Strong majority of Americans oppose defunding Planned Parenthood

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know that by occupying some perceived middle ground, you like to think you're somehow absolved. You aren't. You recognize the political battleground and have chosen to sit on the side, like the fucking french. You pussy. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are such a fucking idiot. I'm not in the middle of anything. I'm am firmly and solidly on the side of freedom and liberty. The Democrat and Republican Parties are firmly on the side of statism and crony capitalism. Choosing between the two major parties is like choosing between the electric chair or a firing squad. Hell no I'm not choosing one of those! If you do, you're an accomplice to the destruction of America. Open your fucking eyes, man. Neither party gives a damn about you. They only care about obtaining and retaining power. That's all.