funny pic...share yours

PAPA JOE's Avatar
Corona is my brand !!!!

i'll do as i'm told !!!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
For you Papa J

PAPA JOE's Avatar
thankyou, SNL !!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
PAPA JOE's Avatar
SNL ... that sounds fun !!!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL I wanna be a wrestler!! LOL

shagnthor's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I love em all!!!!
{especially the "deepthroat" shirt..where can I buy one??}

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I found that exact one !! lol
there were lots of others, google tshirt deep throat
shagnthor's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
Sweet N Little's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

PAPA JOE's Avatar

Sweet N Little's Avatar