Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

Grace Preston's Avatar
Five boats sank on Saturday. If this was a Democratic rally you would be all over it. It happened to be a Republican rally. No, not all Trump supporters are careless boaters. Obviously there were careless boaters out there on Saturday who did not know squat about boating safety. In their defense, such an event has rarely, if ever, happened on Lake Travis and knowing what to do in such circumstances may not have come naturally. Some were going too fast for the proximity of boats and their wake inundated other boats and caused them to sink. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I don't think it was carelessness-- I think it was just a lack of experience. That isn't a typical condition on Lake Travis.
When you have large gatherings like that-- the larger boats should have either been on a low idle to minimize wake-- or in the back of the group so as to not affect the much smaller vessels. Or both. That's on top of the list.

Also-- I imagine most of the folks boating in freshwater lakes typically do so on their own or maybe with one or two others. and not in large groups like this. I don't think incompetence factors into it at all-- its just not a typical "situation" that most recreational boaters would find themselves in. I mean.. those of you who have gone fishing or wakeboarding, etc. on the lake... should know what wake from a boat or two does, right? Now imagine dozens upon dozens. Its going to make calm waters--- far less calm.

Experience has a lot to do with it. And, that's not to say they were inexperienced. But-- if they primarily get out on the lake on the weekends-- they typically won't have as much wake-- There was an event on the Ohio river this weekend as well that had no issues-- but if you boat on the Ohio-- you're used to having to contend with wakes from the large barges that go up and down the river. And the regattas they've had in the bays in Florida-- those are larger boats and they are accustomed to higher wave action. I mean.. look at some of the pics from Lake Travis-- on a typical, calm day-- you're not going to see the water like that.

I can't speak for others-- but I can say that in my case.. using the phrase "common sense" isn't thrown as an insult. This literally could have happened to anyone in similar circumstances. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Sounds like an excerpt from a book on Boat Safety. Apparently you don't understand the question. What were these people doing that would cause multiple boats to sink or capsize?
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think it was carelessness-- I think it was just a lack of experience. That isn't a typical condition on Lake Travis. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
"lack of experience" with respect to what?

As for "Republican" vs. "Democrats" ... I am not aware that either PARTY was holding a "rally" on the lake. It is my understanding that was a "Pro-Trump" boat parade ... just like there was in various other bodies of water around the country ....

... so again ... some dumbass seems to think that "Democrats" are "safer" boaters than "Republicans" ... on what basis ....

.. since there are NO DOUBT "Democrats" (and "Independents") at a "ProTrump" gathering .... perhaps the fuckups were "Democrats"!

And some posters on Eccie wants to explore the concept of "common sense"?????

I've seen in person the aftermath of some fairly horrific boating "accidents" or collisions or structural failures .... including being a crew member of a yacht getting dismasted offshore in the middle of a race ... and diving on sunken vessels of various types to determine damage and/or cause.....

... it never occurred to me in inquire as part of the investigation as to political party affiliation of the victims and/or participants ...

.. but when a hot boat goes under a dock severing heads of the passengers and impaling others on bulkhead supports in ClearLake or there abouts in the bayous there always surfaces a common denominator ... booze!

... but that's the fucked up society we now must suffer ... it's about politics.

The damage done to this face wasn't .... political party affiliation ...

.. it came out of a bottle or over the bar at the hotel.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Probably many of them were drunk af, which obviously wouldn’t be helpful.
Grace Preston's Avatar
"lack of experience" with respect to what?

As for "Republican" vs. "Democrats" ... I am not aware that either PARTY was holding a "rally" on the lake. It is my understanding that was a "Pro-Trump" boat parade ... just like there was in various other bodies of water around the country ....

... so again ... some dumbass seems to think that "Democrats" are "safer" boaters than "Republicans" ... on what basis ....

.. since there are NO DOUBT "Democrats" (and "Independents") at a "ProTrump" gathering .... perhaps the fuckups were "Democrats"!

And some posters on Eccie wants to explore the concept of "common sense"????? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Please... quote where I said that Democrats are safer boaters than Republicans. I'll wait.

Lack of experience in boating in a large group-- which creates a lot more wake than what the casual boater tends to deal with. I personally wouldn't participate in a large event like that-- simply because the chance of user error-- either on my part or on the part of someone else.. is a lot higher than normal. The simple fact that only 5 boats were lost given the numbers boating-- is pretty damn good.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You can take that to the bank, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog

  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 12:07 PM
Proofreading is a skill lacking in the limited Trumptard tool box. Originally Posted by matchingmole

How would mm know about 'Proofreading" - One never posts anything in need of proofreading!
Name-calling and insults is what passes for the concept of cogent and constructive debate on issues with the racist, marxist DPST burrow dwellers.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Fake news as always
LexusLover's Avatar
Please... quote where I said that Democrats are safer boaters than Republicans. I'll wait.

