Consideration for the betrayed wife

Wakeup's Avatar
When these assholes make a conscious choice to get married...they do so out of an abundance of ignorance and societal pressure. They don't think long term...they think of what their parents think, or what their fiancee thinks, or what society thinks, and they jump into it with no thought for what can happen.

Unfortunately for them, they just entered into a legal AND emotional agreement with their new which she is going to expect them to uphold. If they had thought about what COULD happen, they'd never have gotten married in the first place. Now they're three years into it, and they're scared, because they realize they want out of the agreement, but are unwilling to pay the price...both financially, and socially, and they decide to cheat on their wife.

People get divorced every day...people with children get divorced every day...yet these assholes choose to NOT make the right choice, and continue to run from their responsibilities to their wives and kids...because they're scared, hypocritical pussies...

All you married assholes, go tell your wives you're cheating on them...better yet, go tell your KIDS that you're fucking prostitutes behind their mom's back...what are their reactions going to be...what are they going to think of you?

THAT'S how wrong you are...right go wallow in your repulsiveness...

But who honestly can say they've never lied to their partner about when the credit card payment was sent in, how much they spent at the casino, how far the lap dance when, what time they put the kids to bed, or what they had for dinner when they were on that diet? Originally Posted by sketchball82
And this shining example of you married guys just digs you further into the depths of denial. Now, fucking a prostitute behind your wife's back is no different than lying to her about putting the kids to bed late...the denial...the fake justifications...just further prove my point...

Please...keep listening to this guy as the beacon of hope for all you married guys...PLEASE...
cabletex7's Avatar
. . . But who honestly can say they've never lied to their partner about when the credit card payment was sent in, how much they spent at the casino, how far the lap dance when, what time they put the kids to bed, or what they had for dinner when they were on that diet? . . .

but I would go a step further and say most (certainly not all, but the vast majority) have lied to their spouse about something, and many even do so habitually. That doesn't make it right, but it does mean that most people are guilty of the same dishonesty. Naturally if that is true, the hypocrisy of person A pointing at person B for something they're both guilty of is palpable. Originally Posted by sketchball82
I could care less what cheating married people tell themselves to get thru the night. But are you serious that all spousal lies are the same??? So, your wife comes to you and says:

1. Honey, I lied when I said I had paid the credit card bill. I forgot and we now owe a late fee.
2. Honey, when I said I was no longer interested in sex. I lied. I am no longer interested in sex with you. Bob, the next door neighbor has been fucking me for the last year.

You're saying those two lies are exactly the same? You reaction would be i-dent-ical (think prosecutor from Cousin Vinny).
These guys are on a hooker board, talking about having sex with whores...anything they're doing here, in their reviews, is cheating on their wives...and you know it...

Are you deliberately being obtuse? If you have a point, you better get to it...because you're not helping your argument... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Well, really.. I could go on and on and on, but my point is.. You know what works for you.
Eveyone lies, who is to say which lies are acceptable and to who and which ones aren't.
Wake up - aren't you fake married to a British chick? I would think with your worldly knowledge of lust/love that you would understand that America, as advanced as we claim to be, are actually quite prudish when it comes to sex.
If I was married to a man I would hope he wouldn't fall in love with another chick, however.. I do not view sex as love and just as I do not need to know the hours that he shit or what his shit looked like, I do not need to know if he stared at or fucked another chick.

So long as our home is kept and my needs are met, those are my true beliefs.

It all goes to, you know what works for you, but you cannot tell someone what works for them.
Wakeup's Avatar
Eveyone lies, who is to say which lies are acceptable and to who and which ones aren't. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
I do not need to know if he stared at or fucked another chick. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie're saying that you don't NEED to know if he's fucking another, do you WANT to know if he's fucking another chick?
I could care less what cheating married people tell themselves to get thru the night. But are you serious that all spousal lies are the same??? So, your wife comes to you and says:

1. Honey, I lied when I said I had paid the credit card bill. I forgot and we now owe a late fee.
2. Honey, when I said I was no longer interested in sex. I lied. I am no longer interested in sex with you. Bob, the next door neighbor has been fucking me for the last year.

