BOOM! There goes the market!

Boltfan's Avatar
I think there should be very minimal regulation of the financial markets. Nothing about my post stated I would be for more government regulation of financial markets. I was simply pointing out the inconsistencies of your post. Democrats, Republicans, et. all should remove limitations and let the market regulate itself. No more bailouts for anyone.

I believe we would be much healthier now if losses were allowed to happen back in 2008/2009 rather than supporting these "too big to fail" companies. Sorry, no one is too big to fail. Losses happen, prosecute actual criminals and let the markets work.
I think there should be very minimal regulation of the financial markets. Nothing about my post stated I would be for more government regulation of financial markets. I was simply pointing out the inconsistencies of your post. Democrats, Republicans, et. all should remove limitations and let the market regulate itself. No more bailouts for anyone.

I believe we would be much healthier now if losses were allowed to happen back in 2008/2009 rather than supporting these "too big to fail" companies. Sorry, no one is too big to fail. Losses happen, prosecute actual criminals and let the markets work. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Yeah, actually I got that....what I was doing was pointing out the inconsistencies in your post. You can't have it both ways: advocate no government regulation...yet, try to blame the government for not regulating. The point I was trying to make is that it was a lack of regulation of the financial markets that resulted in the collapse of the housing market and all that went along with's largely why we are where we are right now economically. Never mind.

I understand what you're saying about the bail-out. A lot of people hold that viewpoint....just nobody without an axe to grind. I dunno, call me old-fashioned. On issues like global-warming climatology, economics, evolution....I defer to the scientists and professionals who have dedicated their lives to the study of those areas of specialization. Unlike almost everybody else, I admit that I ain't smart enough to figure any of that out myself. If you want to trust radio show hosts who are part of the conservative entertainment industry, and politicians who are trolling for oil company and Wall Street political donations and are trying to get elected by debunking the science or theory when they have no expertise, or even experience, beyond memorizing a talking point, that is obviously your choice.

Congressional Budget Office put out a report yesterday that said up to 2.9 million Americans are currently employed as a direct result of the Recovery Act. I bet those folks, and their families, are happy about that....


On issues like global-warming climatology, economics, evolution....I defer to the scientists and professionals who have dedicated their lives to the study of those areas of specialization. Originally Posted by timpage
You mean those scientists that line up every year and butt kiss their way to government funding for their favorite pet projects?
Or those scientists that faked the data for the infamous "hockey stick" ?
Or those same scientists that claimed back in the 70s that the Earth was cooling, even though we were pumping out far more crap into the air?

BTW, being skeptical is part of being a scientist...and until it's proven otherwise, there is no man-made warming/cooling. The Sun and The Earth's Climate are far beyond "our" control. Unless you are putting yourself into "god like" status.
  • Laz
  • 08-31-2011, 07:23 PM
Yeah, actually I got that....what I was doing was pointing out the inconsistencies in your post. You can't have it both ways: advocate no government regulation...yet, try to blame the government for not regulating. The point I was trying to make is that it was a lack of regulation of the financial markets that resulted in the collapse of the housing market and all that went along with's largely why we are where we are right now economically. Never mind.

TP Originally Posted by timpage
There was plenty of government involvement in the mortgage industry. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government involvement. Legislation and regulations to encourage and sometimes force companies to make risky loans. Proper risk management would have prevented the risky loans Congress wanted.

However, it is the fault of corporate management to manage those risks. If they failed to do so they should have been allowed to fail. I always advocate for business owners to keep the returns they make on their investments. They also have to accept losses when they occur.
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