fake Review!

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-09-2013, 06:31 PM
I wonder how many reviews were faked simply for verification purposes... Does that happen? Originally Posted by KRISPY
Some here have been caught, the irrelevant ones.
Gosh, I feel so loved from this board lmfao
Two words Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Sounds like your apology was fake seeing how angry you seem to be! I say its something else, but who knows. I accepted your apology when I knew it was bs. And the other day you said you want me to be happy and smile, fake as well. I think that's why I'm not so loved, I'm a real bitch, nothing fake about me! You say "two words", a real bitch would had just said the two words! I sure the fuck would have lol. This thread will probably never end and its because of you feeding into it. Guess your own threads don't get the attention mine do!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I think that's why I'm not so loved, I'm a real bitch, nothing fake about me! Originally Posted by bustyamy
OK Amy, you got the 'review' removed. As one who saw the review, the moderators did right by removing it.

You won. Enjoy!

Now that the 'review' has been removed, time to take your finger away from the self destruct button you've just pushed. This dilemma is over, Time to move on.

Baby I have pushed that button more times than one, and I'm still here! And I am not going anywhere! I am not a internet fighter at all, I was taught how to fight when I was a kid, this back and forth and I gotta watch what I have to say, believe me I was being nice! Now the shit can be taken back to the spider hole, where I'm sure I'm a celebrity!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Now the shit can be taken back to the spider hole, where I'm sure I'm a celebrity! Originally Posted by bustyamy
I got an invite to join the spider hole.

I read the invite.
I laughed.
I shook my head wondering why I would even be considered.
I laughed again.
I realized the spider hole is OK for some people, but not me. I have no problems with it.
I ignored.
I have gotten invites, but from a business point of view I make money on the forum, not in a place like that! Its a place to do some e-fighting lmfao. I use Eccie as a tool to make money, and that's where it ends. and I deal with some not-worthy people to be here and make a living, so be it!
Baby I have pushed that button more times than one, and I'm still here! And I am not going anywhere! I am not a internet fighter at all, I was taught how to fight when I was a kid, this back and forth and I gotta watch what I have to say, believe me I was being nice! Now the shit can be taken back to the spider hole, where I'm sure I'm a celebrity! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Nah, they deal with you right here in the open. I'm very, very sure (as sure as a non-member can be). Why? Because you make it too easy.

YOU are the one who referred to the people in LD's avatar as thieves. YOU bring this on yourself. Stop playing victim.

I have gotten invites, but from a business point of view I make money on the forum, not in a place like that! Its a place to do some e-fighting lmfao. I use Eccie as a tool to make money, and that's where it ends. and I deal with some not-worthy people to be here and make a living, so be it! Originally Posted by bustyamy
More than one invite? So, DH is begging you to join? If THAT's the case, it's NOT good. TRUST IN ME.

Nah, they deal with you right here in the open. I'm very, very sure (as sure as a non-member can be). Why? Because you make it too easy.

YOU are the one who referred to the people in LD's avatar as thieves. YOU bring this on yourself. Stop playing victim.

Busted Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I was asking about her avatar, it obviously wasn't her in the avatar so who cares, and people like you get butt hurt. I'm no victim, I'm just sure of myself, and your love for your Daphne can't see past all that! As far as I was concerned the shit was squashed with that phony apology. Then here it is, and here you are the white or black knight to someones rescue! What a surprise! If you don't have thicker skin then leave the board, she gives as good as she gets! It is what it is! This was a thread about a fake review, a legitimate thread, it shouldn't had went off topic, and it didn't concern you or her!
OP has derailed her own threAD. So it remains off-track until it self-corrects. DJ tried to help. But, it spirals even more...had my say. And it was very fun. I was not even rude. Thanks to Pistolman, I'm 'New & Improved' after he banned my ass. Yes! I'm a Believa! I found a new fuckin' religion. Ahmen

Sweet baby Tebow.
I was asking about her avatar, it obviously wasn't her in the avatar so who cares, and people like you get butt hurt. I'm no victim, I'm just sure of myself, and your love for your Daphne can't see past all that! As far as I was concerned the shit was squashed with that phony apology. Then here it is, and here you are the white or black knight to someones rescue! What a surprise! If you don't have thicker skin then leave the board, she gives as good as she gets! It is what it is! This was a thread about a fake review, a legitimate thread, it shouldn't had went off topic, and it didn't concern you or her! Originally Posted by bustyamy
I've never met LD. She can handle herself. Looks like we're back on track.

DJ appeals to your intellect, it spirals.
Mijo appeals to your EMO, and it self-corrects.

Interesting indeed!

I've never met LD. She can handle herself. Looks like we're back on track.

DJ appeals to your intellect, it spirals.
Mijo appeals to your EMO, and it self-corrects.

Interesting indeed! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I know, cause you love white pussy (your own words, in your own thread).