Fancy's Irish Palace of Pleasure has gone the way of Atlantis -- underwater!

Awfully sorry to hear about your calamities Fancy, I hope you get it all sorted soon enough and wish you all the best.

In the same chivalrous spirit that other gents offered to help out Dorthy_Monroe (very different circumstances of course), here are a few helpful ideas for the gents. All of these are options which can easily be done and delivered online:

PayPal - Send Money

Walmart Gift Card Online

U-Haul Gift Certificate Online Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Nicely done are a gem.

Awfully sorry to hear about your calamities Fancy, I hope you get it all sorted soon enough and wish you all the best.

Nicely done are a gem.

Originally Posted by Island_Gent
yummy you rock!!.......
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Yummy rocks many worlds! She has my eternal gratitude.

Thank you all for your support, generosity, and kind words!

Fancy update: I think I can, I think I can...

Looks like I'll finish up with salvaging my apartment by tomorrow. The last of the big containers from the garden will be moved to the Irish Chihuahua Refuge today. Spectators were quite entertained at the apartment complex watching 5-year-old trees (some 8 feet tall) and bushes in 100-pound+ clay pots being loaded onto a trailer by this less than graceful tuckered tart and a skinny helper. (I now know how the blocks on the pyramids were set in place.) Things hurt on me that I wasn't aware COULD hurt! The giant wood planter box with the bougainvillea, going out today, weighs as much as 3-4 spinners!

Heavens, what a booze hound I am. Took 4 cartons just to pack the contents of my bar. Work party at Fancy's!

To those who sent U-Haul gift certificates, THANK YOU. That was invaluable assistance. I'll be recycling the boxes, eventually, and donating the smaller ones to a food pantry for grocery toting.

Yehaw, we are FINALLY entering a dry, sunny period! The carpenters and roofers will actually begin work tomorrow after another weather delay. (I saw God's ice maker in action Monday morning; it hailed, but again, the roof condom held and bounced frozen balls everywhere. The chihuahuas wanted to make snow cones after the storm, and their anxiety, passed. They kept bringing chunks inside to melt on the furniture.)

I have SO many people to thank! Please give me time and you'll get an appreciative note. I'm especially grateful to a couple of lovely gents on here who have prepaid for dates, already scheduled. To those who sent Wally World and Paypal gifts, that will buy spackle and paint after the new sheetrock is hung. Will be slow going, as the interior repairs will be done via "amateur hour." (Chihuahuas with tiny paintbrushes in their mouths doing trim work.)

Putting one paw in front of the other. So much yet to do, so much yard clean-up still. Have to teach the wee woofs to rake, at least, or haul little sleighs with leaves and branches. Mush, dogs, mush!

I think, after a wee bit of rest over the weekend, I can begin making a few outcalls next week. Hosting will be by special arrangement only. Looking forward to erotically entertaining again!

So glad things are finally starting to turn around Fancy! I realize it is taking some elbow grease, but if anyone can truck through this with a positive spirit, it's you. Thank you everyone for being so supportive
jbravo_123's Avatar
Oof, that's a real rough patch, but the important thing is that you and the chihuahuas are safe. I'm certain that you'll be back to normal in no time!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I have a roof over my head!!!

The exterior repairs were just completed this morning, so no more "skylights" at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge. Still have a ton of work to do inside as I can afford it, and much to clean up in the yard. There's a pile of dead tree parts higher than my house to be carted away or burned a wee branch at a time to prevent forest fire.

Life is slowly returning to normal, although the aftereffects will ripple for some time yet. Due to the expense and the need for my funds to be directed to my home, coupled with the difficulty of locating a suitable palace of pleasure in a market now glutted with displaced and anxious renters willing to pay top dollar, I will not be able to offer another private incall at this time. (ARRRGGHH!!!) I poured my heart into my eclectic erotic enclave, and am not sure right now I have enough left in me to recreate my former frisky Fanciful environment anyway. Perhaps down the road.

I will be accepting appointments again beginning next week! Outcall only, alas. However, I already have a pretty full schedule for the week of head, er um, AHEAD, appreciatively fulfilling commitments to gents who have donated to the "Fancy Fun Fund for Risque Recovery." I'll try to get a calendar up on my new website (another project in progress) over the weekend.

I have revised my package pricing on my Showcase to reflect my new reality and make it more attractive economically to have me call upon gentlemen. Interested fellows, please note the changes.

Hosting will be by special arrangement, and frankly I have some research to do. Not feeling the notel thing at all at this stage of my life (I hate rushing, so wouldn't be comfortable at an hourly place), so have to see what options are available for safe and sanitary accommodations at a reasonable rate nightly. This will be a learning experience, as I've had no need to explore such alternatives for 5 years.

MY EXTREME GRATITUDE goes out to Yummy (for ALL of her efforts) and other providers who have have offered me the use of their private incalls. However, I know what a bother a "guest" can be, so am reluctant to put anyone out, and there's that Irish pride thing, ya know. I likely will make do until I can do better.

Again, THANK YOU, everyone. This thread has served its purpose and run its course. The support I've received has truly shown that even our hussy hobby community has the ability to step out of the gutter and up to the curb when someone is down. Irish kisses and blessings!!!!!

And, by the way, Happy Mother's Day! Hug your mommies, or a hot mama, at least. I'll be spending Sunday with the furkids, so in my case, it will be Mutt-ers Day!