New group in formation The Young Guns

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Mods you can close this thread.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
  • 02-09-2011, 06:15 AM
I just wanted to post after it was closed.

Look at me! I posted!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I believe the accepted phrase is:

"In before the lock!"
Whispers's Avatar
Another Locked thread?

Gonna being boring online,... Ohh.. Wait..... It's Party Day!..... Gotta go Primp and get ready!
There is no such thing as "free pussy". "Free pussy" is the illusory bait used by the more predatory gender of our species to capture it's prey. Not bashing women, that's just the natural order of things with our species and if you're here you've probably noticed.

Good luck trying to snatch cheese out of mousetraps like pretty much every single guy in the entire world. The futility of that plan is why this place, where you pay up front and the cost is contained and understood, exists.

Other than strip clubs and brothels, every other website, bar, restaurant, coffee shop, office, and climate controlled interior space on the planet is already dedicated, when it all comes down to it, to the game you're talking about. /yawn.
This is one of the more intelligent thing you have ever posted. You seem to be channeling Lao Tse here. I like that. I think if you display a positive attitude and refrain from bashing others, people will be far less likely to knock your IQ or call you ignorant. There are plenty of idiots on this board who never get called out because they never give anyone reason.

I'm sorry I sank to the level of personal attacks. You didn't deserve it. Nobody does. It won't happen again. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia're saying it's better to stay silent and be thought and idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? I think you're channeling someone now but I can't remember who
No name calling just calling out stupid statements. If we had no game would we be getting laid for free! I think not. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

I'm guessing this has to be a troll.....

But if not....

I'm Sorry but if you had any "game" you wouldn't be posting this garbage. My guess is the foreskin the doc whacked off when I was a week or so old had more game then you do...
Whispers's Avatar're saying it's better to stay silent and be thought and idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? I think you're channeling someone now but I can't remember who Originally Posted by irishlad
I've researched that before and the oldest variations seems to actually be the Bible

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." 'Proverbs' 17:28
WyldemanATX's Avatar
You really think there is no such thing as free Pussy? Why would you think that? Is it because you have not experienced it?

I have more than once otherwise I would have never put up this thread or had the idea at all. I understand some men and women think this way and to each their own. If that is what you believe then yes for you there is no such thing as free pussy for you.

TXToast I do have game and I will admit it does need work. I am in the process of making those improvements now. I am going to approach more women and start up conversations at various places ex the mall,staples, HEB, or town lake. Just because you are afraid to do something and it is OK I understand having good game with women is not an easy thing, it doesn't mean that someone else can't.

Do not judge someone until you have walked in their shoes.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Never mind mods keep it open.
You really think there is no such thing as free Pussy? Why would you think that? Is it because you have not experienced it?

I have more than once otherwise I would have never put up this thread or had the idea at all. I understand some men and women think this way and to each their own. If that is what you believe then yes for you there is no such thing as free pussy for you.

TXToast I do have game and I will admit it does need work. I am in the process of making those improvements now. I am going to approach more women and start up conversations at various places ex the mall,staples, HEB, or town lake. Just because you are afraid to do something and it is OK I understand having good game with women is not an easy thing, it doesn't mean that someone else can't.

Do not judge someone until you have walked in their shoes. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I'm not saying you don't have game, just that you're overlooking any number of "costs" to either you or her monetary and otherwise.

I suppose the occasional one night stand, especially in anonymous, might count as free pussy, but even then very very few of those are mutually rewarding.
  • Logic
  • 02-09-2011, 10:46 AM
Free sluts are cool..I have pulled six free sluts off of wait the last one wasnt totally free, i left a note on the coffee table telling her to let herself out and get a cab. That site is hilarious check it out!! Lots of stupid 18 19 year olds on thur!!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I have actually sat and had coffee all day with a woman and closed the deal I would call that free except for maybe time.

My dad has had two women that he has dated that paid him in a way. There was one that spent thousands on clothes for him and paid for his dinner and drinks the whole time they were dating. She even paid for trips and vacations as well. I did enjoy some perks from his women as well they bought me stuff all the time too. I had a female friend with benefits that would take me to concerts and buy my dinner and drinks as well. These women were never lied to we were up front and honest that we did not want a serious relationship. If those are not examples of free pussy I do not know what is.

I am not saying that is something that can be achieved with every woman out there, but it does happen. I am saying it does not have to cost you an arm and a leg either. You could be a guy who is broke as a joke and still get laid.

Never say can't because can't never could do anything.
Ask Julian Assange about free pussy.

Seriously, there's definitely risks to all encounters. Hell, there's risks to staying home with Rosie (carpal tunnel).

If you have nothing to lose, NSA in the civvie world is a blast. If you are a bit more established, time with well-reviewed sane providers may be the cheapest and safest option.

Good luck with your group.