Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama would not have been nominated if it were not for the "urban strategy" of David Axelrod.*

Axelrod made a career out of operating a racially-derived election strategy which has worked well for electing Mayors in major cities for over thirty years, but for which Obama was the first candidate suitable to use this strategy on a national level.

The strategy is simple:

Find an African-American candidate who is acceptable enough to white voters so the white vote is split around 50/50.

Then the African-American vote will come in at over 90% for that candidate because he's African-American.

That will be the margin of victory.

In terms of Obama's chances for winning re-election, the Republicans have to show that they can field someone capable of winning, and of exploiting Obama's weaknesses. They've got to produce someone who's alternative to the crowd they've so far spawned. They're a lot of bad Republicans and few good ones....some of the good ones have to come forward, even if it might be someone like General Petraeus or the Mayor of New York....someone who's not a career politician but has shown some accomplishment in a profession or life career.

*"Urban strategy" is the name Axelrod himself uses to refer to this. I know it's almost incredible, but look it up and you'll see he claims he invented it. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
There's a difference between a demographically-based strategy and one fueled by fear and hate, and you know it. Demographics are the building block of any marketing strategy, political, product or otherwise.

I do not think the people are going to elect a rookie, like Petraeus. And TAE, how can you even suggest Bloomberg when you won't even mention his name?

Fact is, they've got nobody right now.

GM is productive again, so are the banks. If we stopped spending billions on bombs and redirected that into education and health care, shit would turn around REAL fast. And, for the record, creation of new jobs rose in March, and unemployment fell. Certainly neither to any great whoop-de-doo, but considering the recession Obama was handed by the previous administration ...

(According to PolitiFact)

The GDP has stopped falling and has risen each of the past FIVE quarters.

Personal income was more than 4 percent higher in the third quarter of 2010 than it was in the first quarter of 2009. Meanwhile, average hourly earnings and average weekly earnings for private workers are almost 8 percent higher and three-tenths of 1 percent higher, respectively, than they were when Obama was sworn in. Some of these gains are modest, but they are gains nonetheless.

Industrial production has increased by a little over 4 percent since Obama's inauguration, though today's level is still lower than it was in 2007. However, it is growing again.

The stock market is one step removed from basic economic indicators, but it does show what investors think about the prospects for the broader economy. And since Obama was inaugurated, it's been going like gangbusters. The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased by a whopping 44 percent between Jan. 20, 2009, and Dec. 12, 2010. And the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index -- a broader indicator of the domestic stock market -- rose by more than 61 percent over the same period.

Do your homework, man. There's been a lot of bad going on with the economy of this country over the past 9 years and a lot of stuff is still in deep trouble, but there are definite and measurable indications that the economy is recovering and growing.

To call that delusional is simply, well, simple. And totally predictable, logically speaking.
conservative44's Avatar
Obama would not have been nominated if it were not for the "urban strategy" of David Axelrod.*

Axelrod made a career out of operating a racially-derived election strategy which has worked well for electing Mayors in major cities for over thirty years, but for which Obama was the first candidate suitable to use this strategy on a national level.

The strategy is simple:

Find an African-American candidate who is acceptable enough to white voters so the white vote is split around 50/50.

Then the African-American vote will come in at over 90% for that candidate because he's African-American.

That will be the margin of victory.

In terms of Obama's chances for winning re-election, the Republicans have to show that they can field someone capable of winning, and of exploiting Obama's weaknesses. They've got to produce someone who's alternative to the crowd they've so far spawned. They're a lot of bad Republicans and few good ones....some of the good ones have to come forward, even if it might be someone like General Petraeus or New York Mayor Bloomberg....someone who's not a career politician but has shown some accomplishment in a profession or life career.

Personally I'd prefer to see one of the few good Democrats challenge Obama for the nomination and win. To me Obama and W. Bush were two total disasters.

*"Urban strategy" is the name Axelrod himself uses to refer to this. I know it's almost incredible, but look it up and you'll see he claims he invented it. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Austin escorts, as a republican I agree with much of what you said throughout this thread. But as a word of advice from another person in business, you may want to stay away from such topics as politics living in a democratic city, and this topic or how it may be construed. Even though you didn't say anything by posting this it appears you are taking a side or have a belief in this matter. In the mid 90's tommy hilfiger was as popular as ralph lauren. Then there was a RUMOR that went around saying he was racist. Now, I can't even remember the last time I saw a hilfiger shirt. By this I'm saying I think you stand to lose more business than gain with such opinionated remarks. That doesn't even include the anonymous tipsters out there. Good luck in your future business, and I hope your business contines to thrive. I will wait for Marina to go indy for now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Still can't figure out why you would think your outspoken positions wouldn't affect your ladies' business.

