As Greece goes, so shall Puerto Rico?

Hey moron, I just said that! Do you have an original point to make or did you just crawl out of the Little Rock sewers to parrot what I said? Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey fuckface, no you didn't. Here's what you said:

Not a serious threat - Russia isn't about to bail them out and the EU knows it. But some of Tsipras' fellow leftists have hinted Greece might ease up on their border controls (allowing refugees and terrorists to flood the EU) if the debt negotiations don't go their way. Only total scumbags would make such a threat, however veiled.

You gave no specifics or reasons why, per usual for you. I expounded on your lifeless explanation. You also provided no links for your bullshit claim of opening borders. As usual, you got your ass handed to you. Next!
lustylad's Avatar
Russia isn't about to bail them out. Originally Posted by lustylad
Russia isn't bailing out anybody. Originally Posted by WombRaider

There you go, shithead. Proof that you're a fucking parrot. And a worthless troll. Wasting everyone's time here. How much are you getting paid again to spew your spam?
lustylad's Avatar
You also provided no links for your bullshit claim of opening borders. As usual, you got your ass handed to you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"Mr. Tsipras and his ministers will also try to use the leverage of their European Union membership. The EU typically operates by consensus, and the Syriza Party government is likely to play the spoiler on Russian sanctions and other policies until it gets its way. Greek ministers are already musing about letting Greece become a thoroughfare for migrants from Africa and the Middle East into the EU. Expect more nasty threats and political blackmail."

I don't provide links to sewer rats. But you're a resourceful little dicklicker. You should be able to look up where the above "bullshit claim" came from.

Is it too dark to read down there in the Little Rock sewer system or are your beady rat eyes failing you?

There you go, shithead. Proof that you're a fucking parrot. And a worthless troll. Wasting everyone's time here. How much are you getting paid again to spew your spam? Originally Posted by lustylad
I said a lot more than that, but of course you have to copy and paste to make it look like it was even a contest. You lose, shitstain. You should be used to that feeling by now.

Russia isn't bailing out anybody. Long story short, they don't have the money. They've got financial problems of their own. They might cut a deal for some discount natural gas or some such bullshit, but the idea of them satisfying Greece's debt is not going to happen. And one could argue that the Russians like to stir up shit wherever they can, and that's true, but in this case they can't afford to. An EU that is in trouble does nothing to benefit Russia economically.
"Mr. Tsipras and his ministers will also try to use the leverage of their European Union membership. The EU typically operates by consensus, and the Syriza Party government is likely to play the spoiler on Russian sanctions and other policies until it gets its way. Greek ministers are already musing about letting Greece become a thoroughfare for migrants from Africa and the Middle East into the EU. Expect more nasty threats and political blackmail."

I don't provide links to sewer rats. But you're a resourceful little dicklicker. You should be able to look up where the above "bullshit claim" came from.

Is it too dark to read down there in the Little Rock sewer system or are your beady rat eyes failing you?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
At first you said it was a threat. Now it's a 'musing'. You're nothing but an inveterate lying cocksucker.
lustylad's Avatar
At first you said it was a threat. Now it's a 'musing'. You're nothing but an inveterate lying cocksucker. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If I muse out loud about stringing you up like mussolini and riddling your body with machine gun bullets, is that a musing or a threat?
There you go, shithead. Proof that you're a fucking parrot. And a worthless troll. Wasting everyone's time here. How much are you getting paid again to spew your spam? Originally Posted by lustylad
Not as much as he makes at the Talleywackers glory hole working those men's room stall and getting made "air tight" out in back by the dumpsters ! He's working the extra time here spewing his rot and being paid by the incompetent and idiotic post so he can help pay for his and shammy's wedding expenses and the expenses of his wet back kin folks to come over for the bukkake party !
If I muse out loud about stringing you up like mussolini and riddling your body with machine gun bullets, is that a musing or a threat? Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't have the balls for either one, you self-admitted pussy.
The fact that everyone except Greece has apparently forgotten is this debt began its life as private debt. You keep on about the IMF report. The report told the market that the debt would not be paid back. It said the debt was unsustainable. In their infinite stupidity, the IMF allows the debt to be transferred to the EU. Greece paid its private debts and now the EU taxpayer is left holding the bag. Debt is a risk. It's not a guarantee of being repaid. That's why interest is involved. Germany made a very bad bet and they lost.
I said a lot more than that, but of course you have to copy and paste to make it look like it was even a contest. You lose, shitstain. You should be used to that feeling by now.

