Proof Jan 6th Was An Inside Job

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What about the guy who took a shite in the speaker's office?

Did he get time in the rest home?

Maybe he thought he was INSIDE the speaker's baffroom.
Sorry. That link was just an artifact from my clipboard that was showing how many flights a day there are. Post #10 in the "why are pilots having so many medical emergencies". Below is post link was included in.

Original post.

"It's estimated there are over 100,000 flights per day (90,000 per day for passenger flights). The examples posted are not all confirmed to be covid/vaccine related. No comparable data from other years is shown. Most commercial flights have 2 pilots (180,000 per day) so the statistical info affecting the total number of pilots is minuscule."

Please check the link. I'd like to read what you intended to post. Originally Posted by Tiny
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't trust the government, and I don't trust Swamp Creature Donald Trump.

Julian Assange pointed the finger at Seth Rich to throw people off of the his true source for the leaks, Russian hackers. Rich was walking around late at night in Washington, D.C. and got axed by somebody trying to rob him. Originally Posted by Tiny
russian hackers??? ok you're going into fantasy land.

to download the entire content of a hard drive over the internet is not possible, not at the reported speed of 5 minutes according to the network logs.

with a thumbnail, yes.

over the internet, no. it'd be like 30 minutes to 1 hour to download it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet. It has gone from dumb to even dumber and I didn't think that was even possible considering the original topic. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
oh you watched that jim carrey movie.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
J6 whistle blower

Former Capitol Police Officer Blows J6 Narrative Wide Open With Release of New Audio

By Jeff Charles | 3:38 PM on December 04, 2023

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

In another interesting twist, a former U.S. Capitol Police officer made an announcement that could even further damage the already-weakened narrative put forth by the left regarding the J6 riot. Since House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) decided to release all of the footage taken on Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol building, the riot has become a topic of conversation once again.

Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson, who was present at the Capitol on that day, has been challenging the government narrative on the incident and has indicated that the authorities on the ground were ill-prepared for what happened. Now, he indicated that he would be releasing audio recordings that could further blow up the prevailing narrative and suggested a “set-up” and cover-up surrounding the issue.

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Johnson indicated that he had spoken with legal counsel to understand the legalities surrounding the release of the audio to make sure he wasn’t opening himself up to legal problems.

The former police officer said he had entrusted the information to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch and indicated that a journalist working with The Blaze “has permission to receive the info and do whatever he believes is best with that info in the unlikely event I disappear.”

Johnson ended by noting that officers from every agency that responded to the riot “should have been more prepared that day.”

Tarik Johnson

UPDATE: I spoke to my lawyer and I told him what my plans are as it relates to releasing information on X about the J6 set-up and the cover-up that ensued after. I wanted to see what if any legal ramifications I’d be facing when I do. He stated he didn’t see any and if something arose we would deal with it together. So it’s a go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With that said, I ask for everyone to be patient as I’m going to do this right and I have to make another post before I load the 12-hour radio run to my page. Additionally, I am not a tech person so I will also have to learn to load large documents and audio files from my computer to X so I’m going to need a little more time. I still have to work in the middle of all this and I’m dealing with family stuff at the same time but you have my word I will get everything done by next week. Hopefully by Wednesday.

Some worry that something may happen to me prior to releasing the info. You can rest easy with that. Tom Fitton of Judical Watch has the info along with my attorney. Also @TPC4USA
(who you all should be following) has permission to receive the info and do whatever he believes is best with that info in the unlikely event I disappear. The man only wants the truth no matter where it leads.

Please know that I am fighting for EVERYONE that was aggrieved from the events of J6 and UNITY in our country. I’m not doing this for any financial gain now or in the future but for the reasons I listed above by order of the God I serve. I am a LION and I will protect my cubs. In this case they are EVERYONE in the J6 community as you were set-up and that should not have happened to you even if you did wrong things that day. The police from all 17 agencies that responded to the Capitol to defend it as we should have been more prepared that day. All the people that died on J6 or as a result from that day. All whistleblowers from every agency that put their careers in jeopardy and or lost them because they wanted the truth out and saw what was happening to US citizens because of J6.

Thank you for listening and God bless the greatest nation in the world and all the people in it.

Tarik K Johnson
Former Lieutenant US Capitol Police

12:12 PM · Nov 30, 2023 · 1.7M Views

On Sunday, Johnson released some of the audio, which included communication showing that a high-ranking Capitol officer was not cooperating with the effort to stop the situation from getting even further out of control.
"Here we go... Episode 1," he wrote. "The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper. To give so some context Pittman's call sign is Unit 2 and she is sitting on a dias in the USCP Commander Center where she can hear the radio traffic and she has a 360 degree view of the outside of the Capitol."

Johnson added, "She can also see the actives inside the Capitol where there is a camera. Chief Steven A Sund was on the phone trying to obtain approval for the National Guard's assistance and assistance from other law enforcement agencies. I was on the ground trying to de-escalate the situation specially asking Pittman for help. My call sign was 405J-John."
Tarik Johnson

Here we go... Episode 1:

The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper. To give so some context Pittman's call sign is Unit 2 and she is sitting on a dias in the USCP Commander Center where she can hear the radio traffic and she has a 360 degree view of the outside of the Capitol. She can also see the actives inside the Capitol where there is a camera. Chief Steven A Sund was on the phone trying to obtain approval for the National Guard's assistance and assistance from other law enforcement agencies. I was on the ground trying to de-escalate the situation specially asking Pittman for help. My call sign was 405J-John.

Embedded video

7:51 AM · Dec 3, 2023 · 1M Views

The audio backs up criticism against the Capitol Police that it failed to take decisive action on Jan. 6 despite having been warned about potential violence previously. He also called out Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger for opposing the release of the J6 footage and using non-disclosure agreements to keep officers silent.

