Here we go again...gun control.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... as we still have history books to learn from.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
JohnWBabayka's Avatar
US should take a page from the SWISS only 2nd from America as most "GUN" ownership yet they have had no mass shootings in 20 years.

I know everyone can argue this to the moon and back but I do agree too many crazies can get a hold of a weapon too easily.

there are mini mass shootings daily in USA where 3+ people get shot and hurt or die on a regular basis per occurance.

I don't agree with gun control but "GUN" accountability.

this is the first year where I have actually seen lots of "Mass Shootings" in the news during and or right after a high school graduation. Tell me that isn't crazy.
US should take a page from the SWISS only 2nd from America as most "GUN" ownership yet they have had no mass shootings in 20 years.

I know everyone can argue this to the moon and back but I do agree too many crazies can get a hold of a weapon too easily.

there are mini mass shootings daily in USA where 3+ people get shot and hurt or die on a regular basis per occurance.

I don't agree with gun control but "GUN" accountability.

this is the first year where I have actually seen lots of "Mass Shootings" in the news during and or right after a high school graduation. Tell me that isn't crazy. Originally Posted by JohnWBabayka
Maybe Switzerland's success with low Gun violence in spite of a lot of Gun ownership could be due to the fact they have less crazy people. Maybe America should solve it's violent crime problem by getting rid of the crazies instead of Guns.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...there are mini mass shootings daily in USA where 3+ people get shot and hurt or die on a regular basis per occurance.... Originally Posted by JohnWBabayka
The center of wisdom and understanding may very well exist at Mugshots(.)com. Juss say'n...
texassapper's Avatar
Maybe America should solve it's violent crime problem by getting rid of the crazies instead of Guns. Originally Posted by Levianon17
We can't just throw the Democratic voter base out of the Country... yet.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's not forget the MOVE bombing in Philidelphia in 1985 or the bombing, or the Tulsa race riots that happened exactly 101 years ago this week.
We can't just throw the Democratic voter base out of the Country... yet. Originally Posted by texassapper
Precious_b's Avatar
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What trade partnership do we have with the drug cartels?
Obviously no one owns up to us exporting guns to them.

Take care of *our* drug problem and maybe, just maybe, that gun problem might change a wee bit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What trade partnership do we have with the drug cartels?
Obviously no one owns up to us exporting guns to them... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Been wondering that very thing. Though I do recall Obama and Holder as being prolific gun runners and that guns are pretty much illegal for Mexican citizens. As our very own NPCs will tell us, if they are illegal, they no longer exist. Or some such black hole of logic.

Take care of *our* drug problem and maybe, just maybe, that gun problem might change a wee bit. Originally Posted by Precious_b
A Reagan fan and suply side economics guy?!? Gotta luv it. But then, wouldn't that be weird to have it be illegal to hire illegals, while letting them stream across the boarder unimpeded and traipsing through Uvalde at high rates of speed to evade the police and causing about 50 school lock-downs in the past year?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Been wondering that very thing. Though I do recall Obama and Holder as being prolific gun runners and that guns are pretty much illegal for Mexican citizens. As our very own NPCs will tell us, if they are illegal, they no longer exist. Or some such black hole of logic.

A Reagan fan and suply side economics guy?!? Gotta luv it. But then, wouldn't that be weird to have it be illegal to hire illegals, while letting them stream across the boarder unimpeded and traipsing through Uvalde at high rates of speed to evade the police and causing about 50 school lock-downs in the past year? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

"illegal to hire illegals"

is that a double negative? does that make it legal?

VitaMan's Avatar
Wacko combing threads and robo posting
Precious_b's Avatar
Been wondering that very thing. Though I do recall Obama and Holder as being prolific gun runners and that guns are pretty much illegal for Mexican citizens. As our very own NPCs will tell us, if they are illegal, they no longer exist. Or some such black hole of logic.

A Reagan fan and suply side economics guy?!? Gotta luv it. But then, wouldn't that be weird to have it be illegal to hire illegals, while letting them stream across the boarder unimpeded and traipsing through Uvalde at high rates of speed to evade the police and causing about 50 school lock-downs in the past year? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Yeah. All the right wingers scared Obama was gonna take their guns away. Showed them alright with that Fast-n-Furious program. Don't know why y'all are so scared that you don't show up to an NRA hootenany (sp)

But you gotta admit that there is a nice crossborder nafta-esque situation with drugs and guns. But I don't worry about our gun manufacturers. Ima quite sure they would find other buyers out of country.