Trump says he’s ‘not allowed’ to say why he’s confident that the novel coronavirus originated at Wuhan Institute of Virology

LexusLover's Avatar
Biden can’t speak a cogent sentence now. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Trump says he’s ‘not allowed’ to say why he’s confident that the novel coronavirus originated at Wuhan Institute of Virology
The alleged "fireman" has trouble with "security" issues, and Biden speaks his language!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No he wasn’t, he was busy denying and lying. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Remember the Good Ol' Days, like:

January 14, 2020
As the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up was aided and abetted by the World Health Organization, which insisted there was ‘no clear evidence’ of human to human transmission of the virus, Speaker Pelosi was prepping her souvenir pens to sign and send over the sham Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

February 4, 2020
Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. On the coronavirus outbreak in China, my administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat. <--- This was in the State of the Union speech that San Fran Nan, the fortune cookie baker tore up. Maybe she should have read it first.

Hat tip to Ted Cruz for this trip down Memory Lane
HoeHummer's Avatar
This is now Trump and Pompeo against everybody else.

Maybe they’ll find the births certificate.

Yes he does speak his mind. Maybe he can't talk about it because the evidence is weak or doesn't exist.

Remember the weapons of mass destruction the Bush administration used to justify the second Iraq war? I think this is the same thing. My bet is that Trump is pushing intelligence agencies to fabricate some evidence....

To be clear, I believe he wants an economic war on China, not a real one. Originally Posted by Tiny
You mean like the ten of thousands of Chinese dead first in the Wuhan province? You don't consider that evidence of origin?

We've been in an economic war with China for decades. Pay attention.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Director of National Intelligence nominee John Ratcliffe pledges to keep politics out of job

Moscow Mitch and the racist freedom caucus will have the great leaders piss boy in the driver’s seat soon. I suspect the country will soon be fed a extremely stinking shit sandwich to swallow.

My guess, “ China attacked the USA with a biological weapon now known as COVID19 “ the great leader will have no qualms risking War to save face and throne.

All hail the great leader. 69k dead and counting.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm coming in on the last page and won't review to see if what I am going to say has already been said but to the question "why won't Trump say how he knows", it's called revealing sources and methods of intelligence gathering and it is not only against the law but detrimental to our national security interests.

There are things that the American public by law and national security interests, they they may not know. This should of course in our society be limited but it is necessary some times. Just imagine if this information came from an individual with knowledge. Would we print that name and possibly cause the death of that person which the US government already believes has happened to many in China for trying to report this story. It could also have come from internal communications that the Chinese are not aware of and we don't want to make them aware of.

Many good reasons why we can't be told how we got the information but as with most intelligence, it will be left up to the individual to believe or not to believe.

And here is a good example of believe or not believe what you are being told. There is an intelligence group called "Five Eyes". CNN and other left leaning media are saying that this report says that the virus did not come from the laboratory in Wuhan, with other media saying "the report" says it did. So how are we to know unless we can read what I'm guessing is a classified report that we will never see in print and will have to depend on the people reporting what it says for various political reasons it would appear.

Intelligence shared among Five Eyes nations indicates it is "highly unlikely" that the coronavirus outbreak was spread as a result of an accident in a laboratory but rather originated in a Chinese market, according to two Western officials who cited an intelligence assessment that appears to contradict claims by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

"We think it's highly unlikely it was an accident," a Western diplomatic official with knowledge of the intelligence said. "It is highly likely it was naturally occurring and that the human infection was from natural human and animal interaction." The countries in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing coalition are coalescing around this assessment, the official said, and a second official, from a Five Eyes country, concurred with it. The US has yet to make a formal assessment public.

The Five Eyes alliance is made up of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand -- and the countries share a broad range of intelligence in one of the world's tightest multilateral arrangements.

The assessment from members of the exclusive intelligence-sharing group seems to undermine forceful claims by Trump and Pompeo in recent days, as they have doubled down on the assertion that the outbreak originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, rather than a market in the same region.
It will likely increase pressure on the Trump administration to provide evidence to back up its claim, which it has failed to do so far despite the increasingly aggressive rhetoric from the President and his top diplomat.

A third source, also from a Five Eyes nation, told CNN that the level of certainty being expressed by Pompeo and Trump is way out in front of where the current Five Eyes assessment is. This source acknowledged that there is still a possibility that the virus originated from a laboratory, but cautioned there is nothing to make that a legitimate theory yet.

The source added that "clearly the market is where it exploded from," but how the virus got to the market remains unclear.
But without greater cooperation and transparency from the Chinese it's impossible to say with total certainty, the first official added.

The smoking gun file claims to have found evidence the virus spawned in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, close to the wet market China says it came from, and unearths 'risky' research on bat-related diseases stretching back years.

A damning dossier leaked from the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance claims that China lied to the world about human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus, made whistleblowers disappear and refused to hand over virus samples so the West could make a vaccine.

The bombshell 15-page research document also indicated that some of the five intelligence agencies believe that the virus may have been leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a claim initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory because Chinese officials insisted the virus came from the local wet markets, according to the Australian Daily Telegraph.

I do find it interesting that neither the New York Times or Washington Post have commented online about this story. Here's the GOOGLE search.

Here is an interview with the reporter that broke the story in the Australian Daily Telegraph. She says that the report does not reach a conclusion but that it is "likely" that it did while others are saying ( reading from the same report I take it, that it is unlikely that it did. Somebody isn't telling the truth.

