Wanna know what some girls REALLY think?

I think if anything me having the balls to post this shows my character is not about beating out the competition, but for having compassion for hard working women, but hell I digress. I will go back to being the snob London Rayne, and put the real me to rest now. London quote:


If you were a guy you would have king kong size balls, look at the hornet nest you stird up and in Texas of all places
To answer your original question.. No I really don't want to know what you think.

So when I'm face down on the massage table, don't tell me about..
Your kids birthday party
Your upcoming surgery
Other guys keep NCNS appointments
Where you want to vacation
How your day job really sucks
That you are hung over from going out with your friends.
That I'm your 6th massage today and your hands are tired.

I may pretend like I give a shit but I'm paying YOU for a massage not charging you for a therapy session.
dearhunter's Avatar
Don't fret it....she was happier with the results in Houston.
Oh God, they are coming to Dallas co-ed now....and you all thought we had it bad here with the drama...get your umbrellas ready, there's a 90% chance of a shit storm occurring when the Houston guys start putting their two cents in.

This thread is going over about as well as it did three or more years ago when it was posted on ASPD. Well, at least we aren't talking about prices and pimps anymore.....
jdean208's Avatar
Girls and boys!!!

My, my. You would think we didn't need each other. Everything we need to know about this hobby/job, we learned in kindergarten.

Wash your hands and your privates.
Brush your teeth twice a day. More if necessary.
Play nice.
Say please and thank you. Every time.
A bargain is seldom a bargain for both sides.
Play fair.
Don't hurt other people's feelings. Even in blogs and replies to blogs.
Pretty is as pretty does. (Handsome, too.)
Say what you mean and mean what you say. (Adult translation: avoid sarcasm.)
Girls are smarter than boys when they first meet. This seems to change with time.

This playground would be a lot safer and more fun if we all remember these simple rules. Of course, this playground may not exist at all if everyone in life followed these rules.
PODarkness's Avatar
OK, I read the whole thread (I know, depressing, isn't it?) looking for someone like me, who wants to know, who has to ask, Who needs the answer, to where the OP saw the acrobatic monkey.

Nobody? Sigh. Am I the only one who appreciates fine art?

I also read the other side of the link, and have to wonder how much is fake. I don't mean it wasn't written by a provider, I mean it wasn't written by someone who travels and lives in hotels as is claimed. One example? The towel drama shows a real ignorance of hotel living that no pro traveler would EVER have any issues with.

I'm not saying she didn't have some good points, she did. She was also totally off base with a few points, but all that has already been beaten to death. I don't think anyone has mentioned the towels (or the acrobatic monkey) so in the interest of making sure nothing is left...


Point a
Instead of "running down the hall and stealing some towels from the maid's cart", (and fucking with her job) ASK her for them, and TIP her. You will never have a towel problem in that hotel again.

Imagine what the maid would write if she were to blog about how she thinks of the hotel guests. The provider on the other side of the OP's link never has, and that tells me something about her, especially after the rant she went on, and considering she claims to work for tips. She is no better than the men she's ranting about. At least the men tip sometimes. Maybe it was the conflict her profession puts her through that made her so obtuse, or maybe it's her default personality to be self important. I don't know.

point b
If you are one of those people who try not to make eye contact with the maids, then you will have to push the envelope and go outside of your comfort zone to get towels. That's right. Dial housekeeping and ask them to send up more towels. It could work, and I promise you they won't ever ever ask why. They will ask how many, and might ask what size, and every single time, they will ask, "will there be anything else Miss..."? or something like it. They will NEVER as why.
I have personally done this hundreds of times, and have never had a problem, even asking for a dozen or more towels at a time. (that's true)

Don't know housekeeping's extension? Try zero.

point c
Maids, and housekeeping in general, are VERY happy to give you more towels, and probably don't care if they ever see them again. The way they look at it, if you are going through 8 - 10 towels a day, and you are not a heavy metal band? (or even if you are) Those towels are cleaning up a mess that they would be cleaning up, if you hadn't asked for more towels. (also true)

OK, we can mark towels off the list. Who wants to do acrobatic monkeys? I can't as I'm too close to be objective.

As my buddy Scott always said...
"We may be beating a dead horse. For my part, the fun of flogging is not
dependent on the animation of the victim."
Actually, he never said that, but he could have, and that's close, right?

On your way out...
ImOnYourList wrote;
"This is [a] job and my husband knows about it. I don't lie like you do to your wives."
Sorry, but you loose the high moral ground (and the honesty merit badge) for saying this to the very same people your post claims you constantly lie to.

When the Prince f Darkness says lighten up? It's DARK.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Thank you, POD. That was so much fun. Post of the week
This string is now on Page No. 8. If you haven't notice the OP quit posting at Page 3. I surmise she's quite happy with herself. She skulked on to the Dallas boards, posted her piece of cr_p and has ran into the woods like any experienced troublemaker. All of the Hobbyists now know who NOT to see when they're unfortunate enough to be in her (or should I say "It's"?) well-marked territory so perhaps it's time to move on to more entertaining topics?
PODarkness's Avatar
But... But... What about the acrobatic monkeys?
TexTushHog's Avatar
My point is that at least your phone is ringing, if you don't like the offer, great build more value in your services. I know this, I would rather have the opportunity to decline an offer rather than have no offer at all, at least you have a conversation going.

In the end isn't this just a place to meet to buy and sell?
Originally Posted by rew1256
By a mile, this is the most salient quote in four pages of replies, especially the bold text, yet it has drawn no notice at all. Amazing.

I choose not to negotiate prices for short appointments. I choose with care who I see and if I don't see value, I don't make an appointment. But people talking about price are sending you a message. If you've got all the business you can handle, fine. No sweat. Turn them down politely and move on. Or work up a relationship with a provider who charges a lower rate and send her some business. But why get in a lather. It just goes with the territory you've chosen to occupy.

In my businesses, people try to negotiate my prices. I rarely take them up on the offer, but some times, their deal is good enough. It doesn't cost to listen. Sometimes you can learn more about their needs and help them out and it will help you down the road. (E.g. maybe they're having a really tight months. Send them to your new friend who is just starting out. Vouch for him. He's grateful and may see you when he's flush again, if he's telling the truth. If not, nothing ventured, nothing gained.)

Yet they have to wake up every morning upset at themselves that they fucked some horny fat bald headed guy last nite (ya ya could be any one of ya).. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
And in the interest of complete accuracy, I'm not "fat." I'm portly. I'm not "bald," either. My hair is slowly thinning.

But I was horny!!!
mikahranae's Avatar
I would like to say that the lady makes some valid points. I would also like to say that there are several I don't agree with. I think it was good reading material and I don't think she really feels like that with most of her clients. I don't know her personally, so who knows. I just think if she did feel that way most of the time, that she would be out the business by now. I enjoy most of my appointments, but some have their moments. The men could say the same about some of the appointments they have had to deal with. I have heard some pretty bad stories from my clients. I would like to see a hobbyists point of view as well. Maybe somebody will create a post somewhere that shows a hobbyists pov.
slims099's Avatar
I love the 1 and done idea. Get in, pay, get out. I don't care whether they think I'm attractive or not. The whole point is to have some quick fun and not be worried about a "connection" and all that horseshit. If you want that, go get a girlfriend.
This string is now on Page No. 8. If you haven't notice the OP quit posting at Page 3. I surmise she's quite happy with herself. She skulked on to the Dallas boards, posted her piece of cr_p and has ran into the woods like any experienced troublemaker. Originally Posted by txcwby6