If you happen to be dining in Dallas soon....

Is this the part where you tell us your like the black Wolfgang Puck? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Naah but I am going to jerk off to one of your pictures soon at least I have that going for me and you cant stop me. ;-)
Naah but I am going to jerk off to one of your pictures soon at least I have that going for me and you cant stop me. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Just don't tell the whore in your avatar. I wouldn't want her trying to out me.
^ case in point. I'm not going to get into a back and forth with a ? ;-)

Race has nothing to do with my opinion but I'm glad you brought it up. So in that context let me just say that like Obama there's nothing affirmative action about me. If we could compare successes and financial accomplishments I would literally run circles around you by hundreds of thousands of country miles. ;-) Bet your life on it babe. ;-)

Carry on. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Enjoy your money, to relieve your septic mind...
Just don't tell the whore in your avatar. I wouldn't want her trying to out me. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Naah I have occassional permission to jerk off to plus sizes or fat fetishes. ;-)
Naah I have occassional permission to jerk off to plus sizes or fat fetishes. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'm not sure which is more pathetic: your admission that you jack off to this >>>

Or your admission that you need the permission of a whore to do so.

And you call your life a success???
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
^ case in point. I'm not going to get into a back and forth with a ? ;-)

Race has nothing to do with my opinion but I'm glad you brought it up. So in that context let me just say that like Obama there's nothing affirmative action about me. If we could compare successes and financial accomplishments I would literally run circles around you by hundreds of thousands of country miles. ;-) Bet your life on it babe. ;-)

Carry on. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
That's great you say you don't need affirmative action. However, until the country gets rid of it, you can't really prove you accomplished anything without it. All the accomplishments of the protected classes are tainted by affirmative action.
LexusLover's Avatar
All the accomplishments of the protected classes are tainted by affirmative action. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
... not to mention the lack of accomplishments.

Hopefully our next President will have more credentials than being a ...

......... "community organizer"!
... not to mention the lack of accomplishments.

Hopefully our next President will have more credentials than being a ...

......... "community organizer"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

I agree! While there is nothing wrong with having "community organizer" experience on the resume, an aspiring Presidential candidate would certainly need something much more substantial.

For example, having served as the President of the Harvard Law Review would be an excellent building block for a future POTUS. If you add to that elected experience at both the State and Federal government level, that person should be up and running.

That's great you say you don't need affirmative action. However, until the country gets rid of it, you can't really prove you accomplished anything without it. All the accomplishments of the protected classes are tainted by affirmative action. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Just like you cant prove you're actually smarter than protected classes that you exclude out of fear. It's just like sports records the majority accomplish by excluding minorities -TAINTED.

Personally I find that high GPA's at State and Ivy League colleges easily disproves your silly assertion of what cant be proven. It also tells me you think I took a job from you when me being smarter than you is really all that it is. ;-) Perhaps you could have made that case 30yrs ago.

Further when I delve a bit deeper from an academia perspective I find that by way of comparison Affirmative action vs. Legacy based admissions prove that affirmative action is nothing but a test that proves most people belong. I dont have empirical evidence but I dont necessarily need it. For example, kids benefitting from affirmative action not only have to get the grades but they have to keep the grades otherwise they're out. However, kids benefitting from legacy based admissions (rich family donating to their alma mater) can get poor or failing grades with no penalties.

If I'm not mistaken George Bush (who I liked in some ways) benefitted from this arrangement. My point is that despite your contentions about Affirmative action it doesn't dumb down curriculum's like donor admissions which are really prevalent.

I like chopping it up with you. To easy. Lol
I like chopping it up with you. To easy. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Enjoy it while you can! Tomorrow will be his last day for an extended period of time.

Five years to be exact!

JL, this ones for you!
I agree! While there is nothing wrong with having "community organizer" experience on the resume, an aspiring Presidential candidate would certainly need something much more substantial.

For example, having served as the President of the Harvard Law Review would be an excellent building block for a future POTUS. If you add to that elected experience at both the State and Federal government level, it would be an added bonus.

If they have all three, that person should be ready to go!

http://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/06/us...aw-review.html Originally Posted by bigtex
8 yrs he served in the Illinois State senate and on several boards of directors while being a civil rights attorney. Tack on his 2 yrs in the US senate and I'd say he's qualified. Ohh and he did some community organzing you know the kind of grassroots movement the tea party hopes to piggy back of off to send one of their darlings to the White House.
Enjoy it while you can! Tomorrow will be his last day for an extended period of time.

Five years to be exact!

JL, this ones for you! Originally Posted by bigtex
Did they get him on a ankle monitor removal violation. State or Federal prison?
trying to bolster obamas resume is hard work

even harder after 6 years of failures

we just have to wait him out
Did they get him on a ankle monitor removal violation. State or Federal prison? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I don't believe JL is doing any prison time.

As far as I know, his only commitment is for an extended, five year stay in the Dog House.

Ouch. Links please.