Adam Fucking Schiff Is A Tour De Force An Amazing Amazing Man

This isn’t fantasy it’s reality..

A nearly 90-minute recording released Saturday of President Donald Trump at a 2018 donor dinner that included indicted businessmen he has claimed he doesn't know features Trump speaking animatedly about removing the US ambassador to Ukraine -- at one point stating, "Get rid of her!"

The tape was shared publicly by an attorney for Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who subsequently worked with Rudy Giuliani to push for ousting the ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch. She was ultimately removed from her post in April 2019.

"Get her out tomorrow. I don't care," the President says at a dinner with donors at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC. "Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it." Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Trump gets to fire ambassadors when he wants to do it - it is his prerogative as POTUS.

Anyone who doesn't like that can fuck off.
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2020, 04:38 AM
Poor j666 - Still cannot understand that Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the POTUS - and may be dismissed at any time for any reason by the POTUS!!!!
Fascist DPST 's still cannot get that through their heads.

Yet - under Obama - they would have supported the same decision blindly and unthinkingly.

J666- your TDS and hate have totally taken over your mind.

LexusLover's Avatar
Poor j666 - Still cannot understand that Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the POTUS - and may be dismissed at any time for any reason by the POTUS!!!!
Fascist DPST 's still cannot get that through their heads.

Yet - under Obama - they would have supported the same decision blindly and unthinkingly.

J666- your TDS and hate have totally taken over your mind.

Irrational Originally Posted by oeb11
You should cut The Fire Captain some slack ... he was a "civil servant" of his small community in which he had "employment rights" on the taxpayers' tit ..... and still is on the taxpayers' tit after he quit his cushy job holding down the "station" in a lawn chair while sucking up beer with his fire buddies.

That's what's wrong with the swam rats. They believe they are "entitled"!
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Trump team’s case #2

President Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that there was no quid pro quo and no pressure on them to review anything.”

In its careful wording, this is also true. Zelensky, sitting with Trump in a meeting on Sept. 25, was asked if he felt pressure from Trump in the call. After indicating that he didn’t want to get involved in the politics of the question, he conceded that he hadn’t felt pushed.

That admission, as he obviously understood, was what Trump wanted to hear. Trump quickly jumped on it: “In other words, no pressure,” he said, paraphrasing his counterpart.

David Holmes, a political staffer at the embassy in Ukraine, explained why he felt that Ukraine would not only have felt pressure but also pressure not to concede that they were being pressured. He was speaking about how Ukraine would have tried to navigate the hold on aid, but the point is broader.

Whether the hold, the security assistance hold, continued or not, Ukrainians understood that that’s something the president wanted, and they still wanted important things from the president,” Holmes said. “So I think that continues to this day. I think they’re being very careful. They still need us now going forward.”

Purpura suggested that treating Zelensky’s claims with skepticism was akin to reading Zelensky’s mind. Taking the assertions of Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials at immediate face value, though, offers no more assurance of yielding an accurate interpretation.

This conflict gets to the heart of what Trump is alleged to have done. Either the United States has the ability to exert pressure on Ukraine or it doesn’t. Trump asks that we assume there is no implicit pressure at play and that everything that occurred is no more complicated than the most basic reading of events. That request can be evaluated on its own merits.

Viva La Shifty Schiff
The Trump team’s case #2

President Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that there was no quid pro quo and no pressure on them to review anything.”

In its careful wording, this is also true. Zelensky, sitting with Trump in a meeting on Sept. 25, was asked if he felt pressure from Trump in the call. After indicating that he didn’t want to get involved in the politics of the question, he conceded that he hadn’t felt pushed.

That admission, as he obviously understood, was what Trump wanted to hear. Trump quickly jumped on it: “In other words, no pressure,” he said, paraphrasing his counterpart.

David Holmes, a political staffer at the embassy in Ukraine, explained why he felt that Ukraine would not only have felt pressure but also pressure not to concede that they were being pressured. He was speaking about how Ukraine would have tried to navigate the hold on aid, but the point is broader.

Whether the hold, the security assistance hold, continued or not, Ukrainians understood that that’s something the president wanted, and they still wanted important things from the president,” Holmes said. “So I think that continues to this day. I think they’re being very careful. They still need us now going forward.”

Purpura suggested that treating Zelensky’s claims with skepticism was akin to reading Zelensky’s mind. Taking the assertions of Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials at immediate face value, though, offers no more assurance of yielding an accurate interpretation.

This conflict gets to the heart of what Trump is alleged to have done. Either the United States has the ability to exert pressure on Ukraine or it doesn’t. Trump asks that we assume there is no implicit pressure at play and that everything that occurred is no more complicated than the most basic reading of events. That request can be evaluated on its own merits.

Viva La Shifty Schiff Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The official record shows there was no pressure or Quid pro quo that's what they will go by. Trump hasn't done anything that is even impeachable. You're just parroting bullshit because you don't know any better. Schiff has fabricated just about every aspect of these proceedings and you ding bats think this guy is a political Adonis. You Liberals are seriously stupid.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump gets to fire ambassadors when he wants to do it - it is his prerogative as POTUS.

Anyone who doesn't like that can fuck off. Originally Posted by friendly fred
No one is claiming he doesn’t have the authority to do so, but there are standard operating procedures to recall a ambassador.

The fat lying bastard was meeting with high dollar campaign donors discussing the removal of a ambassador. High dollar donors who have connections with Russians, oligarchs, and mobsters. That fat lying bastard is guilty of everything the managers accused him of.

