Real Time Debate Night Commentary Thread!

txdot-guy's Avatar
I see a lot of umpire blaming going on here.

The fact is that Trump shat the bed during the debate. No one made him lose his mind on national television. No one made him sound like the crazy uncle who you only see on holidays. Trump did all that by himself.

The moderators fact checking the lies had nothing to do with how Trump behaved or how people saw him at home.

Why don’t the Trump supporters amongst us grow up and realize that Trump is such a narcissist that he will never take responsibility for anything he fails at. Never ever. It’s always someone else’s fault. It’s always because they cheated. It’s always because he’s being persecuted. It doesn’t take a genius to see the pattern here. This is an old standard from the Trump playbook.
She wants to be the leader of the Free World and you don't expect her to have an answer for pet eating? WTF? What's going to happen when some tin pot third world dictator launches nukes at the USA? Is she going to freeze?

The 2018 law that bans dog eating in the USA specifically exempts Native Americans. And what party do most Native Americans belong to? And which political party carved out the exemption? You know the answers.

This is a real problem in America, especially with the huge influx of pet eating illegal immigrants, all of whom will become Democrats upon naturalization. Thank goodness Donald Trump's bringing this to the attention of the nation!

Seriously, Harris' best response would have been to burst out laughing. If there's another debate hopefully Trump will concentrate on issues like inflation, taxes and regulation, instead of dog eating. That's too much to ask though. Originally Posted by Tiny
Fact check - Harris’ response was exactly what you said her best response could have been. C’mon man, do better.
In all the many debates you watched, do you recall anyone saying anything so outrageous and demonstrably untrue as Trump's claim that Democrats want to kill babies after they're born? The rules have changed. Nice to cite precedent, but there's no precedent for him.
And, if you put the onus on the opponent to call the other out, you cut into their time. If you don't, then you have the moderators determining what's a warranted response that should add time. Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev
Trump specifically identified a well known Democrat (Virginia's former governor) that said on tape exactly what Trump was claiming. There are three states that place absolutely no restrictions on abortion.
Trump specifically identified a well known Democrat (Virginia's former governor) that said on tape exactly what Trump was claiming. There are three states that place absolutely no restrictions on abortion. Originally Posted by tomdooley43
A three minute read that can clarify what Trump didn't understand.

Abortion is ending the life of a fetus before birth. If you provide care for a suffering infant who cannot survive (what Northam was talking about), that's something else, something humane, so not something Trump can understand.
tttalinky's Avatar
Willie Nelson sings it best! "Turn out the lights the party's over"

Trump is toast
A three minute read that can clarify what Trump didn't understand.

Abortion is ending the life of a fetus before birth. If you provide care for a suffering infant who cannot survive (what Northam was talking about), that's something else, something humane, so not something Trump can understand. Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev
... Yes, it's called KILLING the baby. ... After birth.

.... There IS no "debate night opinion" on this issue.
Trump was correct - and Kamala and the ABC shlubs were lying.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Yes, it's called KILLING the baby. ... After birth.

.... There IS no "debate night opinion" on this issue.
Trump was correct - and Kamala and the ABC shlubs were lying.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So you believe Trump won, Salty?

Not in 2020, but in Tuesday’s debate.
I don't think the debate really changed much of anything. Harris basically gave a campaign speech with zero policy answers.

The only thing that was obvious was ABC moderators never called Harris out for her lies.

I don't know that undecided people really changed their minds, except maybe turn them off from even voting at all.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you know they were lies, then, farm?
How do you know they were lies, then, farm? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Because I pay attention to other news sources.
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump specifically identified a well known Democrat (Virginia's former governor) that said on tape exactly what Trump was claiming. There are three states that place absolutely no restrictions on abortion. Originally Posted by tomdooley43
uh..that's absolutely untrue. NO states allow that. Total horseshit. Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states, and is a crime. Late term abortions where there are fetal abnormalities such as born with missing vital organs, or organs outside the body or are in such way, it's a pending issue of life death for the mother, then later term abortions MAY in some circumstances be allowed, but this is just a complete lie from the right, and ZERO democrats are suggesting it's ok to kill a child post birth.

it's a crime and prosecuted as such.

Not saying that some children born dont' die aftewards from birth or immediately afterbirth, but stillborns and those who die shortly afterwards are nothing new in the USA. Happens every damn day. Where's the outrage for that??

Trump lied his ass-off for his red hat crowd who believe this non-sense.
uh..that's absolutely untrue. NO states allow that. Total horseshit. Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states, and is a crime. Late term abortions where there are fetal abnormalities such as born with missing vital organs, or organs outside the body or are in such way, it's a pending issue of life death for the mother, then later term abortions MAY in some circumstances be allowed, but this is just a complete lie from the right, and ZERO democrats are suggesting it's ok to kill a child post birth.

it's a crime and prosecuted as such.

Not saying that some children born dont' die aftewards from birth or immediately afterbirth, but stillborns and those who die shortly afterwards are nothing new in the USA. Happens every damn day. Where's the outrage for that??

Trump lied his ass-off for his red hat crowd who believe this non-sense. Originally Posted by eyecu2

Nope, you are repeating the lie told by Democrats. There are one or two states that allow it, or prevent the saving of the baby if it is born alive in a late term abortion. Minnesota I believe is one of the them.
eyecu2's Avatar
So you believe Trump won, Salty?

Not in 2020, but in Tuesday’s debate. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What he won was the award for being the biggest doofus on stage during a public debate. He got owned bigly-...."what you have here is a tired same old play book, and no new policies- I wasn't handed 400 million dollars on a silver platter, I was brought up in a middle income family where my mother worked hard to support us. And the big difference between us is that I'm the one whoprosecuted people who committed crimes, and the other who has been charged with national security crimes, election crimes, election interference crimes and is facing 34 felony indictments, and will be facing his own sentencing in court in November!".

If that's getting a plate full of shit thrown on you, Kamala did a fucking A plus job of tossing that platter and it hit 100%. Aint no amount of Tide or bleach stick getting that off him.

Sorry, but anyone believing that someone who was undecided didn't hear and see that- is living in denial. She offered those folks a place on her org and with the party. All Trumpy grumpy did was lie and deflect, and then say stupid shit like he knows' his lies were true cause he saw them on TV, with Hannity and Laura Ingraham. LOL.

He's been seen, measured and come up ....SHORT. So much so, that doesn't even still realize how owned he was on TV.
eyecu2's Avatar
Nope, you are repeating the lie told by Democrats. There are one or two states that allow it, or prevent the saving of the baby if it is born alive in a late term abortion. Minnesota I believe is one of the them. Originally Posted by farmstud60
please cite any reference materials sites, etc. and actual laws that would support that infanticide is legal in Minnesota or any other state.

WE'll wait.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Let's hear from Sentor John Kennedy (R) from Louisiana. He knows far more than the average harris backer.

Now until listening to this, especially from the 4:00 minute mark I was in tears. Not because I'm a precious little snowflake, but because I have a heart. I never really thought about abortions, I thought they just sucked out an egg somewhere, but it's so much different. As usual, the democratic senator didn't allow Senator Kennedy a chance to finish, but this issue ends in late January when we get a new senate and clean out all the lying garbage like pocahontas.