Are You Guys Trying to Avoid That Pesky New York Times Article?

  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 12:51 PM
CT stands to lose even more money after what the DPST's will do to Americans in taxation if Biden wins.

Bernie is drooling in anticipation.
matchingmole's Avatar
mrmxmr's Avatar
If I was writing a PARODY post about a Trump worshipper, this is what I would write! You stole all the talking points, using the exact verbage Trump fed you. and it's as pure bullshit as you'll ever read. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
the bullshit is whats in your brain brother

open your lieing eyes , dont deny whats staring you in your face

you can pretend this isnt going to happen if biden wins , this is probably what you want to happen . because you havent a clue how programmed you are

i worship freedom and low taxes and what helps the middle class not twisted socialist ideology which exploits the little guy , guts the middle class and enriches the elites while pretending it cares about them.

its not talking points brother its a democrat of over 50 years talking whose seen more in a week than you will ever comprehend in your little warped spoonfed brain

period !
TheDaliLama's Avatar
All this ignorant shit about taxes is exactly why no one needed to see them.
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 04:06 PM
Trump's taxes were obtained on an illegal basis.
so where is Cyrus vance and the SDNY - trying to prosecute Trump is he is defeated. pelosi is almost orgasmic over it.

Selective law enforcement - typifies the DPST's!
Hypocrites and truly an existential threat to representative democracy.
adav8s28's Avatar
and WON'T bow to the left-wing mobs that scripted the dim-retard "Progressive Unity Platform"?
Originally Posted by lustylad
Biden is the democratic party, not Bernie/AOC.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
All this ignorant shit about taxes is exactly why no one needed to see them. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Wrong. It would have been really easy to put an end to everything if he was transparent like he should have been in the 1st place. He still won't be transparent because he knows he stinks and can't pass the smell test. It's that simple.

I never thought Trump was that bright. But that man is even dumber than I thought. You get ahead of shit when you can, you don't get behind it. If that scumbag was truthful, all he has to do is show his tax returns and he knows that. You Trump lovers will talk your shit, but the man only needs to show proof of his tax returns if he is truthful. He refuses to do so for a reason. If you Trump lovers are too fucking stupid to realize that, I feel sorry for you... trust me, it's not because of his IRS audit as he claims.
... but then get wiped out when there's a downturn in rents and occupancy.

Trump didn't get where he is by genius. He did it through self promotion and taking advantage of his partners, creditors, suppliers, and in a few cases like Trump University his customers. That airplane Gnadfly's talking about is probably owned by the bank, or more accurately it's property used to secure a loan.

Fred Trump was the real genius. Donald's screwed up too many times to merit being called the same. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump supposedly owns a lot of properties too. We really don't know. Anybody sift throught his supposed tax returns? What about you, Mr CPA McCain?

Chung is right. When Trump does yet another indefensible thing and there is a post about it that fucking thing falls off the first page almost instantly. You guys are funny. Doddering old men but funny. Originally Posted by smokedog01
What did Trump do that was "indefensible?" Remember when Obama, during a SOTU speech, held up Warren Buffet and said that it was indefensible that his secretary paid more in taxes as a percentage than he did? You know who's responsible for that? Not President Trump.

So what happens when Trump's major debt is due during a potential next term and he can't pay it?

Never mind, you are stupid. Originally Posted by smokedog01
You mean like many people will be after they can't pay their rent after this six month covid crisis? Or the cruise lines? Or the hotel industry in general who had a huge drop off in business?

Most of the people who are immune will have govt jobs.

this is really funny

wake up people !!!!!

i dont need any charts or skewed polls or twisted stats

heres the bottom line

the NYT is saying dont vote for trump because hes got an excellent tax accountant who really knows how to work a twisted federal tax structure which has made numerous democrats in blue states rich . Which trump himself has tryed to fix in the new tax law.

And by giving any credence to this unrelated item , and not to how this election affects you . and by not voting for trump youll forget how much biden will destroy the greatest economy ever and raise your taxes and waste millions on voodoo climate models and destroy the economy and end fracking and drilling which will increase your costs on EVERYTHING . AND be controlled by a left wing mob who care nothing about freedom , america and you !! Originally Posted by mrmxmr
Really, chungy? So you're saying Biden WON'T raise our taxes, WON'T ban fracking on federal land, and WON'T bow to the left-wing mobs that scripted the dim-retard "Progressive Unity Platform"?

Wanna put your money where your mouth is? Originally Posted by lustylad
Biden wouldn't even pledge not to pack the courts in the recent debates. All Biden's pledges are worthless anyway.

Wrong. It would have been really easy to put an end to everything if he was transparent like he should have been in the 1st place. He still won't be transparent because he knows he stinks and can't pass the smell test. It's that simple.

