Hillary wins how it's good for us and also bad on SA

berryberry's Avatar
People who complain about progressive bull shit are always the first in line when they need help, It only becomes bull shit when they dont need it anymore. If you cant see the need for protecting the environment, lowering college costs, raising wages, lowering health care costs, medicare, social security, unemployment benefits, gun control, all of which would and will benefit you, but you would rather gut all those progressive programs so that the top 1% can pay less taxes, get real. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You do realize of course all those things cost real money. And that the Federal government has none of its own money and is trillions in debt. Just where do you propose the money come from to pay for all this stuff
StandinStraight's Avatar
Trump is planning on eliminating the estate tax and dropping the tax rate for the top 1% by 15%, the cost of lost tax dollars of just those 2 tax cuts far out weighs the cost of the entire list of progressive benefits I mentioned. In Trump world we eliminate the social safety nets while going further in debt thru tax breaks to billionaires,do u think that's better?
StandinStraight's Avatar
You do realize of course all those things cost real money. And that the Federal government has none of its own money and is trillions in debt. Just where do you propose the money come from to pay for all this stuff Originally Posted by berryberry
You have to understand Trump is just shifting money from the poor and middle class to the rich. None of you are rich enough to be benefitting from his policies, he played all of you as suckers. A new war within 4 years is now guaranteed, explain your vote to your kids or grandkids who will have to fight it. The chance they had at affordable health care and higher wages are gone, your to brainwashed to realize what's going on!
lustylad's Avatar
If you cant see the need for protecting the environment, lowering college costs, raising wages, lowering health care costs, medicare, social security, unemployment benefits, gun control... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Gee, why don't we check the actual scorecard here, shall we StandinCrooked?

Here is what happened to all those things under Obama:

1) College and healthcare costs skyrocketed.
2) Wages stagnated.
3) Medicare and SS grew more insolvent.
4) The % of people in the work force nosedived.
5) Gun violence in Chicago and other inner cities continued to spiral despite strict gun control laws.
6) Oil had to be transported by spill-prone railroad cars because Obama wouldn't approve the Keystone XL pipeline...

That's odd... your libtard talking points ain't making it! Anyone who cares would be smart to give Trump a chance, because the Dems have failed across the board!
lustylad's Avatar
Trump is planning on eliminating the estate tax and dropping the tax rate for the top 1% by 15%, the cost of lost tax dollars of just those 2 tax cuts far out weighs the cost of the entire list of progressive benefits I mentioned... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Where do you come up with this nonsense? Do you have a link to back up any of what you just wrote? I want to see numbers. Show me the estimated annual loss of tax revenues versus the annual cost of whatever "progressive benefits" you are talking about. You do know the federal government will spend $2.2 trillion on healthcare and SS alone this year, don't you? Trump's proposed tax cuts don't add up to anywhere near that.

And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question I posed to you in post #97 and repeated in post #105.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Where do you come up with this nonsense? Do you have a link to back up any of what you just wrote? I want to see numbers. Show me the estimated annual loss of tax revenues versus the annual cost of whatever "progressive benefits" you are talking about. You do know the federal government will spend $2.2 trillion on healthcare and SS alone this year, don't you? Trump's proposed tax cuts don't add up to anywhere near that.

And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question I posed to you in post #97 and repeated in post #105. Originally Posted by lustylad
StandinStraight's Avatar
Where do you come up with this nonsense? Do you have a link to back up any of what you just wrote? I want to see numbers. Show me the estimated annual loss of tax revenues versus the annual cost of whatever "progressive benefits" you are talking about. You do know the federal government will spend $2.2 trillion on healthcare and SS alone this year, don't you? Trump's proposed tax cuts don't add up to anywhere near that.

And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question I posed to you in post #97 and repeated in post #105. Originally Posted by lustylad
StandinStraight's Avatar
Where do you come up with this nonsense? Do you have a link to back up any of what you just wrote? I want to see numbers. Show me the estimated annual loss of tax revenues versus the annual cost of whatever "progressive benefits" you are talking about. You do know the federal government will spend $2.2 trillion on healthcare and SS alone this year, don't you? Trump's proposed tax cuts don't add up to anywhere near that.