So who to believe?

What I do find interesting about the CNN piece, is that they speak only of the origins of the virus and if you watched the above piece, you'll see that the report ( according to this reporter ) talked about many other aspects of the report about the multiple failures of the Chinese Communist government to tell the truth from the beginning like hiding the fact that human to human contact was indeed likely.

Some will say CNN did this willfully and has resisted blaming China for all their deception. Is it because CNN doesn't believe China is to blame for these things or is it simply because they will take an opposite approach to what ever the Trump administration says? I think you know what I think since it came right out of the mouth of the head of CNN Jeff Zucker who told his staff in a secretly recorded directive to hit Trump and his administration hard 24/7/ 365. In other words, don't let a crisis go to waste no matter what the truth may be. CNN repeatedly took the opposite side of reporting this story which can easily be proven with a timeline.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...My guess, “ China attacked the USA with a biological weapon now known as COVID19 “ the great leader will have no qualms risking War to save face and throne... Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Not sure I got your point there. Are you saying that if someone attacks the USA and kills our people by the tens of thousands that we should just chalk it up and move on? Or are you saying, since it was only a biological weapon killing Americans and hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, that it's OK and no reason to remove them from the planetary table? Can ya hep a brutha out? I'm just trying to understand what level of brain dead you are displaying here.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Not sure I got your point there. Are you saying that if someone attacks the USA and kills our people by the tens of thousands that we should just chalk it up and move on? Or are you saying, since it was only a biological weapon killing Americans and hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, that it's OK and no reason to remove them from the planetary table? Can ya hep a brutha out? I'm just trying to understand what level of brain dead you are displaying here. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Your lying eyes are once again deceiving you...I was pointing out that the great leader is untrustworthy and more than willing to claim China attacked the country without any fucking proof...

Radcliffe will soon be in the DNI chair to begin the conspiracy, or should I say continue the far right dead heads bull shit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The only thing that hasn't been "proven", is whether the virus came from the Wuhan lab. The fact that China hid what they knew about human to human contact and the fact that they halted movement from Wuhan to any place else in China while allowing travel out of Wuhan to the rest of the world is a proven fact accepted by most of the world and I believe has been proven by the Five Eyes report with the exception of the origin. There will be no military war over this but there will I hope, be an economic war carried out by many nations against China stopping them in their tracks from becoming the premier economic power in the world holding the US and our allies hostage to a Communist government.

The interesting thing once again, is how the people who hate Trump with a passion will take the side of China and in my opinion, full well knowing their complicity but if it will hurt Trump, you, they simply do not care.

And it would be incorrect to say China "attacked" the US and the world. I don't believe anybody but jaxson has used that term. I doubt they willfully unleashed the virus without having a cure and unless they were willing to sacrifice an unknown number of their own people, they probably didn't have a cure for this virus. They got careless, it got out of the lab and as we have been waiting for this to to happen for decades that it has been known, that this was a possibility. This was most likely careless negilgence that it got out but a well thought out criminal act not to alert the world to what they knew and when they knew it for their own benefit.

I have no doubt, that is what most of the world will conclude and try to punish China.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I have no doubt, that is what most of the world will conclude and try to punish China.
I hope you’re right, but the state of the left in this country gives me doubts.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I hope you’re right, but the state of the left in this country gives me doubts. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

True, I should have included as long as Trump is President and I hope if for no other reason, China must be brought to it's knees and I don't believe Democrats will do that.
Jaxson66's Avatar
True, I should have included as long as Trump is President and I hope if for no other reason, China must be brought to it's knees and I don't believe Democrats will do that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not surprised you post the Five Eyes article but follow with daily mail. Isn’t daily mail pushing the lie the virus was made in a lab and not animal to human transfer.? I don’t read that garbage from the those conspiracy nuts.

The great leader has 261 days left to practice his scorch Amerika campaign and then it’s time to drain the sewer tank .
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not surprised you post the Five Eyes article but follow with daily mail. Isn’t daily mail pushing the lie the virus was made in a lab and not animal to human transfer.? I don’t read that garbage from the those conspiracy nuts.

The great leader has 261 days left to practice his scorch Amerika campaign and then it’s time to drain the sewer tank . Originally Posted by Jaxson66

youse needs to go to the sewer.. ccp lover!!!
  • oeb11
  • 05-06-2020, 07:34 AM
Not surprised you post the Five Eyes article but follow with daily mail. Isn’t daily mail pushing the lie the virus was made in a lab and not animal to human transfer.? I don’t read that garbage from the those conspiracy nuts.

The great leader has 261 days left to practice his scorch Amerika campaign and then it’s time to drain the sewer tank . Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Thank U - worshipper of comrade Xi and all the cheap plastic junk from China.

go become a Chinese citizen and live there under rule of the Politburo.

U would like the authoritarian stance they take towrd the people of China.

and - get some help j66 - your hatred is self-destructive!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not surprised you post the Five Eyes article but follow with daily mail. Isn’t daily mail pushing the lie the virus was made in a lab and not animal to human transfer.? I don’t read Yes, we know Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Not surprised you couldn't follow along and use some critical thinking. The whole point was to show two different stories told by multiple media sources and my conclusion that somebody isn't telling the truth.

Isn’t daily mail pushing the lie the virus was made in a lab and not animal to human transfer.?

You would have the answer to that question had you read the article but people like you prefer to guess what others are saying and then complain about what you have not read, pitiful but typical.