ladies, do you want to post reviews? list worst client?

thank you Marie. This thread needed an intelligent reply and you did so. Thank you very much! Originally Posted by flyinghi
Yes because you sure as hell never once came up with one.....
junglemonkey's Avatar
thank you Marie. This thread needed an intelligent reply and you did so. Thank you very much! Originally Posted by flyinghi

Oh, this thread had an intelligent reply all way back from my 1st post. You just didn't like the context of the stupidity it represented.
Oh, this thread had an intelligent reply all way back from my 1st post. You just didn't like the context of the stupidity it represented. Originally Posted by junglemonkey

Very well said mamita

I gave an honest and straight forward reply: "No, not interested."

Did you want to know why? That was not part of the OP, but here you go:

If a guy is not a threat or danger to others, it is best to not post about it, lest a lady open herself up to tit for tat criticism from the masses. If this happens, the lady must exercise self-restraint in her responses (if she chooses to respond -- most can't help it). At that point her level of professionalism and her attitude are on front street. All in all, it becomes a marketing clusterfuck.

Note that even if he is an actual danger, it is still going to be a, "he said, she said." These types of reports are best kept in more private areas or reported amongst the ladies during the reference check process.

****************************** ******

If the guy is awesome and the session went very very well, a lady might be tempted to post about it. Here is why that is not a good idea:

We are paid to build up a man, make him feel great about himself, and for the moments he is with us, focus on him as if there is no one in the world except the two of us. Compliments will be made, conversations had, and a variety of YMMV activities will take place.

If other men read about this, it can be devastating to our business. We will have provided a basis/bar for comparison to which a man may FEEL he either does or doesn't measure up to. It may be that they are intimidated by the physical description or the list of activities.

Some men are not so sensitive like this, but those are men are usually not the type to become a regular. They enjoy variety. We don't worry about these men. We take care of them when they are in our care, and that is all.

****************************** ********

However, here is the bottom line in all of it...............

This is a world of fantasy for men. They are judged all day long in the real world by their associates, wives, , and employers. They feel the pressure to perform in every aspect of their lives. In their fantasies, there should be no judgement. That is half of what makes P4P rational to them, aside from not wanting strings attached, and a great feel-good experience.

Who would ever in their life fantasize about paying someone to judge them or put them in a line-up for comparison?

****************************** **********

Like I said: "No. Not interested." Originally Posted by YummyMarie
....We are paid to build up a man, make him feel great about himself, and for the moments he is with us, focus on him as if there is no one in the world except the two of us. Compliments will be made, conversations had...This is a world of fantasy for men. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Wait. What?

My world is shattered! Are you telling me that I don't really have biggest most incredible cock you have ever seen? I didn't just give you 80 organisms and please you like no man has or could ever please you again? I'm not the best looking, most intelligent, witty, successful and amazing man on earth?

Wait. What?


FUCK! Originally Posted by Mythos
Devastating ain't it?
Broke my heart when I found out...
Devastating ain't it?
Broke my heart when I found out...
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
junglemonkey's Avatar
Devastating ain't it?
Broke my heart when I found out...
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Meh, I don't let my whores speak in my sessions unless they utter the words, "cock my mouth daddy"!!!!

And that you can record TheCutepapi!!!!!!!!
Meh, I don't let my whores speak in my sessions unless they utter the words, "cock my mouth daddy"!!!!

And that you can record TheCutepapi!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by junglemonkey