Px, Sp, Sc - same person?

Thank you for kicking this shit storm out of co-ed !
Now, if they would put posting limitations on those who abuse the posting privilege that would also be great!
Jess I think if they can keep the political threads out of Co-ed and the racebaiting threads out...everything would return back to normal.

A few clever ones here are VERY good at starting these threads and blending in just a touch of the hobby to disguise the real point of their thread.
That should stop.

We already have a Political Forum and the racebaiting is just uncalled for.
Is there any other race baiter besides SC/TM on this site...
Yes sir a few but not as much in your face with it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Guys there's so much beauty to life than thinking about SC. Give it a rest geez.
I think most will give it a rest sc....if you do.
Your problem is that you will start it back up on your own in a few days...no matter what you say today. At least that's how you have been in the past. Are you telling us you have changed or just buying time?
boardman's Avatar
It's hard to forget about or ignore your BSC ex when she keeps showing up at your door, drunk, at 1 am...Every.Fucking. Morning with the same poor pitiful me sob story...ijs

Oh, she may find a new guy to fuck her brains out until he figures out she's BSC and he ghosts her, then she's right back where she started.
It's hard to forget about or ignore your BSC ex when she keeps showing up at your door, drunk, at 1 am...Every.Fucking. Morning with the same poor pitiful me sob story...ijs

Oh, she may find a new guy to fuck her brains out until he figures out she's BSC and he ghosts her, then she's right back where she started. Originally Posted by boardman
Wait. I knew it !! I knew it !!
Haha.. Mr Kung Fo Fighter! Ha, wasn't that "other" handle banned? From socials also! That's when alerts were allowed... she came here and posted about it...and her version!
I could be wrong but.... IDK. Man, If I'm wrong. I will totally take that but, IDK. Similar stories... and basically kicked out of Austin!

Meanwhile, Jess will be hitting RTM button on the co-ed spammers!
I don't care about the back lash... I have stood against the best of the best trolls, DALLAS!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I think most will give it a rest sc....if you do.
Your problem is that you will start it back up on your own in a few days...no matter what you say today. At least that's how you have been in the past. Are you telling us you have changed or just buying time? Originally Posted by tbone2u
I do not and have never race baited. I give facts, share stories, and give opinions. All of my threads are relevant, concise, and material to current events sprinkled with historical context as needed. You can only bait someone that wants to be baited.
boardman's Avatar
I think most will give it a rest sc....if you do.
Your problem is that you will start it back up on your own in a few days...no matter what you say today. At least that's how you have been in the past. Are you telling us you have changed or just buying time? Originally Posted by tbone2u

So much for giving it a rest...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You will have to find out if I'm changed or not. If I'm filled with love or not. Are you willing to open your heart and let love in?
I do not and have never race baited. I give facts, share stories, and give opinions. All of my threads are relevant, concise, and material to current events sprinkled with historical context as needed. You can only bait someone that wants to be baited. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Just when I thought ShinePoopoo's good bye , I have a G mod and yall are harassing her inbox thread was the biggest crock of shit I had read today... then there was this!
Your a racist, you think people don't get what your saying. As if we are slow. Come on! Being that you are who you are, you should be humble at this point. Just stop, be polite. Be a productive board member. Hobby/review... ect! Not use a account to troll to fill voids in your personal life.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ I’m liking Jess more and more everyday....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm happy for you all.

Peace and Love
TryWeakly's Avatar
Hopefully you won't fall in love with another hooktard like last time......