If I was trying to impress you I'd have to get you a job as a fluffer on a Gay Porn set. Originally Posted by WTF
Rule #7 of arguing with WTF the moronic buffoon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cap'n Moonbat and WPF - now that's a pair. At least Moonbat has the ability to occasionally construct a logical thought. Why he is doubling down on stupid WITH Stupid is amazing. Just post another link to our conversation. That's all the vindication I need.

Cap'n Moonbat and WPF - now that's a pair. At least Moonbat has the ability to occasionally construct a logical thought. Why he is doubling down on stupid WITH Stupid is amazing. Just post another link to our conversation. That's all the vindication I need. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Doubling down on stupid, you say? You mean like you did time and time again in that marathon FairTax thread? At every turn, your rejoinder was simply another insult, in ad nauseam fashion, since that was apparently all you could think of. You never made even the slightest effort to understand what I posted, or, for that matter, much of anything at all about the subject under discussion.

Had you done so, you would have realized that the claims made by that goofy website you kept promoting obviously rely on sleight of hand. They amount to nothing more than a shell game, and collapse summarily when subjected to any measure of scrutiny. No unbiased, reasonably well-informed observer takes any of that fatuous nonsense seriously.

Perhaps even more embarrassingly, you showed that you were completely ignorant of concepts taught to every first-year economics student -- and then claimed to have taught the subject at the university level! I don't believe for a minute that you ever even took a university-level economics class. You sure as hell never taught one!

Conclusion: Not only are you an obnoxious, ignorant buffoon; you're a liar and a fraud.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I just hope it doesn't come down to Hillary and Jeb.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Conclusion: Not only are you an obnoxious, ignorant buffoon; you're a liar and a fraud. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Lol! Rosie O'Donnell is calling me fat!

Lol! Rosie O'Donnell is calling me fat!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow! I'll bet you were quite pleased with yourself after serving up that original and creative rejoinder. No doubt you were giggling like a little schoolgirl when you hit the "submit reply" button!

Look, dumbass, I've discussed economic policy and tax policy with a fairly large number of people over the years. But never have I encountered anyone with a poorer grasp of the issues than you have. With respect to economics and taxation, it's painfully clear that you are very poorly educated and quite ignorant.

Here's a suggestion for you, "professor." If you insist on incessantly hurling insults of someone's intelligence, why don't you do so within a thread that addresses a topic about which you have a fair bit of knowledge? (That is, if there is one.) You'll embarrass yourself much less that way.
lustylad's Avatar
I do find the topic of elasticity very interesting, but delving into it in what I would consider to be a satisfying level of detail would take thousands of words.... A great number of people have written theses and dissertations on elasticity, and commentary related to those works should exist in rather abundant supply. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Aw come on Cap'n, just lay out enough of the basics to make it even more obvious that WTFagboy is a clueless buzzword bozo.... You seem oddly selective in bashing the frauds on this board. Instead of lambasting COG, you could be laying out your own views. It would be nice to have an intelligent discussion with someone who actually knows how to speak economics.

Fagboy doesn't know how to advance his own dimwitted arguments because he only grasps the buzzwords, not the concepts. I would welcome someone who knows how to move a discussion from A to B.
Lustylad, I'll try to briefly explain why it may appear to you that I am "oddly selective." For one thing, I tend to leave people alone if they don't have a history of attacking me with non-stop strings of gratuitous insults, as COG does.

WTF and I have occasionally debated topics for at least seven or eight years -- long before ASPD went dark. On occasion, we've had some spirited disagreements and thrown some sharp elbows at each other (although nothing all that uncivil). But my sense of it is that he was ready to back up his argument with his own words, and he was always interested in learning something about the topic under discussion -- whether directly from the discussion, or from reading something else. And he certainly never made any laughably ridiculous claims of having obviously nonexistent academic credentials! (COG stands alone in that regard.)

On the other hand, COG seems completely uninterested in learning much of anything. He certainly made no effort to do so in that long FairTax thread, in which I sought a civil, reasoned discussion of the topic. But he started right in with incessant name-calling, continually saying that I "sounded stupid" and that I "needed to learn something." All the while, he was manifesting his own rather astonishing level of ignorance, and never answered when I challenged him to state -- in his own words -- why I was wrong about anything. He couldn't, so he didn't; instead choosing to double down on insults and obnoxious behavior. I have little patience with that type of idiocy. He acted in visceral fashion, like a white knight reacting to the crude bad boy who had come to defile his precious princess, the FairTax. It was one of the damnedest things I'd ever seen!

If you're interested in "speaking economics," as you say, or discussing tax policy, I'm game. Probably better, though, to put this tired old thread to rest and start a new one.

I'm ready for that if anyone else is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Post to the thread, MoonBat, let LL see for himself who is uninformed, and who hurled the most insults. If you've been debating tax and economic policy with the likes of WPF, it is no wonder you melted down so quickly. It also explains how you are unable to grasp a simple concept such as a consumption tax, which has been vetted by some of the finest economic minds in the country. So post the link. If you dare.

Gawd, you are boring, Rosie.
Here ya go:

Now tell me again how I was the one who set the tone for the discussion and started hurling insults. Just look at post #28, which was in response to my (perfectly polite) previous statement. You launched into full-on insult mode while showing time and time again that you were completely ignorant of the topic.

And it didn't get any better from there. Anyone who read that thread can easily see why I said earlier that I'd never debated economic policy or tax policy matters with anyone who had a poorer grasp of the issues. For the remainder of the thread, you showed that you're simply a closed-minded fool who's completely unwilling to learn anything.

Oh, but you did teach university-level economics, right? LMAO!

Go put on a dunce cap and sit in the corner for an hour, ignoramus. While you're doing that, maybe you can dream up another clever, creative rejoinder!