Git Yer Red Hots! Red hot lies! Fresh off da presses!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You need to trade in that Amiga, bruv.
Precious_b's Avatar
You need to trade in that Amiga, bruv. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh god, I can't watch that shit.

Short, concise and precise please.

Like this. Originally Posted by Precious_b
cant view instagram with firefox. haven't for a while.

the video is only 10 minutes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
don't be a big baby... just watch it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
don't be a big baby... just watch it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Did you just scold DF for not watching the video that DF posted? Are you watching the movie Inception right now? Are you allergic to shellfish?

I can't see it 'cause I'm not a velvet rope club member of that site and I'm OK with that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
When one narrative dies, a new one will rise up to replace it.

You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about!

Sunday Talks, Psaki Gives Away the Ukraine Game – Russia Is Needed As Fall Guy for Biden Energy Policy and Economic Damage

During an ABC interview today, White House Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki gave away the game for the Biden Administration’s intent on exploiting the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Keep in mind, as the Biden team were getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and gas prices set to double, the White House worked to create an urgent defense by manufacturing the crisis.

While Joe Biden ate his pudding, the people behind the scenes told Zelenskyy and Putin that Ukraine was about to enter NATO {December 2021}. The White House then seeded details through China knowing the intel would get back to Putin. Russia took the bait and intervened.

The collective left (far more western leader beneficiaries on a global scale) now have a quick and strategic pivot point to go from COVID-19 as the excuse for all the economic ills, to Russia. The Russia-Ukraine crisis transfers the cost of the Build Back Better climate change agenda from COVID-19 to Russia/Ukraine. We can now watch COVID just disappear.

The BBB agenda, domestically known as the Green New Deal, intentionally makes energy costs skyrocket. By creating the Ukraine crisis, gas prices specifically are no longer blamed on COVID-19 (the original fraudulent justification). Gas prices are now rising because of Russia and the villainous Vladimir Putin. Climate change policy outcomes are made palatable by blaming Putin. Cue Jen Psaki...

So the covid is not responsible for anything, anymore.
It's all Ukraine, all the time. Got it?
Who's a good Comrade?

Who says Russia has the propaganda monopoly?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do you feel you would be hearing about Ukraine if you weren't meant to, i.e. allowed to? Maybe you didn't get the memo, but censorship really still is a thing.

'Question All Of It' - The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale

...Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.
The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.)...

Propaganda wars. Begun they have.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Bump enough old threads and you’ll get Trumputin’s disgrace off the front page. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What an ungrateful lout. After I gave you some free advertising and everything. Some people...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
putin took the bait. I was wondering about the info being passed on to china. it made it look like biden was serious about it when he wasn't.

looks like it was a deliberate way to goad putin into doing this.

if true, ukraine entering nato was never in the cards. it was a card to manipulate putin into doing something he would not do otherwise.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
..looks like it was a deliberate way to goad putin into doing this... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The good Professor said something along the lines:
The best way to destroy Russia is to let them take Ukraine (back in 2015)

vid and related article here: History and the Internets - gotta luv 'em
It's 45 mins long with about 30 mins of Q&A, unlike a Biden speech.

Here's a kicker: I watched the whole potatoe thinking it was brand new, only to find out the lecture was given in 2015, right after Obamma's Crimea River adventure - in the comments section. Duh-oh
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Turns out woke mobile carriers do it too

T-Mobile Admits in Letter to Missouri Attorney General They Have Been Blocking Gateway Pundit Content in Text Messages — Insists It Was a Mistake

Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Communists were known for their airbrushing. If a top official lost favor with Stalin they were eliminated and airbrushed from society as if they never existed.

Who would have ever thought this Marxist practice would come to American shores one day?
And yet here we are..

