KC community going down hill/eccie insiders support it

cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
Really . . . ok. I'm done. DD, you are seriously in need of a vacation (like IRL) because we have both discussed, on this very forum, in the open, your ties to organized crime and you have stated, in the open, that many people you know have expressed their displeasure with a lot of the specifics of the KC OC scene that you have put in the open here. You have even discussed your affiliations, associations and convictions right here in Coed. Are they aware that you're on this big of a tilt?? You can't even remember what you've written from day to day. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Damn Jackie.
Damn what teddyBear? DD wears this shit like a fucked-up badge of honor - I'm not saying anything HE hasn't said himself. And, BTW, I fuck a few of his "friends" a lot further up the chain of command than he is, and he knows it.

DD, I'm done with this shit - you're seriously off your damn rocker. I have work to do (meaning I will be AFK), you all can say whatever you want - it won't make one bit of difference in my money.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
That's all I could get out of my mouth, I guess. Damn.
dirty dog's Avatar
Really . . . ok. I'm done. DD, you are seriously in need of a vacation (like IRL) because we have both discussed, on this very forum, in the open, your ties to organized crime and you have stated, in the open, that many people you know have expressed their displeasure with a lot of the specifics of the KC OC scene that you have put in the open here. You have even discussed your affiliations, associations and convictions right here in Coed. Are they aware that you're on this big of a tilt?? You can't even remember what you've written from day to day. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
LOL, I am a mob historian, I am writing a book, I watched good fellas to many times LOL. But you know I am still waiting to see where I wrote your name and in what context it was written. You know Jackie, you brought all this on for no reason because I have never said you were involved. The only time I mentioned your name was in a response to Elena who was bagging on Kaylen about airing personal info and I said there was nothing wrong with it if the individual is comfortable doing so and I stated that you did the same thing recently about some personal business you were dealing with. The three witches are Elena 3 different but distinct personalities. So you do what the fuck it is you think you have to do. I have been dealing with the Feds my whole fucking life, there is nothing I have said on this board that would cause them to look my way any more than they already do. Besides, I am just gathering information for a screenplay I am writing.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
LOL, I am a mob historian, I am writing a book, I watched good fellas to many times LOL. But you know I am still waiting to see where I wrote your name and in what context it was written. You know Jackie, you brought all this on for no reason because I have never said you were involved. The only time I mentioned your name was in a response to Elena who was bagging on Kaylen about airing personal info and I said there was nothing wrong with it if the individual is comfortable doing so and I stated that you did the same thing recently about some personal business you were dealing with. The three witches are Elena 3 different but distinct personalities. So you do what the fuck it is you think you have to do. I have been dealing with the Feds my whole fucking life, there is nothing I have said on this board that would cause them to look my way any more than they already do. Besides, I am just gathering information for a screenplay I am writing. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I need a freakin programme here. What's Elena's involvement?
dirty dog's Avatar
Damn what teddyBear? DD wears this shit like a fucked-up badge of honor - I'm not saying anything HE hasn't said himself. And, BTW, I fuck a few of his "friends" a lot further up the chain of command than he is, and he knows it.

DD, I'm done with this shit - you're seriously off your damn rocker. I have work to do (meaning I will be AFK), you all can say whatever you want - it won't make one bit of difference in my money. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Like I said you still havent shown me where I threw you into this, and I know you and your ability to gather the facts. Since you havent then we both know you assumed and you jumped to conclusions. But you are right about one thing, this shit, this board and the bullshit on it arnt worth my time or efforts.
DD, like I said, I'll be AFK for a bit - but I'll be delighted to dig up the link later tonight. I'll leave the rest of what you wrote alone out of professional courtesy, but don't poke the bear, seriously.

BTW, thanks for at least back-peddling your way out and stating on the record I'm not one of these "three" you were mentioning - but "three personalities", that's fucking priceless. Like MasterCard priceless.

And I was serious, as a friend (what's left of my being one to you) concerned for your state of mind, you need to book a vacation. Seriously.
Wakeup's Avatar
The truth is you didnt like a particular provider, when your bitching and complaining about that provider on the board didnt get the results you wanted you felt the need to bring in a group of RE tards, to go after the Hook tard. Now your not stupid but neither are some of us, you took this opportunity to either force the mods to capitulate to your desires or you were going to force them out. I am not a fan per say of the mods, but they were only mods for 2 months. Once you forced them out you were going to get those whom were a little more controllable to apply for the position. You felt everyone would sit back and allow this crap to go on. Problem is your Retards didnt leave, why is that, oh yeah its not because we responded to their comments, its because the mods didnt leave. So they continue to attack and undermine the mods on a daily basis, why would they do that, hmmmm because their still here. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Um...awful Machiavellian there...truth is, we came here to ridicule a stupid hooker...we stayed to ridicule a couple stupid mods...we'd be happy to leave if you all wouldn't start threads bashing us. We don't give a fuck what some other dumb hooker's motivation is...

I was already gone before this gem of a thread brought me back...so thanks...well done...
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
Ok, Ok. Clear the area. There's nothing to see here folks. Clear out! Bag em and tag em Danno. And don't fuck up my chalk outline.
dirty dog's Avatar
DD, like I said, I'll be AFK for a bit - but I'll be delighted to dig up the link later tonight. I'll leave the rest of what you wrote alone out of professional courtesy, but don't poke the bear, seriously.

