I did it..........kiss my ass

boardman's Avatar
My fans love me!

Oh, look post #1700.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Yeah, the ones you send PM's to................
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm tired...........I thinck I'll go home, now.
boardman's Avatar
run dearhunter run!
notanewbie's Avatar
onehitwonder's Avatar
Your'e tired of me already? Damn that was fast.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Brooke you said I gotta get to 1200 and then go post ho bat shit crazy... I'm well on my way! Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Ummm, May I change that to 2,200? I'm just ask'en.
  • pyro
  • 08-19-2010, 06:53 AM
Now this is a "Dearhunter" we all can embrace. As subtle as a tire fire.
Remember when we wished him well. To come home safe from the dark continent.
Well, its nice to know that some thing never change. And prophet, while I may not
always agree with you, I do however always enjoy reading you. TFF
