McKinney Police Video - Did anybody see that roll?

The principal of North Miami Senior High School lost his job over this following Facebook comment on a Miami Herald story concerning the officer in McKinney:
"He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life, I commend him for his actions."
Look, I disagree with the principal's comment, but I understand this was a highly debatable incident where people of good faith could passionately disagree. This is just another example of how social media can bite you in the ass if you post an unfavorable comment.

This man lost his job - freaking unbelievable.....on second thought, not surprising at all. Originally Posted by Fawlty
I don't feel sorry for this guy, he was the principal of a predominantly black high school. If he wasn't removed from his position losing his job would have probably been the least of his problems. At any rate, he was given another administrative position. They probably removed him from office for his own sake. Once again, just someone paying for a stupid decision, like the young girl, like the cop.

1) It sure does seem strange that this little drama queen is in seclusion after attaining all the attention she was looking for.

It's called "putting on a show", most people would do it if they thought they would get $$$. Greed is a common human characeristic.

2) Funny she is living at her aunt's place, her legal guardian. When the cop was detaining her all she could yell was "Call my Momma!" So where do Momma and Daddy live? Is the legal guardianship just a shame so she can attend Frisco schools?

it's actually quite common for children under legal guardianship to refer to their guardian as "mama" or "daddy".

3) She claims she had an invite to the party, which to me means she was not there as a member of the HOA. So it will be interesting to see if the party was actually a legal event or just a "rave" pool

Probably the latter.

I watched the video several times. She left 3 or 4 times, but always kept coming back. I guess the cop just got tired of her mouth the last time.

I agree, most likely he made a stupid move in the heat of the moment. Originally Posted by Papa Noel
Yup, it will be interesting to see what becomes of this.
Maybe the aunt is like her momma. If she's raised her since birth or from when she was a small child I can see why she would call her momma.

Not saying the girl was in the right, she was wrong antagonizing the cops like that. Just saying she might call her aunt "momma".

Is anyone watching how WFAA is tap dancing with the race card issue concerning this new manhunt for the AA suspect who shot the Nepalese store owner? They had a picture of the surveillance video showing the suspect (typical of a manhunt) and have since taken it down and replaced it with a pic of the grieving husband bc the comments about the suspect's race started going off the rails. Ridiculous.

Are the Nepalese community leaders and clergy gonna start protesting this as a hate crime? I kind of hope they do even though I know they won't.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Can we stop with the victim-blaming here? shes a young girl who was invited to a pool party. She never wanted this to happen.

The cop slammed her into the the ground then put his knee in her back and head but you're mad at a teenage girl for being "mouthy" about being assaulted for absolutely no reason by a grown male cop?

The McKinney PD forced him to resign and admitted he was wrong, PD's don't usually admit any fault, but even they know this was wrong and there's nothing to excuse what the officer did, so stop trying to.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Can we stop with the victim-blaming here? shes a young girl who was invited to a pool party. She never wanted this to happen.

The cop slammed her into the the ground then put his knee in her back and head but you're mad at a teenage girl for being "mouthy" about being assaulted for absolutely no reason by a grown male cop?

The McKinney PD forced him to resign and admitted he was wrong, PD's don't usually admit any fault, but even they know this was wrong and there's nothing to excuse what the officer did, so stop trying to. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
True to an extent but we see the bigger pic here- she or rather her family and attorney are looking for a big cash day and I see nothing where she needs to be compensated. Yes the police officer was a jerk- but she was told several times to leave and kept coming back- if she gets some kind of compensation it will only set a precedent where if the police tell you do something just mouth off- get the police angry and hopefully you will get slammed to the ground and get a big pay day.
Honestly, I don't see any way she will get a pay day because I have seen far worse arrest by police officers.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
True to an extent but we see the bigger pic here- she or rather her family and attorney are looking for a big cash day and I see nothing where she needs to be compensated. Yes the police officer was a jerk- but she was told several times to leave and kept coming back- if she gets some kind of compensation it will only set a precedent where if the police tell you do something just mouth off- get the police angry and hopefully you will get slammed to the ground and get a big pay day.
Honestly, I don't see any way she will get a pay day because I have seen far worse arrest by police officers. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Who gives a f@ck about her attorney or whether they sue or how much they get?

