250,000 illegal votes found in Arizona!!!

How quickly you forget! I guess if it happened 4 years ago all is forgiven, right?

Did you buy on the dip? I'll bet the guy who planted the fake story did!

https://money.cnn.com/2017/12/02/med...oss/index.html Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, 4 years is a while ago.
How about 3 stories by fox last week?

And here is is a laundry list of many, many transgressions.


This is actually from Peter Navaros research Research made while he was on the taxpayers dime. But it was okay. He was doing it as a private citizen (he claims).. It’s not fake news.

https://www.oann.com/ariz-audit-unde...igns-of-fraud/ Originally Posted by bambino
It's bullshit from a guy with no election expertise covered by a news service with no reporting expertise. Sounds like fake news to me.

No reason to suspect the word of one of Trump's top liars is there? Strange the number of claimed votes taken from Trump matches the numbers on Navarro's charts. Where did he get his numbers from?


From the OAN link you posted.

"Meanwhile, Trump-era trade advisor Peter Navarro has been looking ahead to a similar audit in Georgia. He predicts an audit would likely reveal election fraud in the 2020 election just as it is in Arizona. No voter fraud has been detected in AZ.Navarro added, the scale of voter fraud in Georgia is “much larger than in Arizona” and cited preliminary estimates."

This audit is a joke. Led by a conspiracy wacko with few to no bipartisan observers, no media except for the Trump network, no certifications to work on the machines, no security, etc.
Trumpys complained when they had to stay 6 feet away from counters let alone hundreds of feet.
And this only after a few days of the forensic audit.


More to come!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Only in your warped imagination
lustylad's Avatar
Yes, 4 years is a while ago.
How about 3 stories by fox last week?
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Wow, you caught FOX red-handed with 3 lies in a week! Really, really earth-shattering ones too!

That red meat/burger ban story made me laugh, shrug and say "ain't gonna happen".

The other two stories COULD happen if not nipped in the bud.

Whoever propped up that Kamala book at a Long Beach shelter would LOVE to distribute her book to EVERY illegal immigrant (on the taxpayer dime, of course) if nobody catches them doing it.

And I have no doubt the whole point of "re-evaluating" the curriculum in Virginia public schools is to make it more woke. What does "woke" mean? It means eliminating all vestiges of so-called "white privilege", starting with AP classes.

Did you notice how the VA superintendent of public instruction is taking a leaf out of Biden's playbook? Even ol' Joe knows you can't just pack the SCOTUS overnight. You have to prep everything by setting up a committee of so-called Constitutional scholars to "study" and endorse the idea first.

But enough about FOX trivia!

Who tells the truly BIG lies? The ones that 1) feed a false libtard narrative and 2) have the potential to really move the needle?

You know, stories like the phony Russian bounty claim. Or the fake "Sicknick was murdered" report. Those are MUCH bigger and more consequential lies.

Luckily for you, VerySkeptical, we have Glenn Greenwald here to document fully and in living color both of those disgusting, sinister examples of sheer MSM dishonesty and duplicity:


lustylad's Avatar
This audit is a joke. Led by a conspiracy wacko with few to no bipartisan observers, no media except for the Trump network, no certifications to work on the machines, no security, etc.

Trumpys complained when they had to stay 6 feet away from counters let alone hundreds of feet.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
If you say so, munchy.

When are you going to start commenting in BLUE FONT again?
Is that 250,000 so far?

I'm delighted the DumboCrats believe that having illegal votes is fine and dandy .... then they won't whine and blubber again like they did in the fall of 2016. I guess it just takes a little longer to verify unsigned & unverified votes when cast.

I'm already filling out ballots for 2022 and 2024. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are not only the president of the trumptard club, you are a member too.
And this only after a few days of the forensic audit.


More to come!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Fake news.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And without hesitation.

Comical and sad.

Like a shitty opera.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so, munchy.

When are you going to start commenting in BLUE FONT again?
Originally Posted by lustylad

Munch made parole weeks ago. of course he wasn't a frequent poster here .. perhaps he's just gun-shy after getting his cheeks chapped by the mod squad?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I see youve brought back your Matt Gaetz avatar, TWK.

Gonna stretch those limits?

Thanks for sticking to the topic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I see youve brought back your Matt Gaetz avatar, TWK.

Gonna stretch those limits?

Thanks for sticking to the topic. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's bullshit from a guy with no election expertise covered by a news service with no reporting expertise. Sounds like fake news to me.

No reason to suspect the word of one of Trump's top liars is there? Strange the number of claimed votes taken from Trump matches the numbers on Navarro's charts. Where did he get his numbers from?


From the OAN link you posted.