You're saying those two lies are exactly the same? You reaction would be i-dent-ical (think prosecutor from Cousin Vinny). Originally Posted by cabletex7
I can't answer your hypothetical because it's not a fair question. You have an agenda to try to discredit my point of view, but you're doing it with invalid logic. In particular, your example is reductio ad absurdem. That means you've taken the example to the extremes such that it doesn't represent the philosophy anymore.

I said adultery was wrong only because it was deceitful. Your first scenario is a single lie, whereas your second scenario is compounded deceit over a year. You failed to control the variables in the hypothetical (how much deceit), and those variables are quite compelling. I mean, generally everyone would rather a single lie as opposed to a year of compounded lies. So the obvious answer is the second scenario, but that has nothing to do with the adultery which is the real issue here.

If you flip the extremes, many people would suddenly switch their viewpoint.
1. I've been lying to you for a year about paying our house payment, car payment, and our taxes. The bank just foreclosed; your car just got repo'ed; and you're going to jail for tax evasion.
2. I got drunk and let the new neighbor finger me and hid it from you for a couple days while I figured out how I let that happen.

Now which is the worse lie?

My point is we're all liars. There is no value in trying to quantify what lie is worse as people seem to being doing by calling other "cheaters".
  • DMike
  • 09-07-2014, 04:57 AM
Wakeup makes good vaild points

don't get married or tell your wife ur gonna cheat.

and you got kids even worst my goodness

big pussies

how can you bring up kids about respect, honesty and so on

and you cheat on your wife

on we go pussies Originally Posted by bjwstw
So that makes it okay for them to go fuck whores behind their wives back?

Stop trying to be're not saving the world's marriages like some plus size hooker're a service provider, like my cable repairman...nothing more.

There shouldn't be any marriages to save...if these hypocritical pussies would get off their scared asses and tell their wives 1. That they have a problem with their marriages and need to see some changes or they'll leave, 2. Tell their wives they're cheating and see if they're okay with it, or 3. Get a divorce because their marriage is unsatisfying...

You're nothing more than someone they pay to're delusions of grandeur are hilarious...but the statement "A lot of these gents truly care for their wives" is the biggest load of horseshit I've seen on this board in years...thy care nothing of the sort, or they'd be honest with their wives, and themselves, before they even decide to come see you... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Sweetie, you should perhaps consider taking up meditation or yoga or anything that will help you work though some of that anger and fear. You sound so much like some of the at-risk kids I work with, it really makes me sad. I will pray that your troubled soul finds peace someday.

Oh and I hope you don't mind but I'm stealing the "plus-sized hooker superhero" bit, 'cos honestly, it's a wicked sweet line! I think I need to do a Keiko Mask photo shoot now (and anyone who gets that without Googling gets a free uber-nerd appreciation French session)!
Wakeup's Avatar
I mean, generally everyone would rather a single lie as opposed to a year of compounded lies. Originally Posted by sketchball82
And there is where his fucked up, justify his horrible actions, logic fails...he's not accounting for the severity of the lie when it comes to the viewpoint of his wife...his viewpoint is irrelevant, it's hers that matters...and she will definitely see one as more serious than the other...

There is no value in trying to quantify what lie is worse as people seem to being doing by calling other "cheaters". Originally Posted by sketchball82
And there's his rationalization for his cheating...he honestly believes that no lie is more severe than any other...completely neglecting what she may think...

It's amazing how these married guys twisted their rationalization has become...all so they don't have to confront the massive faults they have when it comes to cheating on their wives. Their depths of self denial are something that just proves how much they despise themselves...yet they're too scared to confront their own problems...

Scared, hypocritical pussies...

