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Tripwire Alert – GOPe Signals Intent To Use “Mississippi Strategy” Against Trump After Trump’s Primary Victory….

Posted on December 9, 2015 by sundance

Remember Mississippi ?

The professional apparatus of the Republican Party are signaling their intent to do exactly what we predicted they would do. Trump will win the primary, and the GOPe will split the party to run an additional candidate in the general election.

It’s not Trump going third party – It’s the establishment GOP (GOPe) intending to go third party. They are planning a modified version of the Mississippi Strategy from 2014.

In order to pull off the “Mississippi Plan” nationally, and specifically because of the ideological severity which will be obvious within their approach, the GOPe need to begin planting the seeds of intent now within the various camps they’ll need to support them. We’ll explain.

Most people are unaware that back in 2014 conservative Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel defeated incumbent Republican Senator Thad Cochran in the Mississippi primary. However, it was a three-way race and McDaniel didn’t get past the 50% +1 threshold.

McDaniel did defeat Cochran in the first Republican primary, meaning he got more votes, but a second run-off primary was required because the 50% threshold was not achieved.

Between those two primary races is when the professional apparatus within the GOP/RNC hatched a plan, and kicked the plan to action.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please. He's perpetuating the biggest ruse on you idiots. He wants her to win. He's handing it to her. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's what I said, Wormby. Please learn to read.
  • DSK
  • 12-10-2015, 05:20 AM
That's what I said, Wormby. Please learn to read. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
In Wormby's mind, it only counts when he says it. Everyone else is an idiot.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Unbelievably, I must agree at least in part. I've said for months now that the only reason Trump is in the race is to insure Hillary's election. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Republicans have been complaining about Obama for almost 7 years. The party that offered us McCain/Palin as an alternative. Now they are going to give us Sir Donald. I don't want Hillary as President. I don't want Donald as President. I might vote for Ben Carson. I would vote for Marco Rubio. Let's see if the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot again.
Oh, great. Drum up a sex scandal if you got nothing else. The guy is married to a former Dolphin cheerleader. You can't get pussy like that in your dreams.

And his "financial situation is shit"? First you hated Romney for being a rich fuck. Now you dislike Rubio for being poor. That's the problem with you libtards - can't make up your minds about anything.

Would it be better if Rubio had set up a tax-exempt foundation to suck in millions of dollars in donations from corrupt lobbyists and foreign governments while employing political hacks (like Sidney Blumenthal) and handing out lucrative contracts to cronies - all under the guise of a charity?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah... Because no guy with a hot wife has ever cheated before. What a fucking moron you are. And then you create more dichotomies and straw men. Fuck yourself.
That's what I said, Wormby. Please learn to read. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I was agreeing with you, cocksucker.
In Wormby's mind, it only counts when he says it. Everyone else is an idiot. Originally Posted by DSK
This is very true.
Now Fox is Left

I don't care how Trump is doing against the gang of clowns, how does he poll against a democrat. Any democrat. Originally Posted by WombRaider
He pretty much kicks their asses too. He exposes Hillary Clinton for what she is and that's a criminal. Bernie Sanders is quite likeable but a bit squirrely. The other Democratic candidates don't even register in the polls. But ironically, I still see a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton in the national election. In the end who ever is elected to office will do nothing what so ever for this country, nothing.
They both have way too many favors to fulfill and those favors don't include us. Nothing will change except the face.

  • DSK
  • 12-10-2015, 03:37 PM
This is very true. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I appreciate your candor.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He pretty much kicks their asses too. He exposes Hillary Clinton for what she is and that's a criminal. Bernie Sanders is quite likeable but a bit squirrely. The other Democratic candidates don't even register in the polls. But ironically, I still see a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton in the national election. In the end who ever is elected to office will do nothing what so ever for this country, nothing.
They both have way too many favors to fulfill and those favors don't include us. Nothing will change except the face.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I have yet to find any poll in which Trump is ahead of Clinton. Jeb Bush is at about 5% among Republican voters and has been going downhill since mid-year. He'll have to make a helluva comeback to get into the race.
I have yet to find any poll in which Trump is ahead of Clinton. Jeb Bush is at about 5% among Republican voters and has been going downhill since mid-year. He'll have to make a helluva comeback to get into the race. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Really and truly Polls really don't mean a whole lot. Even though Jeb is trailing in the Polls he could still get nominated. Clinton is not going to get lower marks in the Polls as Trump because she has the Democratic nomination in the bag. I doubt Clinton would want to run against Trump because Trump will bring up issues she desperately wants to avoid Jeb won't have the balls to do that. Elections are in many ways fixed to begin with. We only vote for presidents we really don't elect them. For Trump to get nominated and then elected he would have to have one hell of a strategy to overcome the political stranglehold the Bush and Clinton political machines have on this country. The big advantage Trump has is his money. He has unlimited funds to propel him forward and he doesn't owe that many people favors if he's lucky enough to be elected.

Trump made the statement that he was going to get 100% of the black vote. You better tell him it will only take one person to fuck that statement up whiffy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump made the statement that he was going to get 100% of the black vote. You better tell him it will only take one person to fuck that statement up whiffy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
he will get 100% of the black vote. the 100% that doesn't want to live on welfare.

this is a classic. maybe you've seen it?

"keep Obama in President" .. obviously highly edumatacated yes? lol.

he will get 100% of the black vote. the 100% that doesn't want to live on welfare.

this is a classic. maybe you've seen it?
] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Remove head from ass chimp chump.