Obama: Al Qaeda is on ‘a path to defeat’

I B Hankering's Avatar
Unlike you, I certainly made the right call in the ill fated spring of 2003.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
Even a broken analog clock can be right twice a day, BigKoTex.
lostincypress's Avatar
"Under the spell of the Afghan struggle, many radical Islamists came to believe that jihad never ends. For them, the war against the Soviet occupation was only a skirmish in an eternal war. They called themselves jihadis, indicating the centrality of war to their religious understanding. They were the natural outgrowth of the Islamist exaltation of death over life. "He who dies and has not fought and was not resolved to fight has died a jahiliyya (ignorant) death," Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brothers, had declared…."

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 Lawrence Wright
Even a broken analog clock can be right twice a day, BigKoTex. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nope, I repeated it many more times than twice a day! But I would not have expected one of the Idiot twins to understand that!
You sure?

What was "your call" on the Tonkin Gulf incident and resolution at the time?

IMO: You've been celebrating prematurely. Unfortunately I don't have another 50 years to find out.

You don't either!

BTW: Your "call" was continue inspections.

So, what's your "call" on the defeat of Al Qaeda?
a. They've been defeated.
b. They have not been defeated. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Wrong again, my call was to make a decision whether or not to invade Iraq once the inspections were complete. If in fact, the inspectors were to locate WMD's, invasion would have then been a viable option. As we all now know, there were no WMD's found in Iraq during the spring of 2003.

I know, the true facts have always stood in the way of the story LL wants to tell. But those on the wrong side of history will always spin the story differently. And LL is a master spinner who was clearly on George W's (W stands for Wrong) side of history, as it relates to the ill fated spring of 2003. There was no escaping the fact that at the time, I was on the opposite (the historically correct) side of the fence from LL!

Therein lies LL's problem, he absolutely hates to admit when he is (W)rong. Especially when he knows I was right!

Game, set, match!
LexusLover's Avatar
Wrong again, my call was to make a decision whether or not to invade Iraq once the inspections were complete. If in fact, the inspectors were to locate WMD's, invasion would have then been a viable option. Originally Posted by bigtex
The reason why this could not have been your "call" is the Iraqis were NOT producing physical evidence and documents in defiance to U.N. resolutions that were agreed upon at the end of the first intrusion into Iraq during Bush I's invasion to free Kuwait.

If that were your call ... "we" would still be trying to "investigate" ....

Additionally the flaw in your thinking (and recollection) is that the "inspections" did not mean that "inspectors" had to go out and dig in the sand to find buried WMD's or go from building to building through out the country .... the Iraqi government was REQUIRED to produce the "stuff" and the documents for the "inspectors" to REVIEW AND INSPECT.

Not search for the shit.

Just to clear (may be) the "air" on that issue. You and I have a different philosophy on compliance and enforcement. If I am tasked with the responsibility of searching a house for contraband there will be some minimal "negotiation" for cooperative measures to allow entrance and the search, but that "negotiation" will end quickly, the door gets kicked, and those in harms way will be harmed, including any entering to do the search, as an incident to the "enforcement," so that those inside in control of the contraband do not have the opportunity to "flush the shit" or otherwise destroy it. Your favorite person Clinton wanted to use the "law enforcement model" of fighting international matters ... that IS the LE model of doing business ... No use of force is without risk and casualties, although we all strive to minimize them whenever possible.

You seem to believe (or at least publish that idea) that for some reason I think the loss of life is "acceptable" and not worthy of concern. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Had your attitude prevailed in WWII .. there would have never been an invasion of Europe. On the other hand had the Japanese conducted themselves as the Iraqis did, there would have been an horrendously costly invasion of the Japanese "mainland"... on both sides.

Unfortunately ( at least in my mind) since WWII we have rapidly developed the reputation of retreating and not finishing ... closing 20 embassies at the report of danger confirms that...and when following so closely behind Benghazi it sends that message to the world.

That is not safe for the U.S............. homeland or those abroad.

How many did we lose on 911 in just a few hours? How many in Iraq over the years?

Now go play your little cutesy games and have fun .. while "rome" burns.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 11:10 AM
bla bla bla, the Embassies were closed Americans in the regions couldn't do any of the following:

Absentee voting
• Selective Service registration
• Transfer of Social Security/Government benefits
• Acquisition and Loss of U.S. Citizenship
• Providing U.S. tax forms
• Notarizing documents
• Providing information on obtaining foreign public documents
Contact the Office of Overseas Citizen Services for answers related to questions concerning:

Death of an American citizen abroad
• Arrest/detention of an American citizen abroad
• Robbery of an American citizen abroad
• American citizens missing abroad
• Crisis abroad involving American citizens
• After-hours number for an emergency involving an American citizen abroad

those are the day to day functions an Embassy provides

big fuckin woop
LexusLover's Avatar
bla bla bla, the Embassies were closed Americans in the regions couldn't do any of the following:

Absentee voting
• Selective Service registration
• Transfer of Social Security/Government benefits
• Acquisition and Loss of U.S. Citizenship
• Providing U.S. tax forms
• Notarizing documents
• Providing information on obtaining foreign public documents
Contact the Office of Overseas Citizen Services for answers related to questions concerning:

Death of an American citizen abroad
• Arrest/detention of an American citizen abroad
• Robbery of an American citizen abroad
• American citizens missing abroad
• Crisis abroad involving American citizens
• After-hours number for an emergency involving an American citizen abroad

those are the day to day functions an Embassy provides

big fuckin woop Originally Posted by CJ7
Guess, I'll need to rethink my priorities ... "big fuckin woop" ...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 11:32 AM
The reason why this could not have been your "call" is the Iraqis were NOT producing physical evidence and documents in defiance to U.N. resolutions that were agreed upon at the end of the first intrusion into Iraq during Bush I's invasion to free Kuwait.