This release introduces another dimension to the discourse surrounding J6. Johnson’s former position as a police officer gives him a perspective that those interested in weaponizing the incident against their political opposition would not want anyone to hear. There is a reason why the anti-Trump House Select Jan. 6 Committee would not bother to take testimony from Johnson.

As more footage continues to be released, it can only be expected that those claiming it was an “insurrection” that was “worse than 9/11” will have to spin harder to maintain their frantic narrative about the matter.
... Thanks for posting that, Dilbert.

### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Our tourists in Washington were simply there for a outing, day trip of fun and frivolity. They were warmly invited into the house chambers and wanted to do some photo bombing with Nancy and the gang.

The shaman even came with his newly cleaned hat, and demonstrating a new tattoo he got - he knew everybody wanted to see that. Those gallows were simply a reenactment of civil war justice that was happening simultaneously outside, And poor Ashley Babbitt literally shot herself with what she thought was a cigarette lighter (she picked up on sale down at the gift shop, along with a copy of the constitution) - it was in the shape of a pistol, and when she couldn't get it the light she asked the nice man behind the doors and he mistook it as a real gun. He tossed his firearm back and it went off by accident, ricocheting around the room more than a bullet fired by wiley Coyote and Yosemite Sam in a shootout, and unfortunately bounced off The actual lighter and thus connected with poor Ashley.
As insurrections go, it was a total sham- (despite the guilty pleas), it was really more of a peaceful gathering of chili cook-off enthusiast's singing kumbaya and sharing recipes with the capital police who had set up the event. When asked about the folks that showed up on January 6th, the only complaints the police had were that they forgot to bring their potluck plates.
texassapper's Avatar
As I've said before what happens in the dark will come out in the light. eyecu2 makes light of USCP killing an unarmed protestor who was also a veteran. Good for you I guess.

"We now know Pittman was the one that caused what occurred on J6 but [Manger] is fighting Speaker Johnson from releasing all the video footage, ensuring all the NDAs USCP employees were forced to sign remain in place and declining to allow anyone to see the LWOP deal he negotiated with Pittman so she could get her retirement and take a job gifted to her in California making over a quarter million dollars annually," Johnson followed up in another post on X/Twitter. "And I almost forgot, ensuring USCP whistleblowers don’t get proper protections when they want to report corruption or malfeasance within the Department."
It's interesting how folks think the government is entitled to cover up crime when it helps their political party.
VitaMan's Avatar
This is the light:

"More than 1,100 defendants have been charged with federal crimes in connection with the riot. Approximately 670 people have pleaded guilty to date."

Guess the light is a little too bright for a lot of posters.

And how is the Ray Epps conspiracy theory going for you as proof of an inside job ?
As I've said before what happens in the dark will come out in the light. eyecu2 makes light of USCP killing an unarmed protestor who was also a veteran. Good for you I guess.

It's interesting how folks think the government is entitled to cover up crime when it helps their political party. Originally Posted by texassapper
... The videos will surely help answer some questions
about things, mate... And will also help aid the
barristers of the jailed protesting people with
their lawsuits...

... and speaking of 6th January and "inside jobs",
has any more word come out from the FBI/DOJ Investigation
of the shadowy Pipe-bomber - who almost killed Kamala Harris??

Haven't heard any new findings - except that the FBI/DOJ
don't want to release those videos to the public.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Our tourists in Washington were simply there for a outing, day trip of fun and frivolity. They were warmly invited into the house chambers and wanted to do some photo bombing with Nancy and the gang.

The shaman even came with his newly cleaned hat, and demonstrating a new tattoo he got - he knew everybody wanted to see that. Those gallows were simply a reenactment of civil war justice that was happening simultaneously outside, And poor Ashley Babbitt literally shot herself with what she thought was a cigarette lighter (she picked up on sale down at the gift shop, along with a copy of the constitution) - it was in the shape of a pistol, and when she couldn't get it the light she asked the nice man behind the doors and he mistook it as a real gun. He tossed his firearm back and it went off by accident, ricocheting around the room more than a bullet fired by wiley Coyote and Yosemite Sam in a shootout, and unfortunately bounced off The actual lighter and thus connected with poor Ashley.
As insurrections go, it was a total sham- (despite the guilty pleas), it was really more of a peaceful gathering of chili cook-off enthusiast's singing kumbaya and sharing recipes with the capital police who had set up the event. When asked about the folks that showed up on January 6th, the only complaints the police had were that they forgot to bring their potluck plates. Originally Posted by eyecu2

VitaMan's Avatar
... The videos will surely help answer some questions
about things, mate... And will also help aid the
barristers of the jailed protesting people with
their lawsuits...

... and speaking of 6th January and "inside jobs",
has any more word come out from the FBI/DOJ Investigation
of the shadowy Pipe-bomber - who almost killed Kamala Harris??

Haven't heard any new findings - except that the FBI/DOJ
don't want to release those videos to the public.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The new findings are that 670 have pled guilty.

And they are fortunate they live in the USA.....and not Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, North Korea etc.
And while the shaman was sentenced to 41 months, he only served @ 29-30 months (Jan 2021-May-2023)
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2023, 09:09 PM
What about the guy who took a shite in the speaker's office?

Did he get time in the rest home?

Maybe he thought he was INSIDE the speaker's baffroom. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They should pin a medal on that man's chest. And on the Shaman's too, although it might hurt.

Shitting in Nancy Pelosi's personal space used to be the "in thing" to do. There was for example the youtuber who filmed himself taking a dump in her driveway. He told his viewers, "That was for President Trump."

Who says Trump supporters aren't environmentally conscious. There's no telling how many trees he'll save during his lifetime by not using toilet paper.
This guy claims he was paid to protest. If he's lying what's his motive?