Closed Threads

Htowner's Avatar
SFK don't any more family pics up. That is off limit.
DH , I am sure you have been called worse.
Well looks like the Ohio guest is in a good host's hands. I am wishing you all a good night before it turns into morning.
It was fun playing with you.
Come back when you want more .
You can call me the Ambassador. Just got it today. A nice ring to it.
dearhunter's Avatar
Ht, go find your own manpussy...........this one is mine...........oops, I just reread your post...........I am the "host"...............I apologize. You know how kitties get after they have marked their territory.
ANONONE's Avatar

. . .I'll grow on you. . . Originally Posted by dearhunter
You already have grown on me. . .like a fungus.

Maybe, I can be a kitty named you don't have to retrace your steps.

My neighbor has a cat named Shakespeare...........and we get along pretty me.

Hey, at least I didn't call you Malvolio!

Pstttttt. . .

Don't forget to make some type of reference to the closing of threads in your post.

Like: "Gosh I hope this thread doesn't get closed because DH is really funny and on a roll just because he is a little off topic."
dearhunter's Avatar
The Ambassador has bitch slapped me into remembering my "host" duties................welcome to Houston, manpussy.

pound pound pound

Now, you bitches don't be locking this thread................did that count?
ANONONE's Avatar

Quite masterful!

Well done, sir.

I am fairly confident that this thread will stay open with you at the helm.

Of course, calling the mods a bunch of "b*tches" might not result in you being at the helm for very long, and then it may be doomed to be closed.

. . .but what do I know, I am just a guy from Ohio that doesn't even have enough sense to be a Buckeye fan.

dearhunter's Avatar
Only if they are your manpussy.
ANONONE's Avatar

Goodnight DH, it is getting late up here in Buckeye country.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I would have posted earlier but I misread the title to this thread and thought it was already closed... before it was open.. and I thought ...damn that Dear Hunter... born over achiever...
Sarcastro's Avatar
welcome to Houston, manpussy.
Did DH just refer to to Anonone as "manpussy"?

Now, you bitches don't be locking this thread
Did DH just refer to the mods and admins as "bitches"?

It sure looks that way to me. PM sent for clarification.
Htowner's Avatar
Sarcasto that is one of DH's terms of endearment.
Little bold perhaps but for the mods, but he is including you all in his man love.
boardman's Avatar
Even Nut Loafs are allowed here! Originally Posted by auknowho
Guys, cut ANNOyingONE some slack. ^^^^^The Mods said he could stay.

Correct me if I'm wrong and I hope this isn't too far off topic cuz I don't want to get the thread closed(<<<see how I did that? I'm learning!) but didn't LSU, lead by a quarterback from Texas, bitch slap the Buckeyes in the last meaningful game either of them played.
ANONONE's Avatar
Guys, cut ANNOyingONE some slack. ^^^^^The Mods said he could stay.

Correct me if I'm wrong and I hope this isn't too far off topic cuz I don't want to get the thread closed(<<<see how I did that? I'm learning!) but didn't LSU, lead by a quarterback from Texas, bitch slap the Buckeyes in the last meaningful game either of them played. Originally Posted by boardman

I guessed you missed the previous post. Buckeyes, Schmuckeyes I played football for a different college in Ohio. We aren't all scarlet and gray lunatics up here. I don't want to step on any toes and get this thread closed, but my guess would be not everyone bleeds burnt orange in Texas, either.

Sorry if that was blasphemy. I would not want this thread to get closed if what I just suggested causes profanity or civil war.

boardman's Avatar
I thinck some among us tend to forget the meaning of the "S" in SHMB. Just sayin'....... it may cause threads to get locked prematurely.
ANONONE's Avatar

I wonder if they ever close threads down in that forum?
boardman's Avatar

I guessed you missed the previous post. Buckeyes, Schmuckeyes I played football for a different college in Ohio. We aren't all scarlet and gray lunatics up here. I don't want to step on any toes and get this thread closed, but my guess would be not everyone bleeds burnt orange in Texas, either.

Sorry if that was blasphemy. I would not want this thread to get closed if what I just suggested causes profanity or civil war.

Originally Posted by ANONONE
You mean the previous post that said it was getting late in redhawk country or was that bobcat country?..................No I thinck you said Buckeye country. Something tells me you are a closet fan but I guess I would be too since they embarrassed themselves in their last two BCS Championship games

You're right there is a sea of Maroon in Texas. You just never hear from them cuz they never leave the home state. No reason too. Everything an Aggie might need is right here.