But I can only assume you know what you're doing TAE.

That said, I will not be patronizing your agency.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Huh I thought you liberals practiced having an open mind to debate. I guess it is only if you agree with your views.
sixxbach's Avatar
I really think that politics have no place on a hooker board but that is just me. If I ever were to see another agency girl, I could care less if the owner has racist views or not.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Huh I thought you liberals practiced having an open mind to debate. I guess it is only if you agree with your views. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Well, speaking on behalf of US LIBERALS, I can only echo what CONSERVATIVE44 said regarding TAE possibly alienating customers with his outspoken views.

That's simple business. You should understand simple business. Maybe not.

It's like not screaming FUCK THE (whatevers) while the mic is on backstage during a sound check. Or wearing a confederate flag T-shirt while working a Hip Hop show. Might hurt your chances of setting up speakers at the next big teenage combo show. Never know who's on the other end of it, so a smart puppy doesn't bark.

I've worked a few (OK A SHITLOAD) of events where I didn't agree with the people on the stage. And I still get LOTS of that business because I know how to keep my fucking mouth shut in a crowd. Maybe a good lesson for YOU DITTOHEADS!

In fact, I'm guessing if someone else had written that post, you'd be giving it the big "FUCK YEAH! I'D NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH SOMEONE WHO SUPPORTS OUR ENEMIES" :headbang:

But I'm sure you probably didn't read CONSERVATIVE44s post, either.

Did you say something about ME agreeing with MY views? GUILTY AS CHARGED!
conservative44's Avatar
I didn't vote for Obama, and never will for any Democrat. If Colin Powell would have ran in 2008 I honestly don't know if I would or wouldn't have chose him over McCain who I would have preferred over Bush in 00 and 04. Saying that, I can guarantee if Powell was on the REPUBLICAN ticket 90% of the African-Americans would NOT have voted for him. I just hate it when any one plays any race card or reverse race card. Sixx, you're right this probably doesn't belong here but it sure has grabbed a lot of our attention. You might not care if the appointment setter or pimp of an agency has a particular type of views but some people just won't give their money to a person, especially when someone else has a comparable service.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, wise words.

Thanks conservative44.

Simple marketing -- I'm not going to patronize someone who hates America. Period.

Might distress all of you to know that I've never voted a straight ticket. NEVER. In fact, I spent more than a decade of my life fighting for tort reform in Texas (SUCCESSFULLY I MIGHT ADD) and in other states, like Alabama and Georgia ... I helped bring down Big Tobacco (IN A BIG WAY). Also helped bring down the HMOs in the first and only national RICO suit, which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars towards MINORITY scholarship for medical schools across Texas, along with numerous other good deeds, which might also have benefited underserved communities.

I'd mention more of my conservative leanings but I'd probably blow the cover of my clients, and G-d knows I wouldn't want to do that on a hooker board! Let's just leave it at, you guys need to bow and scrape at my feet, because I've helped more conservative causes than you'll ever imagine and am a much better whore than you'll ever fuck.

Those who can't do any more than fling about labels like so much instant mac and cheese (on a lonely night in a studio apartment) are truly uninformed and incapable of civil debate. Bring it right or don't bring it at all, boyos!

It isn't about the person. It's about the issue. GET IT?

Or do you want to stir some more shit?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yssup, You crack me up! You are so easily riled up....

I have read all the responses.

It is OK for people to have different views. I just do not agree with most of yours.

Just keep preaching your fear and hate man.... When the shit hits the fan.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When the shit hits the fan, knobs, you will still be where you are today. Bitching about a BLACK man at the head of the government you willingly accept health care and retirement from.

I'm glad I crack you up.

(I've received reprimands for anything else I've said to you, no matter how steeped in stupidity it was. Which I utterly admit. There was a reason Wyldeman30 was on my ignore list. Shame on me for reading any of his ignorant drivel.

I prostrate myself before you all and beg for your forgiveness!)
texasjohn1965's Avatar
When the shit hits the fan, knobs, you will still be where you are today. Bitching about a BLACK man at the head of the government you willingly accept health care and retirement from.

I'm glad I crack you up.

