2000 miles will be aired tonight.

A few things.
Where does the number of votes/ballots come from?
How can they tell how many ballots any given person puts in the box?
Why won't D'souza disclose all of his evidence to the public? Isn't it time to lay everything on the table? Since the election, numerous people have promised some blockbuster revelation will prove everything. During AZ's audit there was no press or dems. Why no transparency?

It's pointless to argue the same points over and over at this level. The national parties have checked most if not all of the issues brought up on this forum.
I'm willing to look at new info at this point but if the new info isn't clearly presented and clearly proven then it probably isn't true.
Sorry but I'm not going to believe something that is "crystal clear" to people on the right. It should be easy to explain and easily provable. I understand the phone data deal but I don't understand how they pull these specific numbers of ballots or that how they claim all these "mules" are mules.
At this point, enough is enough.

One other thing. Many of you talk about rampant "TDS" but you don't understand 81 million votes. You don't understand how many people didn't vote for Biden but were voting against Trump. When I see half of his party speak out against him and then lay down for him. Elect him the first time is no big deal. But look away from all the things he's done as he trashes his party and America is too much for me. It won't surprise me if there is a record turnout for this midterm. We'll just have to wait and see.
There’s election fraud in every state you MOWron. How do you think Gore, Hillary, Ohomo and Bribes “won” the popular vote. Originally Posted by bambino
No need to attack his Mum there, mate.
Just make yer point.

### Salty
A few things.
Where does the number of votes/ballots come from?
How can they tell how many ballots any given person puts in the box?
Why won't D'souza disclose all of his evidence to the public? Isn't it time to lay everything on the table? Since the election, numerous people have promised some blockbuster revelation will prove everything. During AZ's audit there was no press or dems. Why no transparency?

It's pointless to argue the same points over and over at this level. The national parties have checked most if not all of the issues brought up on this forum.
I'm willing to look at new info at this point but if the new info isn't clearly presented and clearly proven then it probably isn't true.
Sorry but I'm not going to believe something that is "crystal clear" to people on the right. It should be easy to explain and easily provable. I understand the phone data deal but I don't understand how they pull these specific numbers of ballots or that how they claim all these "mules" are mules.
At this point, enough is enough.

One other thing. Many of you talk about rampant "TDS" but you don't understand 81 million votes. You don't understand how many people didn't vote for Biden but were voting against Trump. When I see half of his party speak out against him and then lay down for him. Elect him the first time is no big deal. But look away from all the things he's done as he trashes his party and America is too much for me. It won't surprise me if there is a record turnout for this midterm. We'll just have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
... Ok, Skep... You're starting to sound as-if you are
willing to look at facts, like a normal human being.

First, they know HOW MANY ballots came from most of
the boxes, mate... The election people run the numbers
and keep tabs on things... There has to be a good accurate
accounting - but you know this already.

The mules are mules - actually illegal to carry "many ballots"
and make multiple trips...

... I'm glad that you are honest and have a good open mind
to at least look... Maybe you should see the film piece
and make up your-own mind.

... Investigations will be coming NEXT YEAR - when Republicans
control the House and maybe the Senate - and Merrick Garland
will be FORCED to act on the information.

Please remember just HOW CORRUPT the Deep State has been
with things from the start... First, YOU are seeing that
the Trump/Russia "collusion" not-onley didn't exist, but
was started by Hillary Clinton people. Those facts have come out.

And who can forget American being told right before the
election that the Hunter Biden laptop WAS FAKE! "Russian Disinformation".
Some FIFTY (50) Intelligence Officials CLAIMED THIS.
But of course, we surely found out the laptop was REAL.
And they KNEW IT all the time.

That's ONE way to rig the election - just OUTRIGHT LIE
to the American people to protect Joe Biden - and hurt Trump.

Now I can understand YOU don't fancy Trump 'cause He can
surely be a prick - but do YOU think all the OUTRIGHT LIES
by the media and the Deep State against Trump are fair?