Not to worry, the Russian sympathizers in the trump party will allow him to stay in office. Don’t drop your guard, lots more coming.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The official record shows there was no pressure or Quid pro quo that's what they will go by. Trump hasn't done anything that is even impeachable. You're just parroting bullshit because you don't know any better. Schiff has fabricated just about every aspect of these proceedings and you ding bats think this guy is a political Adonis. You Liberals are seriously stupid. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Stupid is being so gullible you would believe the fat lying bastard.

The line for your daily shit sandwich forms to the far right. Look for the tractor trailer marked Cult45.
No one is claiming he doesn’t have the authority to do so, but there are standard operating procedures to recall a ambassador.

The fat lying bastard was meeting with high dollar campaign donors discussing the removal of a ambassador. High dollar donors who have connections with Russians, oligarchs, and mobsters. That fat lying bastard is guilty of everything the managers accused him of.

Not to worry, the Russian sympathizers in the trump party will allow him to stay in office. Don’t drop your guard, lots more coming. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What are they, outline them? Prove Trump didn't follow a certain protocol to remove an Ambassador if there even is one.
Stupid is being so gullible you would believe the fat lying bastard.

The line for your daily shit sandwich forms to the far right. Look for the tractor trailer marked Cult45. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I am not the one who's gullible. I am going by the facts that were presented. I certainly can't take Sciff and company serious especially after his circus stunt parody of the phone call between the president and Zelenskky. That was a total crock of shit and sinks his credibility.
Jaxson66's Avatar
What are they, outline them? Prove Trump didn't follow a certain protocol to remove an Ambassador if there even is one. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That’s were the obstruction of documents comes into play. The fat lying bastard refuses to disclose any documents, unlike the Clinton trial that opened with 90,000 documents released by Clinton and his administration.

Pompeo has rejected all requests and subpoenas for documents so how the fuck do you think it can be proven?

Don’t bother to reply, I know the answer.

The supreme leader says it’s a lie so it’s a lie.
LexusLover's Avatar

Don’t bother to reply, I know the answer.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
No one is claiming he doesn’t have the authority to do so, but there are standard operating procedures to recall a ambassador
Where are those SOPs?

There are the SOPs with which I am most familiar ....

There are two types of ambassadors appointed by presidents: career ambassadors and political ambassadors. Career ambassadors are those who make a career in the foreign service and often serve under multiple presidents of different parties. Those career ambassadors usually make up about 70 percent of the ambassadors. Political ambassadors, on the other hand, are typically replaced with political supporters of the incoming president.

“All ambassadors by tradition present their resignations at the start of any new presidential term (either first or second),” explained retired U.S. Ambassador Dennis Jett, a professor of international affairs at Penn State. “The resignations of the 70 percent (typically) that are career officers are almost always returned and they are allowed to stay and complete whatever is left of what is normally a 3-year tour of duty. Usually, all of those of the 30 percent that are political appointees are accepted.”

Obama was no different in that respect. Meadows’ tweet linked to a Washington Post story from Dec. 3, 2008, which stated that the “incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.”
Were they changed when Trump was elected?

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2
He shall have power ... to... appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,

....but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.
Although I recognize you don't know shit about "the law" ... I'll give it to you anyway ...

In Bowsher v. Synar (1986) the Court ruled that Congress cannot create an administrative agency that performs purely executive functions and retain full authority over the removal of its members. In subsequent cases, the Court has ruled that Congress cannot unduly restrict the president's power to remove officials from offices that immediately affect his ability to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities.
"Bowsher v. Synar, 478 U.S. 714 (1986)"

Just because Congress (Senate) approves an appointment does not mean that Congress controls the removal of the appointed person. Recently this House of LOONS ranted about Trump should fire the Attorneys General, who the LOONS had approved. The President can remove, but Congress cannot.

Guess what? The Senate approves the Ambassador!

You should really remain in your lawn chair on the Station driveway sucking beers!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Where are those SOPs? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The fat lying bastards dream team will have to answer that question during the 16 hours of Senate Q&A. Try not to miss it, unless of course you have to run out for more Vagisil.
lustylad's Avatar
The fat lying bastards dream team will have to answer that question during the 16 hours of Senate Q&A. Try not to miss it, unless of course you have to run out for more Vagisil. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You just had your ass handed to you. Why bring up "standard operating procedures" when you obviously have no fucking idea what you're babbling about? You're the one who needs to stock up on Vagisil!
LexusLover's Avatar
You just had your ass handed to you. Why bring up "standard operating procedures" when you obviously have no fucking idea what you're babbling about? You're the one who needs to stock up on Vagisil! Originally Posted by lustylad
Which is the underlying justification for making him a "Captain" in the fire department .... keeps him at a desk at which he plots his next beer drinking exercise. It's been called the "Peter Principle" .... not to be confused with is annual "Sausage Sucking" marathon.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Which is the underlying justification for making him a "Captain" in the fire department .... keeps him at a desk at which he plots his next beer drinking exercise. It's been called the "Peter Principle" .... not to be confused with is annual "Sausage Sucking" marathon. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obviously you missed the managers entering into the Senate record that the documents requested are ready to be sent to the Senate. The State dept along with DOD have evidence ready to be viewed.

What’s the fat lying bastard afraid of...I’m confident it’s the truth he fears.

Someday I’ll let you know how much cash the City had to pay me for all the sick time and vacation time I had on the books at retirement. That’s really going to piss you off.

My next drinking exercise is today while grilling chicken wings