Please Don’t Thank Me for My Service

I B Hankering's Avatar
My Veteran son came back from Iraq and drove out to see me at work. We left my work and drove down the road to a local convenience store. He was in uniform and the owner was working the register. My son bought a pack of smokes, pack of condoms and a pack of gum. The owner would not take his money and said THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. We left.

A week later I went in to buy something at the same store. The owner was working the register again... NOBODY understood why I started blubbering trying to thank the man or what was going on. I left, I knew... but I'm not sure he even remembered.

Any way, Thanks Veterans!

My Son is doing great! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just what do most Veterans expect out of society when they have done their duty, so to speak, and enter back into the civilian world.

We now live in a different world than when myself and many of you served in the military. There is no draft, we have a volunteer army. Nobody is taken, as I like to say, "kicking and screaming".

We all heard the old horror stories of Vietnam Veterans coming home, getting spit on on airports, shunned because they represented an unpopular war.

I never saw any of it. In fact, disinterest was more of what I saw. The job I had when I was drafted was waiting on me, (that was the law back then). It seemed like one day I was drafted, I then did what I had to do, got out, and got on with life.

No parades. No party. No special treatment. No bad treatment. It all seemed like a dream, or in my case, (and others), a rather bad dream.

I never asked the Government for one thing. And they never offered. I got out, and got on with life.

Many could not. How men react to situations in life differ from individule to individule. We still have men in their mid 60's who never really recovered from that war.

Ever been to a VFW Hall. They are filled with men who have drowned their sorrows in a bottle.

Perhaps they expected something more than the Country was willing to give. Perhaps they had an over romantic view of rewards that society was willing to offer for heir service, only to find out that in reality, nobody cared much one way or the other.

We now live in a world where it seems like every one is willing to go out of their way to make sure our veterans are appreciated. But trust me, as one who has been there. Regardless of what you expect as a Veteran, you still have to get up the next morning and face what ever that next day brings.
IMO this thread is much ado about nothing.

It's a backhanded way to whine about "the war" that someone opposes, but it involves the servicemembers and their dedication and contribution, which is offensive ...... Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was apparent in the OP. WCB used the bigkotex template of posting a link with an inflammatory headline and the comment of "interesting." Then he accused people of "cherry picking." I bet WCB thinks he's clever too.
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  • WTF
  • 02-25-2015, 08:27 PM
+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
+2, Really good to hear his son is doing great.

The problem is , according to the suicide rate, many are not. It does not appear this simple 'Thank you for your service." is working all that well.

We just had one convicted yesterday for killing a fellow Vet. Instead of giving him the help he needs, they gave him life in prison. Just does not seem like a simple problem to me.
Wouldn't it be a better use of your time recruiting ISIS members on another board WTF?
+2, Really good to hear his son is doing great.

The problem is , according to the suicide rate, many are not. It does not appear this simple 'Thank you for your service." is working all that well.

We just had one convicted yesterday for killing a fellow Vet. Instead of giving him the help he needs, they gave him life in prison. Just does not seem like a simple problem to me. Originally Posted by WTF
You talk about my son, you talk to me DIRECTLY! You and Bowe Bergdahl FUCKER...
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  • WTF
  • 02-25-2015, 09:04 PM
You talk about my son, you talk to me DIRECTLY! You and Bowe Bergdahl FUCKER... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I said i was glad to hear you say he was doing well. You brought him up. Not me. Not sure wtf your problem is but I will send you a PM if you want to meet up.
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  • WTF
  • 02-25-2015, 09:10 PM
Wouldn't it be a better use of your time recruiting ISIS members on another board WTF? Originally Posted by gnadfly
My policies would not have our soldiers in harms way of ISIS. But keep on lying...or whatever it is you fuckers call falsehood s now days.
My policies would not have our soldiers in harms way of ISIS. But keep on lying...or whatever it is you fuckers call falsehood s now days. Originally Posted by WTF
You start a thread belittling others for simply thanking American servicemen for their service. Then you attack other board members for "not doing enough." Then you accuse the American justice system for convicting a guy for a double murder and sending him to jail instead of giving him the help he needs.

You also make a bunch of arguments that your board friends even scratch their heads over.

I'm not lying, I'm just seeing how far you are willing to take it. You've already demonstrated that you are willing to reduce the moral of the US troops which some would interpret as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy."

You are a despicable moronic buffoon.
You start a thread belittling others for simply thanking American servicemen for their service. Then you attack other board members for "not doing enough." Then you accuse the American justice system for convicting a guy for a double murder and sending him to jail instead of giving him the help he needs.

You also make a bunch of arguments that your board friends even scratch their heads over.

I'm not lying, I'm just seeing how far you are willing to take it. You've already demonstrated that you are willing to reduce the moral of the US troops which some would interpret as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy."

You are a despicable moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Did you even read the article?
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  • WTF
  • 02-26-2015, 09:03 AM
Did you even read the article? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
He wouldn't understand it if he had...If the dumb SOB thinks I'm "giving aid and comfort to the enemy." he is beyond help.

Then you accuse the American justice system for convicting a guy for a double murder and sending him to jail instead of giving him the help he needs.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It wasn't just some guy. It was a ex Marine prescribed anti-psychotic medication often used for schizophrenia.
  • DSK
  • 02-26-2015, 01:44 PM
Life can be a bitch at times DSK Originally Posted by WTF
I believe you are correct - that is why God gave us whores and alcohol!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
...- that is why God gave us whores and alcohol!!! Originally Posted by DSK
... You lucky dog! I've had to pay for mine.
Do a review then.
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  • WTF
  • 02-26-2015, 10:24 PM
... You lucky dog! I've had to pay for mine. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL, good one!