What if YOU were the candidate?

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
The real news is the stuffers were paid by Trump, how do you think he got so many more votes than 2016? He was told how many more votes he needed to win, Biden still beat him by a large margin. Remember those who say the others are cheating usually are cheating themselves.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The real news is the stuffers were paid by Trump, how do you think he got so many more votes than 2016? He was told how many more votes he needed to win, Biden still beat him by a large margin. Remember those who say the others are cheating usually are cheating themselves. Originally Posted by royamcr
Not unlike the people who are always calling others gay.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Ok, Skep... You're starting to sound as-if you are
willing to look at facts, like a normal human being.

First, they know HOW MANY ballots came from most of
the boxes, mate... The election people run the numbers
and keep tabs on things... There has to be a good accurate
accounting - but you know this already.

The mules are mules - actually illegal to carry "many ballots"
and make multiple trips...

... I'm glad that you are honest and have a good open mind
to at least look... Maybe you should see the film piece
and make up your-own mind.

... Investigations will be coming NEXT YEAR - when Republicans
control the House and maybe the Senate - and Merrick Garland
will be FORCED to act on the information.

Please remember just HOW CORRUPT the Deep State has been
with things from the start... First, YOU are seeing that
the Trump/Russia "collusion" not-onley didn't exist, but
was started by Hillary Clinton people. Those facts have come out.

And who can forget American being told right before the
election that the Hunter Biden laptop WAS FAKE! "Russian Disinformation".
Some FIFTY (50) Intelligence Officials CLAIMED THIS.
But of course, we surely found out the laptop was REAL.
And they KNEW IT all the time.

That's ONE way to rig the election - just OUTRIGHT LIE
to the American people to protect Joe Biden - and hurt Trump.

Now I can understand YOU don't fancy Trump 'cause He can
surely be a prick - but do YOU think all the OUTRIGHT LIES
by the media and the Deep State against Trump are fair?

What if YOU were the candidate?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Or the ones calling others liars.
The real news is the stuffers were paid by Trump, how do you think he got so many more votes than 2016? He was told how many more votes he needed to win, Biden still beat him by a large margin. Remember those who say the others are cheating usually are cheating themselves. Originally Posted by royamcr
... Now you're going back to being silly.
No matter - you were making sense for a short while.

There's always next year.

### Salty
Not unlike the people who are always calling others gay. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... You're a lost cause, mate. ... The most disliked here.
Ask-about. ... The new Babadook.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
The real news is the stuffers were paid by Trump, how do you think he got so many more votes than 2016? He was told how many more votes he needed to win, Biden still beat him by a large margin. Remember those who say the others are cheating usually are cheating themselves. Originally Posted by royamcr

That's a start I guess ( for you ) admitting there was massive fraud. Once you accept that premise, you open an investigation and ask every single one of those 2,000 or more people why they visited multiple drop boxes and question all the people at the NGO stash houses and I guarantee you somebody, a lot of somebodies will crack and if they were "stuffing for Trump", so be it. I'm not partisan when it comes to breaking the law.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2022, 06:37 PM
That's a start I guess ( for you ) admitting there was massive fraud. Once you accept that premise, you open an investigation and ask every single one of those 2,000 or more people why they visited multiple drop boxes and question all the people at the NGO stash houses and I guarantee you somebody, a lot of somebodies will crack and if they were "stuffing for Trump", so be it. I'm not partisan when it comes to breaking the law. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Millions of Jackasses pulling their puds to 2000 Mules!
bambino's Avatar
Millions of Jackasses pulling their puds to 2000 Mules! Originally Posted by WTF
It took 2000 mules to install one jackass.POOF
You haven't been listening to me. I've always been willing to listen to new information. I provide links to back up facts I claim and frequently include links to show why I have some opinions.
Here is part of what the 50 intel folks wrote.