BTW, thanks for at least back-peddling your way out and stating on the record I'm not one of these "three" you were mentioning - but "three personalities", that's fucking priceless. Like MasterCard priceless.

And I was serious, as a friend (what's left of my being one to you) concerned for your state of mind, you need to book a vacation. Seriously. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

Jackie PM me please
OMG if you're going to tell a story, at least get the facts straight and stop your damn back peddling. I hate seeing your face go backwards, I'd rather see your ass.

Everyone knows what you meant by the "3 witches" comment you first made and are now trying to back peddle from faster than Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France because god forbid, people actually stood up to you.

No one was after Kaylen. Sure, I poked fun at her "I'm leaving" posts as some others did, but not once did I target her or try to run her off the board. You and another have thrown the "I'm jealous of her" card out there which is so off the mark it isn't even funny. I work KC 3 or 4 times a year and have my clients already booked before I walk out the door. There was a thread last year of the top pet peeves in ads that tick clients off, the "I'm leaving/Last day here" ad was in the top 5 if I'm correct. Kaylen has just as much right to work KC or whatever city she decides, as long as she's honest with her clients and doesn't hurt anyone. That's the only point I tried to make while poking fun at her. Gee, I don't see you going after the guys who have done the same thing.

There are stupid threads made on this board everyday and people post in them. The post that Kaylen made about her dead baby was inappropriate for a HOOKER BOARD. As I said in that post, I'm sorry her baby died, but she should seek the counsel of a therapist instead of a hooker board for her grief and support. I'm not the only one who has said it. That was the post that caught the attention of numerous people and they're free to post on any part of this board they damn well please just as you or anyone from KC do. Folks from KC post in other parts of the board and I don't see anyone telling them to go back to where they live. No one invited them, they came at their own free will.

It wasn't too long ago that you yourself DD were attacking MODs and you do like to threaten others on the board (feel free to look that up in the sandbox). I'm just your new target because I didn't share the same opinion as you. If you think that your insults are hurting me, all they're doing is making me laugh and driving more business my way. My bank account thanks you.

I don't know you the way Jackie does, but I had considered you a friend and I am at a loss with your behavior. I do honestly think that something else is going on in your life and you may be taking your stress and anger out on us lucky ones.

Now.....I am so DONE with this.

PS. TeddyBear, if it doesn't concern you.....why do you care? Ask someone off the board for the cliffnotes. Same applies to you Johnny.
Jackie PM me please Originally Posted by dirty dog
Jackie's PM's aren't on.

I believe her family is getting ready to leave and she'll be back to work next week.

I'm sure she'll answer you when she can.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
PS. TeddyBear, if it doesn't concern you.....why do you care? Ask someone off the board for the cliffnotes. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yes ma'am!
Johnny4455's Avatar
OMG if you're going to tell a story, at least get the facts straight and stop your damn back peddling. I hate seeing your face go backwards, I'd rather see your ass.

Everyone knows what you meant by the "3 witches" comment you first made and are now trying to back peddle from faster than Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France because god forbid, people actually stood up to you.

No one was after Kaylen. Sure, I poked fun at her "I'm leaving" posts as some others did, but not once did I target her or try to run her off the board. You and another have thrown the "I'm jealous of her" card out there which is so off the mark it isn't even funny. I work KC 3 or 4 times a year and have my clients already booked before I walk out the door. There was a thread last year of the top pet peeves in ads that tick clients off, the "I'm leaving/Last day here" ad was in the top 5 if I'm correct. Kaylen has just as much right to work KC or whatever city she decides, as long as she's honest with her clients and doesn't hurt anyone. That's the only point I tried to make while poking fun at her. Gee, I don't see you going after the guys who have done the same thing.

There are stupid threads made on this board everyday and people post in them. The post that Kaylen made about her dead baby was inappropriate for a HOOKER BOARD. As I said in that post, I'm sorry her baby died, but she should seek the counsel of a therapist instead of a hooker board for her grief and support. I'm not the only one who has said it. That was the post that caught the attention of numerous people and they're free to post on any part of this board they damn well please just as you or anyone from KC do. Folks from KC post in other parts of the board and I don't see anyone telling them to go back to where they live. No one invited them, they came at their own free will.

It wasn't too long ago that you yourself DD were attacking MODs and you do like to threaten others on the board (feel free to look that up in the sandbox). I'm just your new target because I didn't share the same opinion as you. If you think that your insults are hurting me, all they're doing is making me laugh and driving more business my way. My bank account thanks you.

I don't know you the way Jackie does, but I had considered you a friend and I am at a loss with your behavior. I do honestly think that something else is going on in your life and you may be taking your stress and anger out on us lucky ones.

Now.....I am so DONE with this.

PS. TeddyBear, if it doesn't concern you.....why do you care? Ask someone off the board for the cliffnotes. Same applies to you Johnny. Originally Posted by MsElena

Elena, I dont want the cliff notes. They are just a shorter version of a rant that I dont care about. My comment about jackie didnt concern you , did it? So why do you care?

My prediction is that you are so not done with this
Johnny4455's Avatar
Johnny, whatever - I'm tired of even replying to your dribble. You never engaged me publicly in a thread until I denied you an appointment because you completely skeeved me out in private conversations. And that is the real story, isn't it? BTW, I won't see your reply, you get the ignore button. If you are so preoccupied with my posts that it causes you such strong feelings, try the ignore feature yourself. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Absolute lie, I have never nor would I ever ask you for an appt.

Who posts "dribble" between you and I, is obvious