If that were your call ... "we" would still be trying to "investigate" ....

Additionally the flaw in your thinking (and recollection) is that the "inspections" did not mean that "inspectors" had to go out and dig in the sand to find buried WMD's or go from building to building through out the country .... the Iraqi government was REQUIRED to produce the "stuff" and the documents for the "inspectors" to REVIEW AND INSPECT.

Not search for the shit.

Just to clear (may be) the "air" on that issue. You and I have a different philosophy on compliance and enforcement. If I am tasked with the responsibility of searching a house for contraband there will be some minimal "negotiation" for cooperative measures to allow entrance and the search, but that "negotiation" will end quickly, the door gets kicked, and those in harms way will be harmed, including any entering to do the search, as an incident to the "enforcement," so that those inside in control of the contraband do not have the opportunity to "flush the shit" or otherwise destroy it. Your favorite person Clinton wanted to use the "law enforcement model" of fighting international matters ... that IS the LE model of doing business ... No use of force is without risk and casualties, although we all strive to minimize them whenever possible.

You seem to believe (or at least publish that idea) that for some reason I think the loss of life is "acceptable" and not worthy of concern. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Had your attitude prevailed in WWII .. there would have never been an invasion of Europe. On the other hand had the Japanese conducted themselves as the Iraqis did, there would have been an horrendously costly invasion of the Japanese "mainland"... on both sides.

Unfortunately ( at least in my mind) since WWII we have rapidly developed the reputation of retreating and not finishing ... closing 20 embassies at the report of danger confirms that...and when following so closely behind Benghazi it sends that message to the world.

That is not safe for the U.S............. homeland or those abroad.

How many did we lose on 911 in just a few hours? How many in Iraq over the years?

Now go play your little cutesy games and have fun .. while "rome" burns. Originally Posted by LexusLover

fuck Benghazi, it was dangerous as hell in the mid east .. why?

American and foreign officials believe that Al Qaeda’s Iraq affiliate orchestrated attacks in late July that freed hundreds of inmates from two prisons in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib. The attackers used mortars to pin down Iraqi forces, employed suicide bombers to punch holes in Iraqi defenses and then sent an assault force to free the inmates, Western officials said at the time.
A few days later, more than 1,000 prisoners escaped under murky circumstances at a prison near Benghazi, Libya. The country’s prime minister blamed local residents for carrying out the jailbreak, an accusation that security officials in Benghazi disputed.
In a separate attack at a century-old prison at Dera Ismail Khan, just outside Pakistan’s tribal belt, as many as 150 fighters blew holes in the perimeter wall and stormed the prison compound. The local authorities said that some of the attackers had been disguised as police officers, and that they had used megaphones to call out the names of specific prisoners. Nearly 250 inmates were freed during the attack.
The Interpol alert added to a climate of heightened concern set off Thursday when State Department officials spoke of possible terror plots in the works against Western facilities overseas.
The next day, the department issued a global travel alert for American citizens that warned of the potential for terror attacks by operatives of Al Qaeda and affiliated groups beginning Sunday through the end of August.
In an interview with the ABC News program “This Week” to be broadcast on Sunday, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, said the intelligence about the possible plots was “more specific” than in the past. “There’s a significant threat stream, and we’re reacting to it,” he said.

go for a visit LL and send us a postcard.. I hear Yemen is really nice right now


need a tour guide ? heres a few

LexusLover's Avatar
the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, said the intelligence about the possible plots was “more specific” than in the past. “There’s a significant threat stream, and we’re reacting to it,” he said. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes. The French "reacted" to the Germans, too.
May 23, 2013:
President Obama said Thursday that al Qaeda is nearly defeated and the war on terrorism has changed since he took office, and that demands a broad rethink that includes scaling down drone attacks, transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay and revisiting the 2001 congressional resolution that set the country on perpetual war footing.
After the death of Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, al Qaeda has been decimated, scattered across the North Africa and the Middle East and able to launch only small-scale attacks, Mr. Obama told an audience gathered at the National Defense University in Washington.
SEE ALSO: Heckler brings Obama speech to a halt
“America is at a crossroads,” he said. “We must define the nature and scope of this struggle, or else it will define us, mindful of James Madison’s warning that ‘no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’”
Senior administration officials went further by telling reporters that Mr. Obama wants to jettison the whole mindset that the U.S. is still engaged in a war on terrorism.
“The president has indicated and will indicate again that he rejects the notion of global war on terrorism, which is an amorphous definition that applies to a tactic,” one official said.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...#ixzz2awGfih3b



"Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Fresh intelligence led the United States to conclude that operatives of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were in the final stages of planning an attack against U.S. and Western targets, several U.S. officials told CNN.
The warning led the U.S. State Department to issue a global travel alert Friday, warning al Qaeda may launch attacks in the Middle East, North Africa and beyond in coming weeks. The U.S. government also was preparing to close 22 embassies and consulates in the region Sunday as a precaution."

Do I need to post quotable bullshit from last year's campaign?

Talking about a lying sack of shit. This guy would rather climb a tree to tell a lie. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Looks like Obama spoke too soon http://news.yahoo.com/al-qaida-grows...071600919.html

Ozombies, let me save you some time and respond for you = "Bush blah blah blah"
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like Obama spoke too soon Originally Posted by satexasguy
When he speaks, it's too soon. And when he goes it won't be soon enough.