Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

Olivia, this might sound dumb, but if your retired why do you still post on Eccie?? Should you not find something else to spend your time, as replying to all this definitely takes a lot of time and energy!
Good Duty Judy U hit the nail on the head L D The old slut wont shut the fuck up if people give any credence to her horseshit She Puts me in mind of our old hound back in the day Too old to hunt and wouldn't die either Sometimes putting something out of its misery is the best solution Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES

Oh, Baby-Baby - there you are. I was missing you. You know my penchant towards my sweet haters. I find you all so endearing.

Let’s do a proper Gap Analysis on this pleasant little situation shall we. Did you know that the majority of the problems, when one does a Gap Analysis, are in the hand offs closely followed by reason number two which is the inobservance or avoidance – for whatever reason – of statistical, data drift. Yes, it’s true, and consequently, those are the things that I went looking for to get to, what we call in manufacturing, the root cause of the problem which in this instance is your animosity towards me.

If you don’t want to tell the nice people why you hate me so much, we’ll have to set about proving my hypothesis the hard way as I can also only summate that you are and will continue to be disinclined to share that information. I have all the hard data, and we all know the supporting statistical data: And that is, at the high end of the demimonde, there is very little drift from the norm as far as proper social behaviors. That is, there are very few rogues let alone “incidents” at the high end. I know it; you know it; and more importantly, everybody here knows it.

Can you do me a favor Tater, go back and look at your PM's. Specifically where you answered me when I inquired why you had such a hatred for me. (September 25, 2011 that I received at 11:55 p.m.) I analyzed your PM looking for things that didn’t conform to the standard, hobby rendezvous, statistical norms. (To go back to manufacturing, we call those NCR – Non-Confirming Reports.) There was several bits of data contained therein.
  1. You said we met last spring, the spring of 2011 that is.
  2. You mentioned the street my hideaway was on so that demonstrates that we proceeded at least far enough for you to set an appointment since I gave you the address.
  3. You also let on what your bitch with me was. It’s not terribly private. You’ve mentioned publically as well that I am too expensive.
  4. Your response was filled with rage. I mean real rage. Like as in I’d done something to you.
Now, I know you don't know this, but I keep everything. I kept a calendar of every appointment I ever had as in: name, date, time, duration and amount. I keep every PM here and on TER and P411, email, important text and important voicemail. In other words, if I identified something that was not just statistically odd, but unacceptable, behavior in my calendar, I could back track though all my back up data. You know what I found when I back tracked through my calendar and everything? Hummmmmmmm? Do you? I found anomalies. That’s what I found. I had forgotten about it because it was relatively trivial to me, but when I viewed my calendar, it all came back to me.

Now, something else you don't know. I had a very, very broad but kind and gentlemanly clientele. This is where the high end, statistical analysis comes in. As we all know, ladies couldn’t or wouldn’t stay in business especially at the high end if there is too much inherent risk physically or with either the law or collections. With that in mind, only a handful of people stand out in my nearly ten years on and off in this business as people I'd consider risks. How many high risk clients do you think came to see me in the spring of 2011? You know, being how I keep all my details, the statistical norms I’ve come to – we’ve all come to understand – understand in the ten years or so in the industry…………..How many high risk clients do you honestly think I’ve seen ever let alone in the spring of 2011? Let me phrase it a different way, how many high risk women, given your tenure in the industry which you eluded to as not very long, have you run across? I’d say not many. Most would deem the risks too high, especially if the data was gathered over a short period of time, like your experience/s have been, and therefore the negative or high risk incidents are statistically more likely to repeat themselves at regular intervals.

Would you really, really like to go down this rabbit hole? We've addressed this quietly before - as in I sent you a PM on November 1, 2013 at 1:52 p.m, but I’m good to go……………..I can't prove it categorically, but I don't need to do a Johnny Cockeran either.
Olivia, this might sound dumb, but if your retired why do you still post on Eccie?? Should you not find something else to spend your time, as replying to all this definitely takes a lot of time and energy! Originally Posted by tulsatyler
Like everybody, I have my reasons. And I need to get back to that blog ( I have a How To and some of my bullshit stores to catch up on.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2014, 10:47 AM
Now, I know you don't know this, but I keep everything. I kept a calendar of every appointment I ever had as in: name, date, time, duration and amount. I keep every PM here and on TER and P411, email, important text and important voicemail. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And this my friends is why you never ever, ever give your personal information to anybody.

I know this is for another discussion/place/time and IMHO one more worthy than the use of the word 'whore'.

I mean really which would you rather have...somebody call you a name on a hooker board or somebody retain all your personal history?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 11:04 AM
It is sad. This thread and its companion thread had some reasonable discussion a while back, but it seems to have drifted into something more appropriate for the Politics forum now. It has become a zombie that doesn't realize it is dead--or should be.
Some whores don't know when to stop...
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  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 12:39 PM
Some whores don't know when to stop... Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Yes. You among others.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 01:45 PM



Originally Posted by M A X
Good afternoon pretty young lady!
Hi I'm new to the site and I don't know how to post can someone please tell me what to click on to post thank you
I only love it when I'm being pounded just right, whore, slut, bitch or _______ your choice
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Good afternoon pretty young lady! Originally Posted by Old-T
Good afternoon, kind sir....hope all is well with you. You are such a intelligent and one of the calmer presences on this board.....I hope all appreciate you for that.....'-)

Sorry for the disruption....back to mud slinging ya'll....xoxo
Yes. You among others. Originally Posted by Old-T
I love it when guys interject themselves into hooker squabbles/drama.

Your panties are starting to show.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 05:31 PM
I love it when guys interject themselves into hooker squabbles/drama.

Your panties are starting to show. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Well, Daphne, I think you are decidedly off base with your post this time.

If I recall right, I was not the one who originally posted this topic on this forum. You did. All I did on post #110 was point out that the horse died quite a few posts ago, and there was little if anything new about the original topic being posted. Even when you replied with your snide comment, I was quite polite in the way I pointed out that you were as guilty as Olivia about keeping the artificial respirator working. If my original comment was directed only at you, I would have said so. It was directed to you, Olivia, WTF, and anyone else who kept the horse from being buried as it deserved. I specifically didn't mention any names precisely because I didn't want to have someone think I was singling them out. Only you seemed compelled to respond. That was not my choice.

Second, if you think my posts here are hostile, then you do not know me. I try to be well behaved in this forum and keep my "less polite" comments for other venues. WTF can probably attest I am on my best behavior here. I think MAX can as well.

Third, if you really don't like "guys interject[ing] themselves into hooker squabbles/drama", then you should have probably kept those squabbles in the ladies' forum. This one is co-ed, and as is the want of such forums, people--including guys--do tend to reply at times.

Finally, I don't really think your issue is with "guys interject[ing] themselves into hooker squabbles/drama". Both WTF and Jessie James are guys, but you seemed to have no issues with their interjecting. Could that be because they took your side? It seems your real issue is with "guys interject[ing] themselves into hooker squabbles/drama on the wrong side."

So, since you now better understand my point, hopefully we can NOW let this thread drift down the page and settle into sleep in the quiet depths where it belongs. If you wish to discuss MY comments further, I invite you to PM me. If you wish to keep discussing personal history with Olivia, I suspect you can PM her too. Or maybe start a new thread. Just please, let this poor, tired horse be put out of it's misery.

Who besides you decided this one was dead and what is the logic in starting another one?