Checkmate! AD!

boardman's Avatar
Maybe you could both use this one

onehitwonder's Avatar
HEY!!!! BM: Easy there Baby! Don't be draggin' me all up in it! Look you got me actin/typin' all ghetto fabulous........I know YOU thinCk its funny.........cause its true!!! dont thinCk AD/Sofia is a Gemini do you?........ah, hell..........nevermind....... ...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I was messing with angelinadream and decided to 'dumb down' to her level and started using her avatar. My bad, I should have been the adult here. So angelinawetdream asked me nicely, and even used please, to not use her avatar. So I changed it. I can't freaking stand her, but since she used 'please', it was the least I could do.
On another note Dear John please stop changing your avatar to whatever one I am using. Be creative and go back to the topless Rosie O'Donnell one you had. You dedicate some time to this and it only serves to feed my ego, so if that's what your plan is carry on. Originally Posted by angelinadream

Now, here she goes using another persons avatar. Not only is she not very bright, but totally unoriginal. I guess deep thoughts and angelinadream will never go hand in hand.
ratboy jam's Avatar
NO! OH GOD NO!!!! Originally Posted by angelinadream
ratboy jam's Avatar
If I admit he is me, can I give the free session to RBJ? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Originally Posted by ratboy jam
I was messing with angelinadream and decided to 'dumb down' to her level and started using her avatar. My bad, I should have been the adult here. So angelinawetdream asked me nicely, and even used please, to not use her avatar. So I changed it. I can't freaking stand her, but since she used 'please', it was the least I could do.

Now, here she goes using another persons avatar. Not only is she not very bright, but totally unoriginal. I guess deep thoughts and angelinadream will never go hand in hand. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Finally, you and I agree on something, lol. That's ok, she can have that avatar. It's pretty evident that your last sentence is an accurate assessment.
onehitwonder's Avatar
DJ: If I ask you please to put it back..........would ya? How about 'pretty' please? OK....'pretty please with sugar on top?' Pretty please with ----------- (insert name of favorite gal here) on top?.....

UC Diva: I like this avatar much better......thats 'your' real booty, huh?
Killersalt's Avatar
DJ: If I ask you please to put it back..........would ya? How about 'pretty' please? OK....'pretty please with sugar on top?' Pretty please with ----------- (insert name of favorite gal here) on top?.....

UC Diva: I like this avatar much better......thats 'your' real booty, huh? Originally Posted by onehitwonder
He should use the last one with the boogie under the nose.
onehitwonder's Avatar
You're silly........but you're growin' on a fungus.....or..a bad rash.....or ewwwww.......nevermind........ ...hehehe
DJ: If I ask you please to put it back..........would ya? How about 'pretty' please? OK....'pretty please with sugar on top?' Pretty please with ----------- (insert name of favorite gal here) on top?.....

UC Diva: I like this avatar much better......thats 'your' real booty, huh? Originally Posted by onehitwonder
No, it's not me, but, it kind of looks like what my booty would look like in that position, lol.
He should use the last one with the boogie under the nose. Originally Posted by Killersalt
I missed that one, it must have been used the week my computer was in the shop. Damn, that would have been a good laugh.
onehitwonder's Avatar
No, it's not me, but, it kind of looks like what my booty would look like in that position, lol. Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva

UGH! Girl........the right answer was......."Why yes 'Hitta that is my FABULOUS booty and thanCk you for noticing" but no you missed it.......whew.....right over your 're killin' me....
UGH! Girl........the right answer was......."Why yes 'Hitta that is my FABULOUS booty and thanCk you for noticing" but no you missed it.......whew.....right over your 're killin' me.... Originally Posted by onehitwonder
I'll admit it; I did consider saying it was mine, but, AD will find the avatar and post it to screw with me. I try to ignore her for the most part, but, I'm certain her using the avatar I picked is a way to try to engage me in one of her crazy tirades. You guys and gals are pretty tough on here, so I figured I better not get caught in a little white lie, lol.
Killersalt's Avatar
You're silly........but you're growin' on a fungus.....or..a bad rash.....or ewwwww.......nevermind........ ...hehehe Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Yeah, but it's nothing a little cream can't fix!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Ok.......I'll leave you alone and let you 'behave' yourself................