I've gotten the same kind of laughs at an elementary school making fart sounds. Wait a second... wasn't that you in the room?

Your posts are indicative of your level of knowledge on this subject. You're ignorant and that's beyond debate.

Keep making a fool of yourself. Doesn't hurt me a bit. But it might hurt you if any of your potential employers find out what kind of chit you're putting out for the world to see.

Bring it, wrench man!

Would I let them know? Naw. But could I? Damned skippy, knobs! Now what are you gonna do? Maybe retreat? Maybe stop your stupid bullshit? Or take a chance that someone might know the powers that be in the Austin music scene?

Your call, bubba.

I'm cool with whatever you decide.

Show us your balls, big guy! Or chill the fuck out and be a man about things. Either way, you need to chill. Or LOSE. BIG TIME!

You have no idea who you're fucking with.

And President Obama couldn't do to you what some folks on this board could. So don't be a dunce and wise up, bubba. You might even ask your mentors about this one -- including Humpty, since you've chosen to follow him -- I'm sure any of your fellow packers would tell you to run for cover quickly.

But who am I to pass judgment on you? (Why would I want to shut off your livelihood? COULD I? FUCK YEAH! But would I? That's up to you macho!)

Keep it up, brilliante!

Just do your homework before you start attacking legitimate members of the board. Or don't and find out how far you get with that....

(Oh yeah, I've never been pointed, but I have been banned. You do the math! RIGHT?) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Threatening to out someone? Really?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would NEVER out somebody here on ECCIE. Truth be told, I can cut a line thinner than any surgeon in town, if I had to. But of course nobody has ever been worthy of my skillz. If I wanted to out someone, as you so glibly state it, it would'nt be on ECCIE! It would be with one of my numerous friends in the LE community, the Legislature or the Congress. People would be deported back to Arkansas, Oklahoma or Never Never Land, wherever you fellas and your farm animal girlfriends come from.

But I'm glad you'd suspect as much. Bubba. I've always respected the sanctity of the hobby. Anybody who knows me knows as much.

Glad you're keeping us all on our toes, amigo.

Make sure you know who you're accusing before you pull that finger out of your, well, wherever you're keeping it...

Glad someone's WK'ing for Wyldeman30. He needs someone literate to stand up for him. 'Zat you?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Would NEVER out somebody here on ECCIE. Truth be told, I can cut a line thinner than any surgeon in town, if I had to. But of course nobody has ever been worthy of my skillz. If I wanted to out someone, as you so glibly state it, it would'nt be on ECCIE! It would be with one of my numerous friends in the LE community, the Legislature or the Congress. People would be deported back to Arkansas, Oklahoma or Never Never Land, wherever you fellas and your farm animal girlfriends come from.

But I'm glad you'd suspect as much. Bubba. I've always respected the sanctity of the hobby. Anybody who knows me knows as much.

Glad you're keeping us all on our toes, amigo.

Make sure you know who you're accusing before you pull that finger out of your, well, wherever you're keeping it...

Glad someone's WK'ing for Wyldeman30. He needs someone literate to stand up for him. 'Zat you? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I WK for no one. I quote you so that you cant change it later.
You are threatening to out someone to LE? Nice.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh shit. I guess I'm not playing by the rules again. I've been reprimanded for reacting to Wyldeman30's repeated bloviations. MY BAD! SERIOUSLY! WE SHOULD ALL KNOW BETTER!

If I've offended anybody, I deeply, sincerely and completely apologize.

Please continue to post racist remarks, graphics and other types of negative things about me, my heritage and my political leanings -- though none of you know anything about my politics. This thread has certainly had enough racism and xenophobia to beat the band -- so it makes perfect sense that I'd be reprimanded for it.



However, it seems that an out of towner who has NO IDEA what's going on has an objection to this and has reported me to the authorities.

I'm really sorry. I wouldn't presume to discuss anybody's private life here on ECCIE, though a number of you have rushed to discuss mine.

Wyldeman, I personally apologize, flog myself with chains and will read paper books in penitence for the disservice I have rendered to you. I surely wouldn't out you or anybody else on ECCIE. Just as I never have on any other board I've been a member of. However, some folks don't believe that and are just ... well, enough about that.

However, I've gotten my penalty and hope you all continue to follow your hearts, Humpty and the great unwashed masses.

I've probably gone as far as I can go with this crowd.

Zei gesunt, people! I guess I'm way out of line here.

Enjoy your radio shows...
texasjohn1965's Avatar

what were you saying about chilling out?