Russia isn't bailing out anybody. Long story short, they don't have the money. They've got financial problems of their own. They might cut a deal for some discount natural gas or some such bullshit, but the idea of them satisfying Greece's debt is not going to happen. And one could argue that the Russians like to stir up shit wherever they can, and that's true, but in this case they can't afford to. An EU that is in trouble does nothing to benefit Russia economically. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Huh? Russia would not bail them out as in repay their loan to the EU, they would take them in, as in Crimea. And what socialist wouldn't trade retirement for a little communism? Do you realize that tiny little Greece's economy is about that of the state of Oregon? Russia can afford to take them over with barely a hiccup in their economy.

Not to mention Greece is already in bed with Russia's military, as they have purchased and use the Russian made S-300 Air Defense System in which the Russian military maintains for them, just renewed their partnership this year.

Is it because they are part of the EU that every one here thinks they are not already in bed with Russia militarily? I can assure you, the folks in the EU definitely knew he went to Russia a couple of months ago to negotiate a continuing military contract with Putin, and they didn't like it one bit.

I'm not saying it is going to happen, but it is FAR from an empty threat with "no links".
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  • WTF
  • 07-06-2015, 03:44 PM
You've lost it completely. I'm not from "Kanas City". You're the one we call fagboy. .
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Look Dicklicker, just because my Blazzin Saddles humor goes over your gay porn fluffing head is no reason to disparage Kansas City!

. And the IMF didn't loan all that money - they are involved to give the Greeks a vote of confidence if they implement sound economic policies. IMF loans are symbolic but encourage others to extend credit again. Originally Posted by lustylad
Does sound economic policies mean that you cut payments to the poor to pay off speculators?


You need another vacation because you're only making yourself look stupider and stupider with every post and I am rapidly running out of the patience needed to keep correcting you.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll slap the patience right back up your gay ass if you keep talking shit !
Huh? Russia would not bail them out as in repay their loan to the EU, they would take them in, as in Crimea. And what socialist wouldn't trade retirement for a little communism? Do you realize that tiny little Greece's economy is about that of the state of Oregon? Russia can afford to take them over with barely a hiccup in their economy.

Not to mention Greece is already in bed with Russia's military, as they have purchased and use the Russian made S-300 Air Defense System in which the Russian military maintains for them, just renewed their partnership this year.

Is it because they are part of the EU that every one here thinks they are not already in bed with Russia militarily? I can assure you, the folks in the EU definitely knew he went to Russia a couple of months ago to negotiate a continuing military contract with Putin, and they didn't like it one bit.

I'm not saying it is going to happen, but it is FAR from an empty threat with "no links". Originally Posted by nwarounder
woomby the lying liberal elitist thinks that all those years of sucking the cocks of various nationalities at the glory holes makes him an "expert" at "global affairs". He especially like the Russian sailors that told him they wanted to play the Russian game called " Conquest of Berlin " with him and he got to play the part of the German women when the Russian Army took Berlin ! Oh... those Brutes !
Look Dicklicker, just because my Blazzin Saddles humor goes over your gay porn fluffing head is no reason to disparage Kansas City!

Does sound economic policies mean that you cut payments to the poor to pay off speculators?

I'll slap the patience right back up your gay ass if you keep talking shit !
Originally Posted by WTF
He's well known as a humorless turd.
woomby the lying liberal elitist thinks that all those years of sucking the cocks of various nationalities at the glory holes makes him an "expert" at "global affairs". He especially like the Russian sailors that told him they wanted to play the Russian game called " Conquest of Berlin " with him and he got to play the part of the German women when the Russian Army took Berlin ! Oh... those Brutes ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Stick to truckstops, idiot. You're out of your element. If you want to make a case for Russia helping them out, make it. The problem is you don't have the fucking brain power to move past glory holes and cocksucking.
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  • WTF
  • 07-06-2015, 04:19 PM
He's well known as a humorless turd. Originally Posted by WombRaider
First lustyladyboy thinks raising taxes is a bad thing , then when the IMF wants Greece to do it, he thinks it is a great way to increase revenue....until I point it out to him that his position is contorted , then he babbles about the IMF not really the one loaning money to Greece....I think he will say anything to flirt with us. He is queer as a Lindsey Graham you know.