Review So full of crap.

...and the plot thickens. Wait, is there a plot? The OP complains about an NS, provider says he came by unannounced, he denies it, admits it, then denies it again. What the hell is going on??? BTW, Kaylee, you are hot when you are angry.

I think I see the problem here.

If you are gonna show up unannounced, you really need to bring a couple of bags of mulch. Originally Posted by Bad_Mojo
LMAO, now that's funny as shit!

Humor, the cureall. ;-)
Yep! I do! All part of the illusion. This is a fantasy land. I don't want to know their true thoughts likeit
"Whew...only 45 more minutes till he leaves!"

You seem to be an angry person based on you 2012 review of Emma and thrashing those that responded with helpful insight. You went off on BigDog then and you did it again here.

Lighten up and have fun. That is what this is all about. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
LMAO, I get that same feeling sometimes. I do my best to not make the providers sick and hope they will tolerate me talking their ear off the other 55 minutes. ;-)

The OP sure appears to be very frustrated. But sure seems like hobby suicide to make such statements reguardless.

There are way too many willing and able providers to get obsessed and focused on any one. Just roll on to the next and forget the past f--- up. Folks might conclude the wrong impression and put out an underground psycho-watch. Just sayin'.
I'm done with this. Ban me. I don't give a fuck. Take Yorick's skull, and shove it up your collective asses. Originally Posted by billiam
Is Shakespeare the most vulgar insult you could think of ? I don't think Shakespeare is going to get you banned, you'll have to do better than that.
He might as well be banned. I'm sure he put himself on a lot of DNS lists.