Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Did I say something wrong or incorrect?
Originally Posted by Introuble
LOL....well, I don't know about the rest of the ladies, but I think I'm invaluable, '-) ....regardless of what the economy is doing and what I charge per hour of my time.

I'm sure my interpretation of what you said is not what you just struck me as kinda funny. I'm silly that way.
Introuble's Avatar
MAX - Sometimes blunt honesty is misconstrued to mean different things depending on where your head is when you read it. Thanks for not "blasting me" LOL
Sorry, I dont understand your point. The question posed was what would it take to make me a regular. I have given that info. How does your post in anyway help the ladies with how to retain customers?

No idea what you mean by "not getting it done here". And, I don't believe I ever said everyone was here for the same thing. If you meant do I want someone to make me feel special then yes, that is part of what I am looking for. So? If your just here for a fuck, how do my wants and needs affect you? I guess articulating what, if anything, the ladies can do to make a repeat customer out of you is too much for you to say. So you have to take pot shots at others. I wonder if you are in politics. Great at trying to tear down someone else but cannot offer anything of value yourself. I read your posts. Lots of don't dos. But not a single positive, real idea on how to achive the goal of maintaining repeat customers.

BTW, I shop where I get the best VALUE be that Walmart or Lord & Taylors. You do understand the difference between Value and Price, right?

Bubba, As usual, you are wrong. You are one of a group of guys that needs "anyone to make you feel special". Your group is not getting it done here. There are guys here paying for ladies that are not their first choice for companionship.

Wal-Mart is a great company that has put many great companies out of business. They have great products, but not the same "Prestige" as others. Well these times are different. If you do not know that you must live in a different world than 99% of the rest of us.

You can sell your house in a few hours for the right price... Originally Posted by RoundPound
I did say what it would take. The other things are a given for me to even consider being a regular...It was you that cast the first stone about price not being a factor. The OP also mentioned some had no money, so read it again. I assume most can expand on what I said. I am not trying to write a "Best Pratice for Providers Guide". It damn sure is not a one size fits all line of work...

I have typed this slowly, in hopes that you get it.
OK (why do I hear "danger Will Robertson" ringing in my ears?) so you run yourself and your business pretty much as has been suggested hear and you still are having trouble paying the bills. Well as that skullheaded Cajun once said "it's the economy stupid". In 2009 over 100,00 personal BK petitions were filled in the Northern Fed Court of Texas.

At some point the market will tell you the price, so you respond. I clearly remember when this all started to fall apart (it is worse now for you ladies as this latest wave of displaced workers has entered your industry) I knew several providers who keep up the "I am still busy, the economy hasn't effected me" but they and I knew they were in trouble. Some ran specials, then clients just waited for the special. Some keep the advertised price up but offered deals to regulars. I think the most novel approach was to keep the price at 250 but make it 90 minutes.

The few times I have been tempted to see a HDH (for me that is 300) I found myself saying at the end of the session I could have seen so and so and had just as much fun so I just wasted 100. There is one notable exception to that generality, thank God I don't live in Houston.

Adjust to the economy, the clients have had to.
Saturn's Avatar
I think every provider should ask themselves "what makes me differnet that the other 1000 providers in Dallas?"

Only acccept credible answers that make sense - avoid ego driven answers like "i'm the best GFE" or "I'm the prettiest". WALDT and those answers are BS - you need to find a strategy that markets yourself well.

Avoid just making new ads with "sexy Talk" - Most guys see gals on Price, Picture and Rep. Not nesscarily in that order.

TO Max - I love ya - but I have to disagree on your comment on price points - it isn't always directed by cheap Hobbiests. Its a fact of Life - any economic decision is always takes price into consideration - whether it would be taxes we pay, price of a new car, or the cost of a beer. Price always matters, and higher price doesn't always equate for better quality.
It was you that cast the first stone about price not being a factor. The OP also mentioned some had no money, so read it again.
I have typed this slowly, in hopes that you get it. Originally Posted by RoundPound
Oh I get it, Do you? I said "It really is not about price but rather value." Learn the difference

Price is simply how much you pay for something.

Value is far more subjective in this hobby. It ends up, in some ways, being how happy you are about having spent your money. 2 things can be the same price but one can be of far higher value. While the $ amount has impact, in the case of "will I come back to see you again?", I contend that those who provide a greater value will see more customers return. I have already been willing to spend what you ask once, so that is less of a factor if I am trying to decide who I should see again. Price is much more important if I am looking at a new provider, especialy one that is not well reviewed.

How you define that value is key. If you are not getting new customers at the rate you desire, then price could be a major factor. For me, $150 -$250 is about what I am willing to risk on an unknown. At $300, its not likly I will try you. But if your not retaining customers, then price can still be a factor but more as a componet of value. If I am willing to risk that amount on an unknown, then if I have seen you for that price range, dropping your price a little will have little effect. I am not coming back because someone else gave me better value. Figuring out how to increase your value will get me back.

