of left with few options because I cannot be screened like someone who has a job
well if P411 is a waste of time what would you suggest I'm on disability due to a near fatal car wreck years ago and the site Date Check says they can't verify me because I'm on disability and there are a few others that say the same, I've only seen 3 providers and only 2 of those of a regular basis I know that one of those absolutely refuses to give a reference she says why would she help you find someone else to give your money too the other one is a sweet heart and only comes to my city on random occasions so I don't think she would mind

I completely understand the need to screen but just because I collect disability I'm sort of left with few options because I cannot be screened like someone who has a job Originally Posted by Eddy985
You might find a good agency in your area, some providers will except an agency's "OK" just not massage parlours or backpage.
  • Tiny
  • 03-25-2016, 12:19 PM
I just took a look at profiles of all 15 ladies on P411 that are currently advertising for the city where I live. Of the 15, eight are "newbie friendly - no references required." This is probably skewed. I did an Advanced Search on P411 for all providers in Texas. There are a total of 1549 on the site, and 334 advertise as newby friendly. So about 20% advertise that they'll see you if you're a P411 member but have no references. I'm sure the % that would actually see someone with no O.K.'s would be higher than 20%.

I strongly disagree with anyone who says something to the effect that P411 is worthless if you're new. If you live in a state like Texas where a lot of reputable providers are on P411, go ahead and sign up. Get O.K.'s from a couple and you'll be in good shape.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I just took a look at profiles of all 15 ladies on P411 that are currently advertising for the city where I live. Of the 15, eight are "newbie friendly - no references required." This is probably skewed. I did an Advanced Search on P411 for all providers in Texas. There are a total of 1549 on the site, and 334 advertise as newby friendly. So about 20% advertise that they'll see you if you're a P411 member but have no references. I'm sure the % that would actually see someone with no O.K.'s would be higher than 20%.

In any event, I strongly disagree with anyone who says something to the effect that P411 is worthless if you're new. If you live in a state like Texas where a lot of reputable providers are on P411, go ahead and sign up. Get O.K.'s from a couple and you'll be in good shape. Originally Posted by Tiny
I agree, P411 is better than having "just refs". Here's why in my own experience. I ask for two reference friendly and reputable providers that will get back with me in a timely manner. The gent is quick to get those to me, and I make contact by the means he provides, wait a few hours if they don't respond, find another means to contact the ladies once again. If I am lucky one of the providers will get back with me in a timely manner, but very few ladies are actually good about this. I could make two lists and the ones that will get back in a timely and friendly manner, is much much smaller than those who won't.

This is what usually happens in my own experience, and as some gents have shared with me. A lady gets my request and then proceeds to contact the client. Then she will shame him for not contacting her, whine around at him, and even offer discounts to the gent, but I will not get a reference from her.

If they need the biz that bad, and the gent caves, then I want her to have his biz. Really, I do, because possibly, this was his plan all along. And as always, I aim to please and your welcome guys. Me? I won't do this to other ladies, because personally, that would be crappy of me to do the gent that way if he wishes to experience something different. For the ladies who do practice this...get yours, girl. Have no doubt, I'll get me some too and while I can manage, when you do that to other ladies, I only imagine the mouths of kids you took the food right out of. Mine are grown, so no big. There's plenty to go around and you shouldn't behave as if there isn't, nor be jealous or possessive, because those emotions suck rox, and honestly, now I know who the desperate chicks are, as do the ladies who practice as I do. But, I got your back even if you did me and the client wrong. Safety first, and I am happy to ensure yours.

I kinda wish the gents would start a sticky at the top of the forums, so everyone knows who is not ref friendly. Sorry, but it's kind of important for the gents who need ref friendly providers.

P411 is not only a gent's friend, but the reputable lady's friend as well.
  • ghoon
  • 03-25-2016, 10:47 PM
this is my first post and i joined this week so i think that makes me a newbie i have learned a lot here but not all newbies fit your categories i was married for 30 years now im getting divorced and i don't meet many available women so i am looking for a professional that i find attractive and sexy to see a few times a month but have zero references so im in a catch 22 the woman i liked her ad wants references but i have to see other women first to get references seems a little harsh to me but i understand about her feeling safe too but im not the normal guy here i would guess im an old fashioned man who respects women and im polite and have been told im a gentleman by every cam model i have met i also know to search for my questions first but i found this because it was close to the top of the list
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... im an old fashioned man who respects women and im polite and have been told im a gentleman ... Originally Posted by ghoon
A polite old fashioned gentleman is considerate of others, is he not?

Then do bother to make some sentences next time.
pyramider's Avatar
Every newbie thincks their situation is unique. It's not ... Do your due diligence and research.
...I strongly disagree with anyone who says something to the effect that P411 is worthless if you're new. If you live in a state like Texas where a lot of reputable providers are on P411, go ahead and sign up. Get O.K.'s from a couple and you'll be in good shape. Originally Posted by Tiny
Isn't that the catch-22 of P411? If you're new, you have no OKs, P411 or not. So how do you get to see providers w/o OKs? Being a newbie on P411 doesn't guarantee anything except that you're a member of P411. Now on P411, providers can list they're newbie-friendly, but the can do that on their website, or their showcase here.