I never thought Trump was that bright. But that man is even dumber than I thought. You get ahead of shit when you can, you don't get behind it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You ever hear the phrase "Raises more questions than answers?"
You ever hear the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty?"

It's beyond sad that you and others are cheering for the IRS.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Simply put Trump is trying to lowball the IRS that he has low or no income plus claiming a bunch of sketchy deductions.

Alternatively in his dealings with banks Trump is trying to highball them that he has high income producing holdings.

All this bullshit of trying to explain or excuse his behavior is crap.
Some of it may be technically legal but anybody who thinks this looks good for Trump is Dreaming.

It does not set well with people.

Avid Trump supporters like the way Trump tweaks the left with his behavior.They get a kick out of it.They like that he is somewhat of an unscrupulous wheeler dealer.

But I have been saying that alot of that is going to come back and bite him on the ass at the polls.

There is a large segment in the middle that does not like some of those Trumpisms.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2020, 07:25 AM
Another DPST crazed by 'fake news' and DPST propaganda
Ashame to live life so deluded!
And live in the 'certainty' One knows all about the thinking that goes on in "Other People's Heads"!
sf - XiNN rules in DPST heads!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ right who cares , He was /is a business man before , he didn't make is living off of us through the guberment and son , family
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump's taxes were obtained on an illegal basis.
so where is Cyrus vance and the SDNY - trying to prosecute Trump is he is defeated. pelosi is almost orgasmic over it.

Selective law enforcement - typifies the DPST's!
Hypocrites and truly an existential threat to representative democracy. Originally Posted by oeb11
Then let him sue to get them back. I thought selective law enforcement was when someone gets tased 50 times, or a cop kneels on your neck until you die.

Law enforcement has been after Twitler for ages.

Another DPST crazed by 'fake news' and DPST propaganda
Ashame to live life so deluded!
And live in the 'certainty' One knows all about the thinking that goes on in "Other People's Heads"!
sf - XiNN rules in DPST heads!
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
What a crybaby. And TWITLER too!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Simply put Trump is trying to lowball the IRS that he has low or no income plus claiming a bunch of sketchy deductions... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
How long did you say you worked for the IRS? Does it occur to you that the IRS would be up the keester of a high dollar person or business harder than your own Dad up a Tranny's backside, as opposed to wasting time over someone of ordinary income levels with few deductions?

...Some of it may be technically legal but anybody who thinks this looks good for Trump is Dreaming.... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
By "technically legal", do you mean thoroughly legal and working as designed by Congress, which Joe-mentia Hiden was part of for 47 years? That "technically legal"? Come on man!

...Avid Trump supporters like the way Trump tweaks the left with his behavior.... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Let me say up front, I do not see how you could possibly miss the point so badly without brain damage. While you bray on about someone who made billions in business and uses the tax code, as written, to their advantage, you blatantly overlook politicians that make $200K p/year becoming multi-millionares while in office. And just how do they do that? You think they get lucky out of the gate on cattle futures like Hillary? How do you feel about politicians operating on rules that are illegal for you and me? Insider trading for example. You ever look at their benefit packages?

Then along comes a well off private citizen that does not need corporate or banking donations that tries to restore a system of fairness for all by showing how corrupt, entrenched government bureaucrats and politicians are by upsetting their apple cart of graft and greed. IMHO - the more disruptive he can be in that endeavor the better. Expose them all.

But yea, Trump uses Twitter to cause libbies to go splody-head in much the same way some use a laser pointer to torment a cat and it always works. But it's mainly for entertainment while he works tirelessly to expose the corrupt office holders for all to see.

But I have been saying that alot of that is going to come back and bite him on the ass at the polls.
There is a large segment in the middle that does not like some of those Trumpisms. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Once again, you could not possibly be more wrong. Most Americans want nothing more than a fair and level playing field to "pursue life, liberty and happiness". Believe it or not, the most important word in that phrase is: pursue. So what if some are better at it than others? Try harder. This is the only place on earth where one can start out as a poor, legal, immigrant and work hard and become fabulously wealthy if they so desire and there is nothing wrong with that. Here's a handy Pro Tip about winners: They get in the game and play to win. So put your danged helmet on your melon and get in the game

Yssup Rider's Avatar
As expected, the Proud Boys of ECCIE are ready to light up the torches and march to defend their god.
Not a single hardcore, right-wing nut job has commented yet. The new game is ''Biden is a racist'', LOL

Really guys. You must be embarrassed you followed and defended the Orange Man for 4 years. Never admitted a single God Damn thing he ever did, was less than spectacular.

He looked shook at that news conference.

What can y'all possibly say now?

''Fake news'' won't cut it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Biden is an idiot. Kyle Rittenhouse and his Lawyer Lin Wood are suing Joe Biden for defamation, lol.