Trump news today

VitaMan's Avatar
Start your own threads instead of hijacking them
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Start your own threads instead of hijacking them Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
We will look for your thread.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
go eat some peirogies!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We will look for your thread. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so

go eat some peirogies!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

VitaTroll is a hotdog guy .. like this guy .. take it all down in one swallow!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
More dick talk from Comerade Wacov

Good stuff buddy. You never disappoint!

VitaMan's Avatar
That is pretty much all TWK and Barleybreath have left. They have lost so many battles they are like 2 decrepit Russian tanks, stuck in the mud, unable to move from their position, and shoot off whatever they can from their muzzles. At his age, you would think TWK would be more like a senior officer. Instead it is material from a private no class.

Barleybreath is still young and can learn.

"Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life......"
bambino's Avatar
Dear Elon,

I was censored from Twitter on the exact same day as President Trump (hmmm, I wonder why?). I likely said (to many times) the presidential election of 2020 was an election filled with fraud (yes it was) and I probably used the phrase God Bless America once too often (yes I did). For the soulless people at twitter, that may have confused them…I’m NOT sorry about that.

Well this tweet below from @Techno_Fog (a great patriot and seriously smart legal scholar) is all part and parcel of the reason they try to hide from the truth. They figure if they ban speech from people they fear, we will all dry up and go away. Maybe you can’t do anything about twitter (it really doesn’t matter). There is an army of digital soldiers (information warriors) that exist and despite the challenges of the undeniable assault on free speech, these warriors of truth have been on the march across all other forms of social media and cannot be stopped. We own the information space of free speech. This is our high ground and we will not cede it to a bunch of arrogant flakes who think they own the world.

I want you to succeed because your success is part of the victory we all need for humanity. Freedom is a human trait. Faith is an even deeper human trait and emotion. I have both.

These thugs involved in the treason against all Americans, not just Trump and myself must be held to account. That accounting should come on earth but if it doesn’t come in this life, it will come as they all enter the gates of hell.

What we’ve learned because we’ve fought for the truth to come out is that this is beyond corruption. Who’s kidding who. This group planned and staged a coup of America and think they got away with it. Not so fast.

So Elon, good luck with whatever your plans are for twitter (twitter no longer matters as much as it use to—but with the right leadership at the helm…).

We respect what you’re doing, your battle is a noble one and we applaud what you have achieved so far in this struggle for freedom.

Thank you and God Bless America ��������


A digital soldier
PS., Happy Easter ����

“Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) Tweeted:
We've previously reported that they targeted the Executive Office of the President AFTER Trump was elected.

CIA notes of the Sussmann meeting confirm this.

They extracted and manipulated data from the Executive Office of the President during the transition.”

Yes, This would be Treason!”
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That is pretty much all TWK and Barleybreath have left. They have lost so many battles they are like 2 decrepit Russian tanks, stuck in the mud, unable to move from their position, and shoot off whatever they can from their muzzles. At his age, you would think TWK would be more like a senior officer. Instead it is material from a private no class.

Barleybreath is still young and can learn.

"Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life......" Originally Posted by VitaMan


Quite simply, Hamlet is saying it's better to stay in this life with all its problems and sorrow because there is no way of telling what the next life has in store for us:

VitaMan's Avatar
TWK is no Shakespeare. He can't even start his own threads, has to hijack threads and copy cartoons.

On the other hand, if he did start a thread, likely it would go like this:

"If you say so, say so
advice from Mr. Say So
the shock of 2,500 say sos
ah, there's the rub
too many say sos"

repeat as many times as needed
... If you say so.

(Blimey! Anybody can do it.)

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
More dick talk from Comerade Wacov

Good stuff buddy. You never disappoint!

HAHAHAHAHhahahahahaH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

the real question is why does the press keep taking pics of Obama stuffing things in his mouth? maybe you should look into that.

That is pretty much all TWK and Barleybreath have left. They have lost so many battles they are like 2 decrepit Russian tanks, stuck in the mud, unable to move from their position, and shoot off whatever they can from their muzzles. At his age, you would think TWK would be more like a senior officer. Instead it is material from a private no class.

Barleybreath is still young and can learn.

"Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life......" Originally Posted by VitaMan

thou art a ...

Trumpy is still costing taxpayers mucho bucks with all the cartel investigations on going and will we ever pay for all this...taxpayers dah

And this thread proofs once again and again and again...that the trumpy cartel cannot defend the corrupt trumpy and his cartel lol n omg n no fkn way

Obama is still living free and clear in their whaco heads though...after 6 years omg n wtf n get a life 24/7/365 bots.

bambino's Avatar
“Happy Easter to failed gubernatorial candidate and racist Attorney General Letitia James. May she remain healthy despite the fact that she will continue to drive business out of New York while at the same time keeping crime, death, and destruction in New York!”

By Donald J. Trump
Trumpy is still costing taxpayers mucho bucks with all the cartel investigations on going and will we ever pay for all this...taxpayers dah

And this thread proofs once again and again and again...that the trumpy cartel cannot defend the corrupt trumpy and his cartel lol n omg n no fkn way

Obama is still living free and clear in their whaco heads though...after 6 years omg n wtf n get a life 24/7/365 bots.

Dah Originally Posted by Tsmokies
You don't know what a Cartel is. You're just shooting your mouth off again.