If you're mad they're taking legal actions then be mad at the cop who assaulted her. If the cop never would have assaulted her she couldn't sue.
bojulay's Avatar
If you watch the video the girl was posing no immediate threat
to the officer who was clearly very pissed off and decided to
pick her to vent his frustration on. And it's all on video so not
much left for debate. One of the worst parts is it looks like he
was putting his full weight on her while she was on the ground.

He may be facing assault charges, and yeah the girl will get a pretty
good settlement out of it, maybe enough to pay for college or something.

Just another case of excessive use of force through an unorganized
unprofessional police action.

That cop was running around amped up to about 9 when he should
have been on about 5

Standing around while a cop goes bonko isn't a major crime as far as I know.
There was no fighting, looting, pillaging, vandalism, etc, going on that would constitute
an immediate danger to life or property.

Still don't understand why other cops will stand around and watch one of their own
going off the rails and not intervene before it reaches that level.
How many of us here or anywhere wouldn't put up with 5-10 minutes of police brutality for a potential half million dollar payday? Bet that just might be part of the cop lawyer's defense...setting a precedent.

I don't think the cop has nearly enough to be worried about as much as the city of McKinney does. That's where the money is.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Honestly, I don't see any way she will get a pay day because I have seen far worse arrest by police officers. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

yes.. on "Cops" there were lots of, um, aggressive arrests by the police.. almost all of them were after the suspect ignored instructions, resisted, etc.. I always thought these people were stupid.. they weren't going anywhere, there was no chance of defeating the cops. I was amazed these arrestees gave permission to be shown on TV.. just made them look bad.

so what about the stress Casebolt claimed he was under? regarding one witnessed suicide, and another suicide attempt that same day? should it not be easy to verify that claim? has any news department looked into it? if true, I would give Casebolt some slack, that is a lot to go through in one half day.. if it's not true, we should know.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Who gives a f@ck about her attorney or whether they sue or how much they get?

If you're mad they're taking legal actions then be mad at the cop who assaulted her. If the cop never would have assaulted her she couldn't sue. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
if she would had took her little ass to the other side like she was instructed too we wouldn't be having this conversation- I don't condone the officer but if you want me to have a pity plea for the girl not happening- I have seen innocent people get maced, kicked, punch and brutally battered by police officers.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
yes.. on "Cops" there were lots of, um, aggressive arrests by the police.. almost all of them were after the suspect ignored instructions, resisted, etc.. I always thought these people were stupid.. they weren't going anywhere, there was no chance of defeating the cops. I was amazed these arrestees gave permission to be shown on TV.. just made them look bad.

so what about the stress Casebolt claimed he was under? regarding one witnessed suicide, and another suicide attempt that same day? should it not be easy to verify that claim? has any news department looked into it? if true, I would give Casebolt some slack, that is a lot to go through in one half day.. if it's not true, we should know. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
however, the difference is Casebolt is trained and should have handled himself on a more mature fashion than a 15 year old girl.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
if she would had took her little ass to the other side like she was instructed too we wouldn't be having this conversation- I don't condone the officer but if you want me to have a pity plea for the girl not happening- I have seen innocent people get maced, kicked, punch and brutally battered by police officers. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Do you have children?

Do you have daughters?

How would you feel if this was a 14 year old white female child?
cheatercheater's Avatar
Do you have children?

Do you have daughters?

How would you feel if this was a 14 year old white female child? Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
I posed this question to my youngest daughter, now 27, and asked her what my response would have been had she been in this girls place. Quickly responded with she had a whooping coming for being disrespectful and for failing to obey an order given by a police officer.

She also knows I would have her back in an excessive use of force situation. I fail to see an excessive use of force here. Am I white? Am I black? Am I green? Wtf difference does it make?
Trill Jackson's Avatar
I posed this question to my youngest daughter, now 27, and asked her what my response would have been had she been in this girls place. Quickly responded with she had a whooping coming for being disrespectful and for failing to obey an order given by a police officer.

She also knows I would have her back in an excessive use of force situation. I fail to see an excessive use of force here. Am I white? Am I black? Am I green? Wtf difference does it make? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
I'm not asking what a child should do, she's a damn child for christs sake.

My question is how would you feel as a parent if a grown ass man did this to your 14 year old daughter?

I don't care if you have a badge, if you touch one hair on the head of my wife or daughters you better hope they throw you in jail before I throw you in a ditch on a country road in the middle of nowhere.
My 14yr old wouldn't have been at that party. I know where the fuck my kids go.

And if they went on the sly then I'd be the first one commending the officer for beating her lying, mouthy ass.