
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And the GOP wants more cuts in education! Texas Legislature is in the process of turning our public schools into daycare centers. Future is bleak indeed for well-written posts from the NEXT generation of whoremongers!

But that's the subject for another thrilling post.

This is about Obama????

I'm guessing that gas prices won't really hit $5 this weekend.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
By the way that was a direct Obama quote on gas prices.... They are hovering close to 4 dollars a gallon and I remember before he took office they were around close to 2 bucks a gallon.

Public schools are already day care centers. Parents do not get involved in their kids lives as much as they used to. That is part of the problem.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I don't care whether these are spelling or "grammatical" errors. As an American, I feel personally embarrassed every time I see a post like this. Originally Posted by Booth
I am embarrassed that you take a offense to such trivial things and that you are actually breathing my air.

I could care less about spelling or grammar. I was not an English major nor do I claim to be.
Budman's Avatar
Throwing more money at the education problem in this country will not solve anything. It's been the same whine for many years. The lotto was going to fix all the educational woes in Texas. The problem is it will never be enough.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Throwing more money at the education problem in this country will not solve anything. It's been the same whine for many years. The lotto was going to fix all the educational woes in Texas. The problem is it will never be enough. Originally Posted by Budman
I think you're factually challenged, again BM. First of all, the education problem in the country is related more to individual states and school districts. Of course, nothing solves the problem of the unbearable cost of college like eliminating federal student grants and loans, something our new Republican Congress has been quick to do.

The "whine" as you so commonly put it, was that the State, source of a large portion of funding for public schools, has never been able to get school finance right. The Lottery was and never could be devoted to any one thing, by law, but people had hoped that a large portion of the proceeds could go to state education. The lottery was always going to go into the General Fund. From there it went into the hands of the legislators to be considered an additional source of revenue for the state budget. This business about fixing the schools with the lottery, while a popular argument back in the early 90s, just never was going to happen.

Unfortunately, the Legislature -- yes it had become a Republican legislature by the early-mid 90s -- had a choice between using the lottery money for school finance or to keep from raising any kinds of taxes or fees (LIKE ON BUSINESSES). These slash and burners chose to protect their asses at the expense of the kids and teachers.

So, BM, you think that cutting funding for education is going to solve the problem? Firing teachers? Closing schools? Making it more difficult for kids to go to college?

Certainly the Feds can do their part to restore the good programs they've recently decided cut -- like Pell Grants. Don't believe President Obama was particularly supportive of that shit, either, since that's what this thread is all about.

But the responsibility for the catastrophic state of Texas public schools lies squarely on the shoulders of our Governor and Legislature for allowing schools to twist on the end of their budget rope, and the fine Texans who elected the douchebags to the State Board of Education.

It's easy to walk away from responsibility and then when you get called on it, say the other folks are whining. It takes courage and resolve to educate people. Oh yeah, and money. And you're right, BM. It will NEVER be enough.

Amazingly, when you invest in people, you come out ahead in the long run.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Public schools are already day care centers. Parents do not get involved in their kids lives as much as they used to. That is part of the problem.

What in the world would lead you to make a statement like that?

I could care less about spelling or grammar. I was not an English major nor do I claim to be.

Now THAT'S a startling revelation.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Why am I even asking? These statements just get more and more outrageous with each post.
  • Booth
  • 05-26-2011, 07:02 PM
I am embarrassed that you take a offense to such trivial things and that you are actually breathing my air.

I could care less about spelling or grammar. I was not an English major nor do I claim to be.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

It's never too late to get a GED.

Looks like gas dropped a few cents this week. Should I thank Obama or Perry? My guess is that neither had anything to do with it.
It really just depends on what site you are getting it from. This site here:


has completely different charts and data then wikipedia. After all, anyone can edit wikipedia which is why one is not allowed to use wikipedia as a source when writing a paper.

Anyway, all I can say is Obama is killing us doctors here. Originally Posted by kaitanic
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

I find it incredible just how stubborn some people can be when slapped in the face with reallity. As stated, those statistics come straight from the source. Reaching for a partisan blog and attempting to discredit Wikipedia in a flimsy attempt to justify your own INCORRECT beliefs and opinions is ignorance and bigotry on a level that is simply staggering. Although I do support some of his policies, I am am not a huge Obama fan, but I can't argue with facts.

"Obama is killing us doctors here"? Really? What exactly has Obama personally done that is "killing" you doctors? Are you referring to the 50 million new customers of yours, or those poor pathetic folks making over $250,000 a year that will have to pay an extra 2.5% increase towards their Medicare? Perhaps you're just a frequent visitor of tanning salons? Do you even know what you're talking about? I fail to see that without a public option in place, how any doctor would be hit one single bit by this bill. If anything, they stand to benefit..in a big way! Wanna know who's paying for this healthcare bill? See here:


I will say this, this week I was able to put my non-dependent and currently unemployed son on my medical insurance for the first time since he's moved out on his own. Thanks Obama! You greedy, slimey, over-charging, bogus-testing, jacking-up-the-rates-for-the-uninsured doctors can kiss my ass.
All pubic education should be controlled and funded ENTIRELY by local school boards....period.

Obama is a clinically narcisstic anti-social personality disorder sociopath who is incapable of feeling empathy toward others.

The US Congress should move immediately to remove him from office on medical grounds.

Joseph Biden should assume the reigns of power with all dispatch.
  • Gulf2
  • 05-26-2011, 08:18 PM

Joseph Biden should assume the reigns of power with all dispatch. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Oh God.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All pubic education should be controlled and funded ENTIRELY by local school boards....period.

Obama is a clinically narcisstic anti-social personality disorder sociopath who is incapable of feeling empathy toward others.

The US Congress should move immediately to remove him from office on medical grounds.

Joseph Biden should assume the reigns of power with all dispatch. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Holy CHIT!

BTW -- I find my pubic education right here on ECCIE! But it will NEVER be with TAE!
  • Booth
  • 05-26-2011, 10:18 PM
Somebody watched season 2 or 3 of 24 when they tried to declare President Palmer medically incompetent. Guess what the fictional Palmer and Obama have in common?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
All pubic education should be controlled and funded ENTIRELY by local school boards....period.

Obama is a clinically narcisstic anti-social personality disorder sociopath who is incapable of feeling empathy toward others.

The US Congress should move immediately to remove him from office on medical grounds.

Joseph Biden should assume the reigns of power with all dispatch. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Hard for local school boards to control funding of their schools when we have to send our money to other school districts via Robin Hood law.

Don't hold back now -- tell us how you REALLY feel about Obama.
Great thread with lots of spirited comments as it is in most political threads. Passion is a good thing, IMHO.

Notwithstanding the opinions on both sides, some of the comments, however, are veering towards being personal. Let's try to leave the personal jabs out of this one and stick to beating up the Republicans, Dems, and 'Baggers, shall we.

Thank you.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I could care less about spelling or grammar. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Probably the most mis-stated expression of all time.
The correct wording is "I couldn't care less".