Trump to gain billions!!!!

You're full of shit.
Where is a link showing how many Enron employees came out okay? And what difference does it make anyway?
You diversify for market reasons. Not because the company you've put your life into might be rife with fraud, mismangement, and outright theft.
Investment strategies aside, Enron stock ended up being basically worthless. Enron employee, non-Enron employee, who ever, got fucked by the illegal activities by management.
You're the person claiming to be an expert on Enron. And it's obvious you aren't.
Link to the info claiming a substantial number of employees did okay? That's private information. Any that did, it was no thanks to Enron. You know how much Enron value they lost, you have no clue as to the value of their portfolio other than their Enron loss.

Baseless accusations? What baseless accusations are those?
Grace may be referring to the Sarbannes-Oxley Act. Why don't you ask her before you flap your gums. Better yet, read about the Act.

Trump is starting up his own personal propaganda site. He got kicked out of numerous sites for lying. You knew that right?
The idea the truth means anything to Trump has been shown to be false. Time and time again.
Plus he could be facing legal action since his logo very closely resembles a British company's.
Plus I thought lucas was already rich.
Why are you complaining about how he makes his money if it's legal? Since I don't really care, keep your bullshit to yourself.
What does the "Enron Matter" have in the way of similarities to Trump cranking up a free-press enterprise for exchanging ideas and sharing information?

Since you're an expert on Enron ... you KNOW that there was a substantial number of employees who came out okay with respect to their retirement funds. Because .... THEY DIVERSIFIED.

But you knew that already about Enron ... which means ....

Again, you're trashing Trump with a baseless accusation. Y'all need to grow up!

Then Lucas chimes in the trashing after Trump made him rich with the pharma stocks in which he invested based on the vaccines .... taxpayer DOLLARS ... EO's and Congressional bailouts & security. If Lucas is being truthful ... he got rich BECAUSE OF TRUMP! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe we could have a "debate" about that.
You're giving these Trump ass lickers way too much credit.

They haven't a clue that saying "if you say so... " is the universal sign of ignorance. I mean come on....these muther fuckers do not believe in science! Originally Posted by WTF
bambino's Avatar
I bet no one saw that coming, did they?
... If you say so... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
winn dixie's Avatar
I bet no one saw that coming, did they? Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
If you say so...........

Lucas McCain's Avatar

Plus I thought lucas was already rich.
Why are you complaining about how he makes his money if it's legal? Since I don't really care, keep your bullshit to yourself.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I'm not rich. Hell, I'm not even wealthy. IMO, wealthy is someone who has >10MM to his name. I don't. To me, rich is someone who has >$50MM to his name. I don't. I said I'll never have to worry about grocery prices and most prices because I am financially fortunate but I sure as hell am neither rich nor wealthy IMO. If I was, I certainly would not have been working this weekend and today when I had all three days off. Actually, I wouldn't bother to even have a job because I wouldn't need one because I work to live. I don't live to work.

The rest of what you quoted from LL about Enron is exactly why I don't waste my time reading his ridiculous posts. If he believes working at a company that goes belly up and your ESOs go from being worth millions to nothing is okay and then having the stink of Enron that you may have worked for your whole career looks good on your resume when you are unemployed to those big boy oil companies in Houston when you have lost damn near everything you were counting on for your retirement; then he should be a grief counselor for the victims of Enron, WorldCom and Bernie Madoff. I am sure his words of infinite wisdom will mean a lot to them when they boo him while they are crying and throwing tomatoes at him.
Hosted in Canada because nobody in the US would touch it?

When the company was first announced in October 2021, its terms of service said the company would not be legally responsible for "the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions [or] reliability" of anything users might post to the site. Some commentators noted that this self-declared immunity appeared to rely on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that Trump firmly opposed during his presidency.

The terms of service further added that users would be forbidden to "disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site". Truth Social said it has the right to "suspend or terminate your account" and also "take appropriate legal action".

So much for free speech Qberts. You might find yourself in a lawsuit if they have the opinion you offend them. Betting nobody in Qville can even see the irony.

On the bright side, said lawsuit would have as much chance of success as the rest of frumps.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If he believes working at a company that goes belly up and your ESOs go from being worth millions to nothing is okay and then having the stink of Enron that you may have worked for your whole career looks good on your resume when you are unemployed to those big boy oil companies in Houston when you have lost damn near everything you were counting on for your retirement... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
ESOs are hopes and prayers. Actually they are meant to be chains. They are unrealized gains - which the azzhats on the Left want to start taxing.

One does not need even a single Ivy League degree to know what burned most of them was being over weighted in their 401Ks in the company stock. In fact, now you get a warning from your 401k is you have too high a percentage in company stock. That rule was the result of that debacle.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...When the company was first announced in October 2021, its terms of service said the company would not be legally responsible for "the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions [or] reliability" of anything users might post to the site. Some commentators noted that this self-declared immunity appeared to rely on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Not that anyone believes for a seconds that you actually read the ToS. But what does the Zuck-Cuck and the Jack-Shack rely on for immunity from liability according to their ToS?
bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
You're full of shit.
Where is a link showing how many Enron employees came out okay? And what difference does it make anyway? Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I minimized the font to place your comment in perspective. But if it is your "perspective" that ALL Enron employees lost their asses, because their 401Ks/Retirement funds consisted of Enron stock, then a long trip to the toilet will relieve the congestion that clogs your ability to do some simple research WITHOUT ASKING SOMEONE FOR A "LINK"!

What did you do before there was an internet for "links"?

If you rely on "links," you will remain ignorant forever.
LexusLover's Avatar
One does not need even a single Ivy League degree to know what burned most of them was being over weighted in their 401Ks in the company stock. In fact, now you get a warning from your 401k is you have too high a percentage in company stock. That rule was the result of that debacle. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You are attempting to educate someone about stocks who claims to be getting rich off pharma stocks from the sale of vaccines ....

.... he's disparately trying to ignore THE FACT that Trump "made him rich" while he trashes Trump at every opportunity. It was Trump who orchestrated Federal/Taxpayer funding for the manufacturers of the vaccine and orchestrated IMMUNITY for any liability that results from an expedited tracking for the approval of the drugs FOREVER! One of the manufacturers in which he claims to have stock was on the verge of bankruptcy just prior to Trump stepping in to provide taxpayer money to bail them out.

But that's what is served "up East" ... from the preppy schools...bullshit and paper.

If that's hard to swallow, just look around at the goofballs and the paper they have hanging on their walls WITHOUT EVER DOING ANYTHING in their lives that supports them other than taxpayer money .... or donations .... John Kerry is the PERFECT EXAMPLE .... he married money while in government jobs. The list is endless .... The Obamas? ... he was also bragging the other day that their worth is now up to $78 million!

That's pocket change for Trump!
LexusLover's Avatar
Hosted in Canada because nobody in the US would touch it? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
I wouldn't want the goofballs "in charge" of the FCC now to touch my dirty toilet paper .... which is probably quite attractive to them. Where is this site "hosted"? How about P411?
bambino's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not saying that money is like energy in that it can neither be created or destroyed - but uhmmmm... if Trump is to make billions!!!!, as the OP stated, isn't it really just coming from somewhere or someone else? In this case from FacePlant and/or the Jack-Shack. Obviously I am glibly overlooking the fact that the Fed just prints money for nothing and the chicks ain't free. But even that comes from someone's pocket somewhere along the way.