I'm neutral towards P411. I think it's great if you travel a lot. But I became a member by being invited by a provider. So my experience is the opposite. Met with providers first, became a member, then upped my OKs.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Isn't that the catch-22 of P411? If you're new, you have no OKs, P411 or not. So how do you get to see providers w/o OKs? Being a newbie on P411 doesn't guarantee anything except that you're a member of P411. Now on P411, providers can list they're newbie-friendly, but the can do that on their website, or their showcase here.

I'm neutral towards P411. I think it's great if you travel a lot. But I became a member by being invited by a provider. So my experience is the opposite. Met with providers first, became a member, then upped my OKs. Originally Posted by papadee
My experience with P411 was the exact opposite of yours. I signed up, got my employment data verified, booked a couple "newbie friendly " providers from P411 got the Okays, and I was off and running. With my list of okays and references, I can pretty much book an appointment with anyone local or travelling lady passing through.
this is my first post and i joined this week so i think that makes me a newbie i have learned a lot here but not all newbies fit your categories i was married for 30 years now im getting divorced and i don't meet many available women so i am looking for a professional that i find attractive and sexy to see a few times a month but have zero references so im in a catch 22 the woman i liked her ad wants references but i have to see other women first to get references seems a little harsh to me but i understand about her feeling safe too but im not the normal guy here i would guess im an old fashioned man who respects women and im polite and have been told im a gentleman by every cam model i have met i also know to search for my questions first but i found this because it was close to the top of the list Originally Posted by ghoon
You can say you're related to Michael Jorden but we don't know that this is a whore site... Everybody else had to go see whores they didn't like to get to the gem so you have to as well...
My experience with P411 was the exact opposite of yours. I signed up, got my employment data verified, booked a couple "newbie friendly " providers from P411 got the Okays, and I was off and running. With my list of okays and references, I can pretty much book an appointment with anyone local or travelling lady passing through. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Not everyone wants to give up there RW information
  • Tiny
  • 03-27-2016, 01:07 PM
Isn't that the catch-22 of P411? If you're new, you have no OKs, P411 or not. So how do you get to see providers w/o OKs? Originally Posted by papadee
Dear Papadee,

You send them a pm on P411, or you email them, text them or call them. Again, for the third time, a significant % of the providers on P411 will see new clients who have no OK's, unless they're lying when they say they're "newby friendly - no references required."

I'm not sure whether that's good advice for Central Illinois where you live, as I have no idea how popular P411 is there. For Texas I think my reasoning is sound, even though my history on the site is similar to yours.


Tiny aka P411 shill
  • Tiny
  • 03-27-2016, 01:21 PM
You can say you're related to Michael Jorden but we don't know that this is a whore site... Everybody else had to go see whores they didn't like to get to the gem so you have to as well... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
From a Provider's perspective, would you have concerns about seeing a client who only wanted to be with you, before he met you, even if he were old fashioned, polite, and a gentleman with web cam models?

Ghoon, respectfully, this sounds like border line obsession. While you probably will not get screwed over by a provider as badly as you would by a mail order bride or someone on, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You will be better off if you do not fixate on a single woman. In fact if you do see a number of providers, the one you're obsessed with right now probably won't end up being your all time favorite, the one that you'd want to see week after week. Sorry for the tough love. You need a wake up call. Thirty years of marriage will do that to you.
SknyDiva's Avatar
I'm all about busting Newbie hobbyists cherries.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
this is my first post and i joined this week so i think that makes me a newbie i have learned a lot here but not all newbies fit your categories i was married for 30 years now im getting divorced and i don't meet many available women so i am looking for a professional that i find attractive and sexy to see a few times a month but have zero references so im in a catch 22 the woman i liked her ad wants references but i have to see other women first to get references seems a little harsh to me but i understand about her feeling safe too but im not the normal guy here i would guess im an old fashioned man who respects women and im polite and have been told im a gentleman by every cam model i have met i also know to search for my questions first but i found this because it was close to the top of the list Originally Posted by ghoon
No, you can not understand about feeling safe, if you also feel it's harsh. You either understand and have compassion, follow the rules the provider has set in place, or you feel slighted because you are not being allowed to just jump right in.

And yes, please. Capitalization, commas and periods are really important when relaying thoughts via the written word, so please attempt it. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it doesn't make everyone's eyes cross when trying to make sense of what you wish to relay. It would be greatly appreciated.

We do appreciate kind gentlemen who are safe, but you proclaiming you are that, is not necessarily the best assurance the ladies could get, since that trick has been used by those who actually are not. Hard to believe, but it's true. Take the advice given and soon you will pass muster for most ladies as long as you actually are a nice guy and not just another insistent fella who feels entitled to get what he wants without consideration for the other party. ijs