Lack of experience in boating in a large group-- which creates a lot more wake than what the casual boater tends to deal with. I personally wouldn't participate in a large event like that-- simply because the chance of user error-- either on my part or on the part of someone else.. is a lot higher than normal. The simple fact that only 5 boats were lost given the numbers boating-- is pretty damn good. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
#1: You're not the only poster on here. Hope that doesn't surprise you!

#2: The rest of your bullshit is supposition and conjecture.

I've spent a lot of time in close quarters with other water craft .... one does that when racing ... entering marinas, docking, and refueling ...

I've also spent a lot of time looking at water craft whether I'm about to board or asked to do so. For seaworthiness issues.

Example: I am sure in all of your vast experience in "boating" you probably at least once pulled the plug to allow water to drain while moving forward at a clip and neglected to replace it before coming to a stop or docking. If someone is focused on tits and ass in the next boat and/or opening the next beer it doesn't take long for water to enter the boat UNNOTICED .. AND it's aggravated with sloppy water.

There are plenty reasons for boats to sink ... including equipment and/or structural failures that have nothing to do with operator error ... common sense ... or crowded conditions.

Quit speculating about something of which you lack knowledge.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ah-- but you can speculate. Got it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
#1: You're not the only poster on here. Hope that doesn't surprise you!

#2: The rest of your bullshit is supposition and conjecture.

I've spent a lot of time in close quarters with other water craft .... one does that when racing ... entering marinas, docking, and refueling ...

I've also spent a lot of time looking at water craft whether I'm about to board or asked to do so. For seaworthiness issues.

Example: I am sure in all of your vast experience in "boating" you probably at least once pulled the plug to allow water to drain while moving forward at a clip and neglected to replace it before coming to a stop or docking. If someone is focused on tits and ass in the next boat and/or opening the next beer it doesn't take long for water to enter the boat UNNOTICED .. AND it's aggravated with sloppy water.

There are plenty reasons for boats to sink ... including equipment and/or structural failures that have nothing to do with operator error ... common sense ... or crowded conditions.

Quit speculating about something of which you lack knowledge. Originally Posted by LexusLover
For some reason you believe you are the only person participating in this thread who has experience in boating. I have spent 100s of hours on my boat or other boats on Lake Travis. I have traveled from Mansfield Dam to Briarcliff. And I have never forgotten to replace the drain plug, although a close friend with much more boating experience than I have did so.

I do not know how much experience Grace Preston has in operating a boat but what she says makes 100% sense. You just like being yourself and are not willing to admit that people other than yourself have valid opinions on a subject.

Everything she says about what happened on Saturday is based on the facts as known today. Boats took on water and sank. It was a rally put together by Pacey Chynow who is very much a Trump supporter.

You have made several comments which are totally unsupported by any known facts yet you say Grace is speculating on something on which she has no knowledge.

Take a look at the wake in the picture. I assume you believe it was caused by not replacing the drain plug.

"The wake generated by other boats caused five boats to sink on a Texas lake during a parade in support of President Donald Trump, according to the Travis County Sheriff's Office.
The weather on Lake Travis, which is west of Austin, was calm Saturday, but the large number of boats moving together produced large waves, the sheriff's office said in a news release.

"It was like an ocean out there. I'm surprised I survived it. We didn't make it all the way around the parade, because it was just too much," Danielle Severn told CNN affiliate KXAN. "The boats were mainly just teeter-tot-erring. A lot of them took on water by the nose. After that it was over, especially for the smaller boats."
Grace Preston's Avatar
When you make statements immediately after quoting someone-- they will automatically assume that you are speaking to... wait for it.... them. Welcome to the internet.
Grace Preston's Avatar
How would mm know about 'Proofreading" - One never posts anything in need of proofreading!
Name-calling and insults is what passes for the concept of cogent and constructive debate on issues with the racist, marxist DPST burrow dwellers. Originally Posted by oeb11

It would appear that all of your efforts to have a cogent and constructive debate are dwarfed by your need to make sure the words marxist, racist, and DPST make it into every post.
Strange how he ignores that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're the king of egotistical arrogant narcist.
Will the debates matter...just depends on "how the wind blows" to you. When I called you out on your 2016 flip flop you said you didn't say that and then I showed you your post from then and you said that it was different than...I guess that wasn't a LIE?? bitten it losing support every day. You think the independents love and support the marxist anarchy?? They will decide the election. You can't answer that your stupidity or ignorance?? I guess lawlessness and violence is now a winner with the American voters?? Who from the left has condoned any of the marxist criminal anarchy...NO ONE!!
Are you going to ignore that?? As your man bitten says... reading the teleprompter "end of quote"!!
Lapdog's Avatar
Anyway, like I was saying, crow is the fruit of the skies. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it.