I would include the URL, but your mobile carrier might block it - for the children.
It's ah, ah, ah a mistake. Yeah, that's the ticket. A misss-take.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...PB, HERE YA GO... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He sure isn't a dynamic speaker. Lot of people do not understand that there are multiple file date stamps associated with any given file. The Binney analysis looked predominately at atime, I believe. Basically all files were copied in a short time, consistent with USB copy speeds versus across a long-distance network connection.
Hit tip to for their definitions
access timestamp (atime)
The access timestamp is the last time a file was read. This means someone used a program to display the contents of the file or read some values from it. Nothing was edited or added to the file. The data was referenced but unchanged.

modified timestamp (mtime)
A modified timestamp signifies the last time the contents of a file were modified. A program or process either edited or manipulated the file. “Modified” means something inside the file was amended or deleted, or new data was added.
changed timestamp (ctime)
Changed timestamps aren’t referring to changes made to the contents of a file. Rather, it’s the time at which the metadata related to the file was changed. File permission changes, for example, will update the changed timestamp.
Old adages in hacker-parlance:
A good hacker does not leave finger prints behind
A great hacker leaves someone else's finger prints behind

No earthly idea why or how I know those things
Class dismissed
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do you feel you would be hearing about Ukraine if you weren't meant to, i.e. allowed to?... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
In a nutshell, the corrupt LambScreamMedia (LSM) have gotten even better at their Fake AF craft than their 3 letter agency and other "elite" masters could imagine, through rinse and repeat and continuous process improvements. Here is where they are regarding Ukraine, but I would point out that some responsibility eventually falls on our own shoulders for falling for these narratives.

How Western elites exploit Ukraine
Reality is manipulated to strengthen their regime BY Arta Moeini

The war in Ukraine poses a palpable threat to Western democracies, but this has little to do with Russia posing an inherent strategic threat to the United States or its European allies. No — more so than the Russian state, the threat to the West comes from within, a consequence of our congealing perceptions towards the conflict.

Bombs are not raining down on our cities; instead, what we are experiencing is the psychological weaponisation of war — and its exploitation as a tool of indoctrination and statecraft in the hands of the establishment.

The Ukraine crisis is undoubtedly a tragedy, but it is merely the latest in a series of geopolitical events stretching back at least 20 years in which the media coverage has been biased, one-sided, and ideological. All of these instances — Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the Afghanistan Withdrawal — were riddled with “structural information traps” that we ignored at our peril.

With each of these conflicts, the coverage gets worse, and the traps become ever more luring and incendiary. In each case, a narrative is constructed and transposed over the reporting, reinforced by sensationalist imagery that could rationalise an intervention and perhaps military action. But none compares to Ukraine. Here, we have witnessed the media of the Free World disseminating dishonest or otherwise uncritical coverage, fake news, Ukrainian disinformation, and propaganda aimed at conditioning the public to internalise the establishment’s Manichean narrative of a deranged madman’s random war of aggression.

Not only has the Ukraine coverage been highly charged, morally self-righteous, and plainly political, it actively demands a collective suspension of disbelief as it cultivates and redirects a natural reaction of sympathy felt by all into a moral outrage that insists on certain retaliation. Some, such as the former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, have irresponsibly vilified the entire Russian population. Others, such as The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum, have begun to senselessly demonise prescient realist American academics for daring to shed light on Russia’s basic national security interests and the possibility of a confrontation if they go unrecognised.

So far as the Western legacy media is concerned, we really do live in the post-historical age Francis Fukuyama triumphantly proclaimed in 1989, with liberal internationalism the only acceptable paradigm through which to understand the world. Alternative views are now tantamount to championing tyranny. In each instance, the dictator comes to personify internationally Hegel’s thymotic, if savage, primitive man — the inhumane antithesis of the “last man” — fighting maniacally against liberal democracy, the march of modernity, and progress itself. Assad, Ghaddafi, the Taliban, and Vladimir Putin all fit this archetype as reactionary actors par excellence necessitating a holy alliance to confront and civilise...
Propaganda wars. Continue they do.
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