Questions about the clock

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Yeah big difference in being aware of time and rushing/clockwatching. Then there are many guys who purposely overstay their welcome and you don't want to seem like a bitch but man is he taking a long time getting dressed.
If you give the time he pays for you are NOT a clockwatcher...period! Unless you are sitting there looking at the thing the entire time, doing what you say you will do does not put you in that category. It must be nice for those who can give away their time, but that's not the case for many PROFESSIONALS.

Just because I might enjoy being with someone does not mean I can afford to toss away another call to keep enjoying him. I would be broke and on welfare if I stayed over with every guy I would rather not let go. I have roughly 8-10 days a month to work in this business so I am sorry if I can't afford to give 3 hours for the price of one each and every time. I have made my rates for public outings quite reasonable, as I do enjoy spending time outside the freakin hotel.

I always use music but um hello, most cds are 60 or 90 min. lol. I didn't invent them. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree with the using the music as a "timer" mainly you can listen for the end yet stay focused on the guy..

I hate to go over the 1 hour sessions I usually get, and usually I am done with a 5-10 minutes to get dressed and give her a hug then leave.
I don't think I'm a clockwatcher. I do have a clock on the wall and mention the time, but I think it's up to the client to make sure he fits all of his activities into his one hour session. I have a few male friends who say they have seen girls who will tell them "hurry baby" or "I have another appointment so you have to leave early". THAT'S clockwatching to me.

Your alarm clock goes off every day. You're used to getting to work on time so your boss doesn't get mad at you. You certainly leave work as soon as it hits 5 oclock. You get impatient when your food takes to long at a restaurant. We're a time-based society. So I expect you have the same courtesy for me and realize where we are in our appointment. Fair?

Your alarm clock goes off every day. You're used to getting to work on time so your boss doesn't get mad at you. You certainly leave work as soon as it hits 5 oclock. You get impatient when your food takes to long at a restaurant. We're a time-based society. So I expect you have the same courtesy for me and realize where we are in our appointment. Fair? Originally Posted by AimeeAims
i completely agree...
If you give the time he pays for you are NOT a clockwatcher...period! Unless you are sitting there looking at the thing the entire time, doing what you say you will do does not put you in that category. It must be nice for those who can give away their time, but that's not the case for many PROFESSIONALS.

Just because I might enjoy being with someone does not mean I can afford to toss away another call to keep enjoying him. I would be broke and on welfare if I stayed over with every guy I would rather not let go. I have roughly 8-10 days a month to work in this business so I am sorry if I can't afford to give 3 hours for the price of one each and every time. I have made my rates for public outings quite reasonable, as I do enjoy spending time outside the freakin hotel.

I always use music but um hello, most cds are 60 or 90 min. lol. I didn't invent them. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree :-) completely
Anyone ever work in an office, with regularly scheduled hours? I did.

Ignoring those rate people who love, love, love their job and will volunteer to work late even though not being paid for it, there are 3 groups.

1) Some people enjoy their job, but not as much as their outside life.

2) Some people are neutral about their job. They're there for the paycheck but they give it their best while they're there.

3) Some people absolutely loathe their job and tolerate it only because they can't find anything better.

Groups 1 and 2? They'll stay late if necessary, even if not paid for it. And they may not obsessively watch the clock on the wall. They might stay over 5 or 10 or 15 minutes just because they were not paying attention. If so, they won't be irritated or upset and won't feel that the boss took advantage of them. No big deal. Originally Posted by Chevalier
I think you can`t compare some jobs with being an escort. If i have an overall taks to fulfill - like writing a research paper, i will also overstay to get the task fulfilled. If a client books me for four hours i will get my task fulfilled within time. So it does not quite equal with other kinds of jobs. Its not the same. Being an escort does not require me to stay longer to get my task fulfilled. Being a researcher might.
A few years ago, I'd rarely tip. In recent years, I am more likely to tip. But in my experience, whether or not I tipped had no effect on whether any particular lady tended to extend our time together or not. Some did; some didn't; but none of them seemed to stay longer after I started tipping than they did before. Or maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention. Originally Posted by Chevalier
I have a jaded view of tips although I'm not afraid to give them when I think they will work. For instance, I'll give a cabbie a big tip so that s/he will offer to meet my schedule in order to receive a regular fare plus a hefty tip on a regular basis. Securing reliable transportation is worth it.

I used to tip the housekeepers quite a bit on a daily basis. Instead of getting superb service, my room was the first one visited, the tip was snatched up, and the room was sloppily attended to. I quit tipping the housekeepers.

I've found tipping waiters/waitresses to be an iffy proposition. In some instances it secures me good future service. But mostly, these service workers seem to think a tip is standard, even with exceptionally poor service. I guess I've fallen into that concept b/c I rarely leave lower than 20% on a bill.

When it comes to escorts, I take them at their word: never required but always appreciated. So, I haven't tipped yet, but I have set some money aside to do so. Guess I'm like the boy scout...I'm prepared.