P.S.-I love this guy...he proves my points better than I EVER could...
When these assholes make a conscious choice to get married...they do so out of an abundance of ignorance and societal pressure. They don't think long term...they think of what their parents think, or what their fiancee thinks, or what society thinks, and they jump into it with no thought for what can happen.

Unfortunately for them, they just entered into a legal AND emotional agreement with their new which she is going to expect them to uphold. If they had thought about what COULD happen, they'd never have gotten married in the first place. Now they're three years into it, and they're scared, because they realize they want out of the agreement, but are unwilling to pay the price...both financially, and socially, and they decide to cheat on their wife.

People get divorced every day...people with children get divorced every day...yet these assholes choose to NOT make the right choice, and continue to run from their responsibilities to their wives and kids...because they're scared, hypocritical pussies...

All you married assholes, go tell your wives you're cheating on them...better yet, go tell your KIDS that you're fucking prostitutes behind their mom's back...what are their reactions going to be...what are they going to think of you?

THAT'S how wrong you are...right go wallow in your repulsiveness...

And this shining example of you married guys just digs you further into the depths of denial. Now, fucking a prostitute behind your wife's back is no different than lying to her about putting the kids to bed late...the denial...the fake justifications...just further prove my point...

Please...keep listening to this guy as the beacon of hope for all you married guys...PLEASE... Originally Posted by Wakeup

normally I think you are a rude asshole but I agree 100% of this statement!

You guys cheating are selfish pigs. I do not care if you wife at home has NO pussy, not interested in sex. and every other fuking excuse I hear
you should divorce her or tell her hey I am fuking Hookers.

Yes I judge you! You took a vow and promised to love and cherish and not cheat, I have never been married but I am pretty sure there is not a sentence in the Vows that say. " if said wife or said husband is not providing sex, you are free to go fuk a Provider"
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think WU is a little harsh with his message. But, the dude's right. I won't question whether you are good parents though but probably really shitty role models for your kids if they know what their dad does in private. Do you want your daughters to have that happen to them? Every man should want their daughter to marry a man who fucks hookers; correct?

I will never understand how a married man can cheat on his wife and then write a review and act like that's normal.

If you outstanding husbands want to cheat on your wife with hookers, that's cool, just don't act like that's the norm and that you're not in the wrong.

The justification of cheating on your wives is comical.

I would assume that if you can afford hookers, you're not retarded and have a decent job...Judging by many of these responses, maybe I'm wrong and you guys are retarded.
cabletex7's Avatar
My point is we're all liars. There is no value in trying to quantify what lie is worse as people seem to being doing by calling other "cheaters". Originally Posted by sketchball82
Too much illogical BS to respond to but this nugget above . . .
Rather than making these gross generalizations to strangers on a smhb, make your comment to someone who really matters and has a vested interest - your wife. What does she think about your belief that everyone is a liar and cheating on your spouse is no worse than lying about paying bills?

Your problem is that you have gotten sucked into justifying your behavior to strangers. In this society if you are in a committed relationship and fuck someone else that is considered cheating which is bad. But that is between you and your SO. Why do you feel that you owe anyone here an explanation? Or are you really trying to convince yourself?
Wakeup's Avatar
I will pray that your troubled soul finds peace someday. Originally Posted by Bijou Neko
Pray to this...and you shall be touched by his noodly appendage...

Oh and I hope you don't mind but I'm stealing the "plus-sized hooker superhero" bit, 'cos honestly, it's a wicked sweet line! Originally Posted by Bijou Neko
That's why I said it. Link the post where I said it, and sure, I have no problem with you using it...
Do marital vows include honesty about credit cards and diets? I mean, I got married about 12 years ago, so things may have changed since then...?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Do marital vows include honesty about credit cards and diets? I mean, I got married about 12 years ago, so things may have changed since then...? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Now, that response was too cute little lady...This thread needed a little humor.

And just for the record, I don't blame the ladies at all. They provide a service and they certainly are not at fault for anything.