"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine
or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," .

They clearly say they don't know if emails are real or not. This is similar to a Russian operation several years ago against the French. Plus Rudy had the hard drive for several months before he "leaked" it. He tried to spring the surprise and he left no time for verification and he wouldn't give a copy to be looked at. The author of the Post story wouldn't put his name on the story. No other news outlet would use the story without checking it out. The idea you demand the laptop that suddenly appears, that came from Rudy of all people, be taken at face value with no verification to determine the presidential election is a joke. It had nothing to do with Trump. It was a smear against Biden.
You didn't say anything about sent emails. Everything is about emails received.
You could send an email inviting Trump to your grooming convention. It would then be in his account without (I'm assuming) any knowledge on his part of the convention.
I'm done talking about the laptop. We'll wait till the FBI finishes with it.

You don't use links to back up what you say. As I pointed out, you are incorrect on numerous subjects. You aren't a reliable source as far as I'm concerned. You're pushing a bunch of bs as I've noted.
And like I said, my mind is still open but watching the movie won't help without knowing where the info comes from. Your fast and loose version doesn't fit my requirements
I'll wait until more information comes out.
Just like I'll wait for more info about the laptop comes out. There ate still a lot of questions about what's on it.

... Ok, Skep... You're starting to sound as-if you are
willing to look at facts, like a normal human being.

First, they know HOW MANY ballots came from most of
the boxes, mate... The election people run the numbers
and keep tabs on things... There has to be a good accurate
accounting - but you know this already.

The mules are mules - actually illegal to carry "many ballots"
and make multiple trips...

... I'm glad that you are honest and have a good open mind
to at least look... Maybe you should see the film piece
and make up your-own mind.

... Investigations will be coming NEXT YEAR - when Republicans
control the House and maybe the Senate - and Merrick Garland
will be FORCED to act on the information.

Please remember just HOW CORRUPT the Deep State has been
with things from the start... First, YOU are seeing that
the Trump/Russia "collusion" not-onley didn't exist, but
was started by Hillary Clinton people. Those facts have come out.
It was started by repubs who dropped it after Trump got the nomination. Then Clinton took over. There wasn't enough evidence to charge Trump but there a lot of contact between Trump's team and the Russians.

Americans weren't told it was fake. They were told it couldn't be verified. And it wasn't for close to a year later.
How would they know it was real?
How did it hurt Trump?

And who can forget American being told right before the
election that the Hunter Biden laptop WAS FAKE! "Russian Disinformation".
Some FIFTY (50) Intelligence Officials CLAIMED THIS.
But of course, we surely found out the laptop was REAL.
And they KNEW IT all the time.

That's ONE way to rig the election - just OUTRIGHT LIE
to the American people to protect Joe Biden - and hurt Trump.

Now I can understand YOU don't fancy Trump 'cause He can
surely be a prick - but do YOU think all the OUTRIGHT LIES
by the media and the Deep State against Trump are fair?

What if YOU were the candidate?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And PS.
Lighten up on the CAPS.They just emphasize you are unfamiliar with the subject matter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And PS.
Lighten up on the CAPS.They just emphasize you are unfamiliar with the subject matter.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical


Ye Christ! ... It's sad, really.

Bambino has told me SO MANY times that you sorry liberal lads
are NOT worth it. There's NO CHANCE of the lot of you EVER
seeing the truth.

Do you understand that the FBI has CONFIRMED that it's HUNTER'S laptop?
No, you must not understand that.

And you wouldn't look at any links if I showed them... As I mentioned
before - LOOK-ABOUT at other news sources - not just the liberal ones.
You'll see what we're all talking-of.

Maybe Bambino's correct, Skep - you are too far gone to even
be willing to see the truth. ... Reckon the onley thing for
we conservatives to do is keep laughing at you and the other
sad losses here the ones who tell us Biden is doing GREAT
and that there's NO inflation problem.

### Salty