And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question I posed to you in post #97 and repeated in post #105. Originally Posted by lustylad
So the joke is on all the average joes that voted for Trump thinking he was one of them. He played you, now your taxes will go up while he and his Wall Street buds see a huge decrease in taxes. Then he will give healthcare back to the insurance companies who will only be interested in profit at the expense of coverage, say good bye to your health care security. To set the record straight health care cost have increased less per year under Obama care than they increased per year before Obamacare care. Trump played to your ignorance about guns and minorities to get your vote now he is gonna screw you. The sad part is most Trump voters are so out of touch that they won't even realize he is screwing them, they will find a way to blame it on Obama.
  • DSK
  • 12-30-2016, 08:57 AM
Most Trump voters are uneducated men and there uneducated spouses who do what they are told to out of fear of there husbands. They think they are well off and part of the republican party because they own a gun and drive a truck. Actually though they are ignorant and were used by Trump to get elected, nothing he will do will help them in any way. That is why at his rallies he always said, "i love the uneducated" cause he knows your red-neck stupidty would lead you to vote for him. He knew the ignorant would love the build the wall, hate minorities, protect your guns bull shit. He actually thinks your idiots and could care less about your lives, by voting for him you proved him right. Watch what happens to your lives over the next 4 years, he will ruin your health insurance, wages will go down, working conditions will worsen, your kids will go to war, your water and air will be polluted, but hey Trump and his billionaire buddies will make a fortune on your misfortune but you will still have your stupid pick up truck and guns so dont worry about anything you can vote for him again in 4 years. Like the saying goes, stupid is forever! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
What is ironic about your rant about voters for Sr. Trump is the complaint about how uneducated and stupid they are.

"Most Trump voters are uneducated men and there [sp] uneducated spouses who do what they are told to out of fear of there [sp] husbands"

I would have used t h e i r.

Anyway, the larger point is that the demographic you express such empathy for doesn't like the direction of the country, and hope Mr. Trump will change it. They don't expect a free lunch and everything to be perfect and free of hard work, unlike the people who vote for the other side.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Most Americans were perfectly happy with the job Obama was doing, hence his approval ratings are higher than Clinton or regan when they left office. Most Americans voted for Hillary Clinton as she won the popular vote by over 3 million votes. Donald trumps approval rating is lower than any past president as they waited to take office. What put Trump in office was his following of racist white homophobic redneck losers that Trump himself refers to as his uneducated people. Again, he played you for suckers, your going to get screwed.
  • DSK
  • 12-30-2016, 11:10 AM
yada yada yada... your [sp] going to get screwed. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
No, you're going to be screwed.(Note the spelling and what it means) Trump is going to make America great again, and your attempt to blame it on racism is just an example of the elites teaching you to focus on race when class divisions are the real problems.

Your grammar selections indicate to me that you're uneducated.
lustylad's Avatar
Your grammar selections indicate to me that you're uneducated. Originally Posted by DSK
Yes, StandinCrooked is obviously too uneducated to address my simple questions. He is also cowardly and intellectually stunted. That's why he prefers to rant about "racist white homophobic redneck losers". Playing the race card is always the perfect conversation stopper favored by libtard scoundrels whenever they know they are losing an argument. StandinCrooked reminds me of assup. Like assup, he is too stupid and uneducated to engage in genuine or productive conversation.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Yes, StandinCrooked is obviously too uneducated to address my simple questions. He is also cowardly and intellectually stunted. That's why he prefers to rant about "racist white homophobic redneck losers". Playing the race card is always the perfect conversation stopper favored by libtard scoundrels whenever they know they are losing an argument. StandinCrooked reminds me of assup. Like assup, he is too stupid and uneducated to engage in genuine or productive conversation. Originally Posted by lustylad
CrustyLad I gave you links to the proof you wanted about your taxes going up and Trumps plans to ruin your life and mine, you had no response of course. You had no clue when you voted and you have no clue now. You never did tell me what policy proposals Trump has that will make your life better cause there are none. Oh and hey Crusty he ain't building no wall either, he just told you that to get your vote. Get a clue.
  • DSK
  • 12-30-2016, 06:07 PM
Yes, StandinCrooked is obviously too uneducated to address my simple questions. He is also cowardly and intellectually stunted. That's why he prefers to rant about "racist white homophobic redneck losers". Playing the race card is always the perfect conversation stopper favored by libtard scoundrels whenever they know they are losing an argument. StandinCrooked reminds me of assup. Like assup, he is too stupid and uneducated to engage in genuine or productive conversation. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well said and I concur.

We dodged a bullet not electing Hillary - that in and of itself is a great accomplishment of Mr. Trump's.
berryberry's Avatar
Trump is planning on eliminating the estate tax and dropping the tax rate for the top 1% by 15%, the cost of lost tax dollars of just those 2 tax cuts far out weighs the cost of the entire list of progressive benefits I mentioned. In Trump world we eliminate the social safety nets while going further in debt thru tax breaks to billionaires,do u think that's better? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You are utterly clueless

First, please put an accurate cost on

the need for protecting the environment
lowering college costs, raising wages
lowering health care costs
social security
unemployment benefits
gun control

Second, please find a real article, not one from a guy who is part of a liberal tax policy thinktank

Third, educate yourself on how tax cuts work for everyone

Finally, learn proper grammar before you go off again railing about all the uneducated people who voted for Trump