Trump hearings

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Do you think it's my job to pull your shit out of the fire? Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I'm not sure what fire you think you're referring to, but much like an afghan school girl, I know better than to depend on a libtard to finish a job.
If there was a time to explain a stupid statement, that was it. And now it's gone. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
aww, poor baby, I'm sorry I didn't do what you wanted. Maybe have your Mom send some meatloaf down to the basement for you?
You made a stupid claim, got called on it, and then ran away. You added words which were the only un-concise part of the statement. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
No, I edited for brevity. That's a thing...
When you were asked for proof of your statement, you stuck out your lower lip and fled. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You can demand whatever you please... if you can't read your own words, then why should I assist you?
As far as what you've been called, of course you've been called worse. It doesn't matter if the people were better or worse and has nothing to do with you being an asshole. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Let me rephrase it so it's more clear for you... It doesn't matter what you call me, you're not worthy of any respect. I wouldn't respect a four year olds tantrum anymore than I respect your word vomit. You're just not that smart.
But for a cocksucker who bitched about me not being concise (you think the nature of the people who called you worse matters when it proves you aren't concise) , you completely missed the point that the term "asshole" was about as concise as a person could get in that situation. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Careful, the the hard core lefties are gonna send you to a re-education camp. "about as concise"? LOL Yes, that's like concise-concise right?
Fine, you won't/can't explain why you made a stupid/unsubstantiated claim. Then STFU about it. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
No I just said you weren't concise. Sounds like someone has some inferiority issues to deal with... seek counseling is my advice. It might help you with those anger issues and the inability to take criticism.
Typical of a "big lie" guy who can't stand being called out on yet another lie.
You're the one who bailed. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Aw, did I hurt your sad little boy feels? Poor little child. It's abandonment issues isn't it? Did your Dad leave your Mom and you? well just remember it was probably you that he couldn't stand being around...

Based on your writing it's understandable
Looks like after today Diaper Don is going down and not on Ivanka either, he is just a sorry small little bastard who deserves nothing.
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

I think if Bernie would still be President, nobody would know what I mean when I say a four-year dumpster fire. And I know dumpster fires.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think if Bernie would still be President, nobody would know what I mean when I say a four-year dumpster fire. And I know dumpster fires.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

who's bernie?

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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

It is with mixed feeling that I announce my retirement from Chapman University today. Apart from prominent visitorships at the University of San Diego and the University of Colorado Boulder, my entire academic career has been as a professor and Dean at the Chapman University Fowler School of Law.

With high-quality academic programs and strong humanist principles, Creighton University produces legal professionals who build a more just world.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I've not been keeping up on the coverage much. Apparently the networks don't either as they cut over to golf. But anyone know when Nancy Pelosi and Murial Bowser are scheduled to take the stand? I was curious to ask them or find out why they and the House and Senate security turned down the Capitol Police request for 10,000 National Guard troops 2 weeks prior to the event based on warning from the FBI and Capitol Police. Would also like to ask Chris Wray how come the FBI forgot to mention their warnings to Trump.
Can we submit questions via AOL or MySpace? Thanks in advance.
I've not been keeping up on the coverage much. Apparently the networks don't either as they cut over to golf. But anyone know when Nancy Pelosi and Murial Bowser are scheduled to take the stand? I was curious to ask them or find out why they and the House and Senate security turned down the Capitol Police request for 10,000 National Guard troops 2 weeks prior to the event based on warning from the FBI and Capitol Police. Would also like to ask Chris Wray how come the FBI forgot to mention their warnings to Trump.
Can we submit questions via AOL or MySpace? Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Obviously you haven't kept up, here's some cliffnotes:

Donald Trump made no efforts to stop rioters even as Vice President Mike Pence attempted to order National Guard troops to quell the violence.

Not only did President Trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the Capitol, he placed no call to any element of the United States government to instruct that the Capitol be defended,”

President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day. And he made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets.

The statements were backed up with testimony from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who said that Pence told Pentagon leaders to “get the Guard down here, put down this situation.”

In contrast, Milley said, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Milley that military officials needed to “kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions” and worked against sending personnel to help with the escalating situation.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Obviously you haven't kept up... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Obviously, you didn't read what I wrote. Either that or your reading comprehension is worse than F Joe Biden's. That rabid Marxism devotion and TDS is eating your soul.
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  • WTF
  • 06-17-2022, 08:37 AM
I still love the fact that Trump's daughter said she believed Bill Batt when he said there was no evidence of election fraud!

When your own daughter don't believe you, you're fucked.