The ATF Trading Game: Who Wants to Play?

I'm going to leave this one up to trust on my end. Any other provider is welcome to do whatever she'd like with regards to verification (i.e., contacting Sixx or Spacemtn to verify). I have a pretty good handle on my clientele, and if someone enjoys his visits with me enough to list me on his ATF list, the feeling is generally mutual. But that's just me.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Im in for the game..
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
@Natalie: I think this is a great idea. I really like the fact that you require it to be posted in the locker room. I really hate all those ranking lists in co-ed because people can't be honest for fear of hurting someone's feelings.

I won't be playing because I don't feel I have time for discounted appointments during the holidays. Too much shopping and entertaining and holiday parties in addition to putting in my procrastination time on my school applications... But I like the concept.

Hmmm I want to throw a huge wrinkle in. I don't hobby often enough for this to apply to me, but what if

1. The verified providers post in their private room, their ATF's of all time with reasons why.

2. They post in the co-ed section.and must add "I'm playing the ATF Trading Game" to their signature line.

3. The verified provider scans the other verified provider's ATF list and checks to see if the ATF is playing the game.

4. If the ATF is playing the game, the provider can PM and say, I say your name on so and so's list. The guy will know if he has ever seen so&so and can set an appointment after screening.

I like this because sometimes it nice to be wanted and have the woman do some work. Maybe I way out there and I will get flamed, but I know the greatest compliment I have ever had is being asked out. It also sets up some fun dynamics for BCD.

Just a thought. What do y'all think? Originally Posted by Txfundude
I totally feel you on this one. However, I think this would be really hard as most guys would not make anyone's list. I mean, providers usually have a fairly long client list and if only 3 can be chosen then that leaves a lot of guys out. We are used to being ranked and critiqued and that's part of what we sign up for, but I don't think most of the guys get into this game to feel rejection. When a guy is spending his time and money on a provider, he wants to be treated like an ATF -- and this could potentially damage the fantasy. I would never put my ATF's on a list because I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
There are more instructions here than an IKEA assembly kit.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
Have you ever actually put together anything from Ikea, Mr. Monk? There are no words, just pictures!
richcran's Avatar
Sooooooooo......... can we get the picture version of how to play??????? LOL!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Have you ever actually put together anything from Ikea, Mr. Monk? There are no words, just pictures! Originally Posted by Austin Liv
I have, I have, Ms. Liv! I shop a lot at the Ikea up by Sheremetevo Airport. The instructions are all in pictures. Russian pictures. Like these.

Лизочка! Как давно, милая! Я хорошо помню твою сладкую и нежную попочку! Хочу её поцеловать!

blenderhead's Avatar
Awesome! I always wondered how is babby formed. How girl get pragnent.
Лизочка! Как давно, милая! Я хорошо помню твою сладкую и нежную попочку! Хочу её поцеловать!

Who is she? Is the ass really that sweet and tender?
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Is the ass really that sweet and tender? Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
На самом деле! Самая сладкая и нежная. Вкусная, даже!

The sweetest and most tender! Tasty, even.

Wait... are we talking about me, or the bäbby?
На самом деле! Самая сладкая и нежная. Вкусная, даже!

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
Я думаю, мне придется попробовать что-нибудь сразу же!

У меня много naughtier вещи, чтобы сказать вам Мисс Натали.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Wait... are we talking about me, or the bäbby? Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Речь идёт о Лизочке, о сладкой попе Лизочки.

Господин Брэдли, вы опасный человек.

И теперь вы давали меня, британца и Kelli отговорка для того чтобы поговорить в тех шальных акцентах русского вся ноча длиннее следующее вторник. Вы были предупрежены.

Монах, милочка. Посмотрите чего вы начали.

(Babelfish is getting a workout this morning!)
I'm not using Babelfish.

You saying I don't know Russian?
I don't know what the hell you and Monk are doing... but I'm DEFINITELY translating through Babelfish. I'm totally a Russian spy school dropout.