If your outside my normal range but close, then offering me a special price may work. Or, give me an extra 30 minutes. If your sitting on your butt not working, that would seem to be a good tool. Its not like you have someone waiting. Offer something different. How about serving me lunch, in the nude? Odds are I wont even care what it is.

Or, send me a note like this:" Hay Bubba, I really enjoy spending time with you. I have some free time today, and I would love to see you again. Maybe we could go to a movie or something then spend some time having more fun BCD?"

If compainship is a very important part of why I see providers, then you just pushed a buttom I am far more likely to respond to than just asking me to fuck. And you just increased your value to me without increasing the amount of time on your back.

If a regular does outcalls to his place, offer to come over and clean his bedroom in a naughty maid outfit. I would bet the first time you bend over and your butt or tits fall out, the "cleaning" would be over quickly.

If you are sitting waiting for calls, then time is the one thing you have plenty of. Use it creatively. Do you really need to make $250 an hour or do you need to make "X" amount a day/month? If you have time to spare, then increase your value with the one thing you have lots of and does not cost anything to you. And, you may even get to do some things you wanted to do but "never had time for".

All this is aimed at retaining customers in these tough times. And, some of it could be used to attract new customers as well, I guess. All of this goes back to a point in my first post. Figure out why your customer hobbies, then push that button and you will increase the odds of him returning. Price is a factor but not the only one.

If all a guy cares about is price, then use that. But, for me, and a lot of other guys, giving us your time and attention is worth a great deal. I can be a very creative person & have lots of ideas. Feel free to contact me and I would be happy to discuss some ideas with you.
Good post Bubba. We are not all looking for the samething from the same person. I respect the ladies that provide this great service, and hope they can find their way through these tough times. I think the answers are in this thread.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
so how about them steelers?? lol
They're better without Ben. Is the subject now changed?
This is a great thread.

I travel extensively and hobby all over the country. Times are tough everywhere, trust me. And the DFW area isn't as bad as some I've seen.

But the issue in DFW is there are an incredible amount of providers, more than Ive seen advertised anywhere in any other city to which I travel.

If there are a lot of cars for sale and the economy sucks, chances are a BMW is out of the question.

But if you aren't a cheap date (or even if you are) and want to keep the guys coming back, not only should you provide good service during the sale, but good service afterward as well.

When I see a provider and she provides good service, I'm sure to send her a followup email and thank her for making me feel special. I'm really surprised that so few providers do the same.

If you have a clients email address, a thank you email would go a long long way. After all, you were the one he chose and he had a LOT to choose from. Thank him for his business. Ask if the session was what he expected and if not, what didn't you provide?? Tell him you enjoyed being with him and would love to see him again.

Since your phones aren't ringing enough, you have the time to do this.

If you don't have an email addy but you have a p411 connection, use it.

If it's just phone contact, your client may prefer you not call. In that case, not much you can do.

But in a buyer's market, and it certainly is the case right now, giving good service AND a little followup just might make that phone ring more often.
Introuble's Avatar
Price is simply how much you pay for something.

Value is ......being how happy you are about having spent your money.

Two things can be the same price but one can be of far higher value. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
I think Bubba deserves a HELL YEAH. Excellent point. I recently saw Ashlee Summers and wrote a review below. To me it was a classic example of this very point. Many providers have a great body and great looks as does Ashlee. But when looking at all the other aspects of the session such as booking, price, overall hassle and time spent getting to the becomes a questionable VALUE. The only way to overcome the VALUE aspect for many providers is to reduce the price because they have these other "handicaps". Why pay "retail" and have to endure a bunch of crap? At least with a "discounted" price the value become good enough that you overlook the crap....hence the thinking that many are over priced.

Personally I believe gone are the days of the abundance of $250-$300 that are exceptional in looks, body, and session charisma (GFE). I find that they are increasingly rare these days. I find (IMHO) that today's $250 providers are generally not as good as they were 5 years ago (exceptions noted). Some make it to that point of VALUE Bubba refers to, but most do not.

Today's $250 provider may be good looking, but they never answer their phones when you call, they take a day to get back to you (of course because they are busy), force you to leave emails for appts or VM, and simply do not have the ability to be customer oriented. Today's providers are more and more about THEIR convenience instead of taking care of business.

So yes, as Bubba states so eloquently, it is more about VALUE than Price. Finding the balance utilizing ALL the points made in this thread with price is the key to success. However, I believe most providers that are having problems today even if they have read this thread will ultimately believe we (the client) do not know what we are talking about. Since it is THEIR business (body), they will continue to walk around going "Duh...why is no one calling?" and this thread will basically accomplish nothing.

As far as emails, phone calls, PM's etc after the about just making it so damn good during the hour I am there that I do not want to leave and can't wait to get back.

Your heard it here first -
PODarkness's Avatar
If it's just phone contact, your client may prefer you not call. In that case, not much you can do.
Send em a PM from here. If that's not secure, we're all doomed.
Thanks InTrouble. Check is in the mail.