What's one thing you can't live without?

Yup. His "Reggae Music" legacy will always live on... Originally Posted by NicholetteM
As does Jimi, Janus, Ludwig, Maria Callas, Itzhak, and ...... (okay Itzhak is alive and well: PWI). I think the Saints are in trouble.
As does Jimi, Janus, Ludwig, Maria Callas, Itzhak, and ...... (okay Itzhak is alive and well: PWI). I think the Saints are in trouble. Originally Posted by SR Only
OK. What about Yma Sumac? [Yep. I think so too.]
Mind!? Heck no. I for one am glad that you decided to stick around. Make yourself at home. For the most part this is a pretty tame crowd. Originally Posted by Ansley
Mind!? Heck no. I for one am glad that you decided to stick around. Make yourself at home. For the most part this is a pretty tame crowd. Originally Posted by Ansley
Thank you so much Ansley, you are always such a sweetheart
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
She's our resident sweetheart. Being a hottie doesn't hurt either.
Phone, internet and family (not necessarily in that order..)
When I was little we didn't have much of anything - we used Ivory to wash the dishes AND our hair. ONE toothbrush for all of us (I swear this on my mother's grave). There was a lot of stuff - necessities - that we didn't have.

When I grew up and started making my own money, I began hoarding things that I intended to never be without again.

I will NEVER be without a sharp paring knife or a pair of "good" scissors. Ditto a needle and thread.

Pencils, pens, notebooks, art paper and yes, books.

Those things were luxuries when I was a kid.

I have more books than I now what to do with, but 90% of the ones I keep are ones that I love and have read over and over.

I've finally trained myself to get rid of the ones that I am pretty sure I can live without. But I don't throw them out, I take them to Vinnie's and donate them.

Someone on a board (it may have been this one!) suggested leaving a read, but not loved book in a doctor's office or a waiting room of some kind. I may be remembering it wrong, but that is SUCH a lovely idea.

And the Internets - I WOULD DIE without my computer. Well, not die, but certainly shrivel into a mess of nothing without the Internets.
Smart, beautiful, and loves her dog.Great first post.You should jump in as often as you like

This is my first post here in this section, so hello to all and I hope you don’t mind me jumping in every now and then.

The one thing that I cannot live without would have to be my dog. I consider him my luxury. He is a Rottweiler and I have found that they are not easy dogs to have, as most places will not rent to you because they consider them aggressive bread. It is funny though because my dog is the biggest baby ever and has never been aggressive, but that is a whole other conversation lol.

I found a place 4 years ago when I moved here to Nashville that would allow me to live here with him and I stay here mainly for that reason. It is a very nice apartment community therefore I do have to pay a higher rent than I would elsewhere. Although I have considered moving because of what I have to pay in the increased rent I would not be allowed to take him with me and there is just no way I could give him up. He is like my child and I cannot imagine seeing his adorable face every day when I wake up or once I walk through the door from a long day. Originally Posted by Rsweething
Smart, beautiful, and loves her dog.Great first post.You should jump in as often as you like Originally Posted by Becky
Thank you very much Becky.

BTW I love your Avatar. I have a huge weak spot for huskys and that is the next type of dog that I would like to get. They are just so beautiful.

Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful week.
Raquel meet "Edward." Edward, may I introduce Raquel. Edward takes care of our friend Becky, so he's okay in our book.
At the risk of speaking for the thread starter (correct me if I'm offbase), the original intent of the thread was to share the one (or 2) thing(s) that really are non-essential, but if circumstances require(d) a change in lifestyle, you would still prioritize them at the expense of other items.

[ ... ]
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Whew! I thought I was the only one who saw it that way; after I re-read my own response I thought, "Well, ya dumbass, those things aren't luxuries."

Nope, NOT luxuries - necessities. To me, at least.
I could live without it, but I don't want to!

I'm pretty low maintenance, but I could not get by without a really good 60 minute massage at least twice a month. At least!
My monthly trips to the hair salon.

A new lingerie set & cocktail dress I often buy for extended engagments. I suppose I could just wear what I already have but that's no fun!

xoxo Sophie
Thank you very much Becky.

BTW I love your Avatar. I have a huge weak spot for huskys and that is the next type of dog that I would like to get. They are just so beautiful.

Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful week. Originally Posted by Rsweething

Yes, SR is right Edward does pretty much control my life, but he is quite good at it lol.The arctic breeds are gorgeous. They are closer to wolves in personality than they are to other dogs.Ed has a few other breeds mixed in there, so he is pretty calm , I guess he is more of a suburbanite wolf .

Renting with a large dog is never fun. I remember having to beg, and bribe my way in to a few apartments before I finally just gave up , and bought something.The easiest way to tell when the rental market is down is when they all at once decide to become dog friendly.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes, SR is right Edward does pretty much control my life, but he is quite good at it lol.The arctic breeds are gorgeous. They are closer to wolves in personality than they are to other dogs.Ed has a few other breeds mixed in there, so he is pretty calm , I guess he is more of a suburbanite wolf .

Renting with a large dog is never fun. I remember having to beg, and bribe my way in to a few apartments before I finally just gave up , and bought something.The easiest way to tell when the rental market is down is when they all at once decide to become dog friendly. Originally Posted by Becky
I remember a canoe trip in the boundary waters. On day 5 we came across a professor from Michigan. He had this huge wolf with him. He said that yes it's not legal but he got around it by claiming it was a mixed breed. The animal was something to behold up close.