I have and will continue to make rape jokes. Whoopity doo! It doesn't mean I condone it though. If I knew the case number I would link you up to a rape/murder that I witnessed back in the late 90's. Details would probably get me infractions but yea pretty fucked up situation that I randomly happened upon. Hell, Trump would love to use the story as a reason to get rid of illegals. Anyways, even though to this day I didn't know that lady and never made fun of the situation it doesn't stop me from making locker room banter. Originally Posted by Fishpie
^ I see. So you like making rape jokes out of hand as long as it's sort of a non-personal sight unseen type situation. Would you be ok with the joke if your mother, sister, or daughter was the subject of said joke? Listen I like joking with the best of em but rape jokes for most normal thinking people are out of bounds. Nothing funny about it at all and in fact most comedians will steer clear of it.
You can Whoopty doo right on back to that basket Trump is weaving.