"Meanwhile, Trump-era trade advisor Peter Navarro has been looking ahead to a similar audit in Georgia. He predicts an audit would likely reveal election fraud in the 2020 election just as it is in Arizona. No voter fraud has been detected in AZ.Navarro added, the scale of voter fraud in Georgia is “much larger than in Arizona” and cited preliminary estimates."

This audit is a joke. Led by a conspiracy wacko with few to no bipartisan observers, no media except for the Trump network, no certifications to work on the machines, no security, etc.
Trumpys complained when they had to stay 6 feet away from counters let alone hundreds of feet.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You are a snob and an elitist. So a person with no experience with elections (a good thing probably) and no reporting service (what that has to do with anything is beyond me) is checking for irregularities which you want to call voter fraud (the tested buzz word of the left). With these close vote counts, irregularities, intentional or not, could change the outcome of an election. I would think that the "party of the people" would really like to know what the people voted for. You reluctance clearly shows your bias and hypocrisy. Think of it like this, a wife suspects her husband of adultery. She hires a private detective to get the goods on the unfaithful spouse. She has a sealed reported delivered to her in front the collective families at a family gathering. She announces that she is going to open the report and read it. The husband (that would be the democrat party) insists that he has done nothing wrong but demands that any report from any private detective remain sealed. That is she opens the report that she is showing that she never loved him. That if she looks at the report then she in practice asking for a divorce. That if she reads the report to the families then she must be cheating on him and this report is a cover for her own infidelity. He still insists that he has done nothing wrong and wants the report burned unopened. He even gets vocal members of the family to insist that the report be burned.

If the husband (the democrat party) is innocent then why not have the report read or in this case, why not do a complete analysis of the election? But that's the rub, the husband is not acting innocent and is just buying time or trying to mentally abuse his wife into complying.
bambino's Avatar
txdot-guy's Avatar
You are a snob and an elitist. So a person with no experience with elections (a good thing probably) and no reporting service (what that has to do with anything is beyond me) is checking for irregularities which you want to call voter fraud (the tested buzz word of the left). With these close vote counts, irregularities, intentional or not, could change the outcome of an election. I would think that the "party of the people" would really like to know what the people voted for. You reluctance clearly shows your bias and hypocrisy. Think of it like this, a wife suspects her husband of adultery. She hires a private detective to get the goods on the unfaithful spouse. She has a sealed reported delivered to her in front the collective families at a family gathering. She announces that she is going to open the report and read it. The husband (that would be the democrat party) insists that he has done nothing wrong but demands that any report from any private detective remain sealed. That is she opens the report that she is showing that she never loved him. That if she looks at the report then she in practice asking for a divorce. That if she reads the report to the families then she must be cheating on him and this report is a cover for her own infidelity. He still insists that he has done nothing wrong and wants the report burned unopened. He even gets vocal members of the family to insist that the report be burned.

If the husband (the democrat party) is innocent then why not have the report read or in this case, why not do a complete analysis of the election? But that's the rub, the husband is not acting innocent and is just buying time or trying to mentally abuse his wife into complying. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

This argument is a bunch of bull cookies. Maricopa county already did a partial recount to verify that the sample matched the totals correctly. Then they did an audit of all of the voting machines to find any irregularities. After finding no evidence of any fraud and no evidence of any irregularities in the voting machines the election supervisors, 4 republicans and 1 democrat, certified that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.

Hell, Attorney General William Barr (Trump's butt boy) declared the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Your problem is not that the Democrats don't want to do a recount. The problem is that the Republicans simply won't believe the results of the recount that was already done. Legally done by the way. What the Arizona senate is doing now is more political theater that will have no effect on the outcome of the 2020 election and will simply feed the paranoia and conspiracy hogwash that you are hanging onto for dear life.

This obsession with Trump's Big Lie and the attempts to overturn a legal election is deeply un-democratic and deeply un-american.
bambino's Avatar
This argument is a bunch of bull cookies. Maricopa county already did a partial recount to verify that the sample matched the totals correctly. Then they did an audit of all of the voting machines to find any irregularities. After finding no evidence of any fraud and no evidence of any irregularities in the voting machines the election supervisors, 4 republicans and 1 democrat, certified that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.

Hell, Attorney General William Barr (Trump's butt boy) declared the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Your problem is not that the Democrats don't want to do a recount. The problem is that the Republicans simply won't believe the results of the recount that was already done. Legally done by the way. What the Arizona senate is doing now is more political theater that will have no effect on the outcome of the 2020 election and will simply feed the paranoia and conspiracy hogwash that you are hanging onto for dear life.

This obsession with Trump's Big Lie and the attempts to overturn a legal election is deeply un-democratic and deeply un-american. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

If you say so.