Being outted by the same person Twice! Mods Seeking P

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Cam and I nothing! Stop your bs. How do u get someone is beefing with u, or someone is mad- thru a keyboard? That’s annoying as all get out! Like, can you hear aggressive button pushing? You think a couple phone calls make you besties? CAMERON doesn’t even know wth this post was initially about, except u going in on P. I commented, in a fairly nice fashion, then u start.. If you’re wanting attention, you’re going about it all wrong. Damn near anytime a person has replied, you “stop reading”, yet have the time & energy to read & reply to everything! You can’t leave well enough alone. Every thread you start, ends up going south +100 comments. You post links to events that took place in another state, why? It had ZERO to do with you. Nobody has to out u- You do it on ur own. Posting medical & personal issues, amongst the other things is something I wouldn’t have done. But hey, who am I to judge? I took a graceful departure yesterday, but couldn’t resist this foolery! Now I’m going to gracefully bow out, again... Have yourself a fantastic day! Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
I went back to do a quick glance over.. We're not talking about my blood pressure, thats been shared on here.. Everyone from here to SA knows about that..

The two things I've been outted on, never no meantion trying to cover them tracks huh..

Your comments for personal attack, aint going to fly. That aint never been on here.. The Mods seen what this matter pertains to, and I forwarded to St Christopher..

We spoke on the phone,sooo

There's three sides to a story, your side my side, and the motherf**** truth.

This thread was not intended about you, and rather not get you involved.. Im really not cocerned with you, just the leaker..

I have no issues with you, even after this.. Im not petty like that.. Im a grown a++ women, and im not childish
TryWeakly's Avatar
Can someone give me an over/under on this shitshow threAD?

Cause Ima gonna need to get more popcawn soon and I dont know ifn I should get a small, medium or large ....
pyramider's Avatar
Better get some salty nuts.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yes, the email leaked my real life information since it mentioned my handle. Originally Posted by underscorejs
It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Maybe the people who passed your info around via email will be punished for it, and own up to their misdeed, unlike the people who did it to me...good luck.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Thats a lie and you know it!

Do you want me pull up the slasher thread where you got caught in your lies?

You said 2 different stories.

Oh Ike, its wasnt one those cases loose lips sink ships, took the hit for who? 6mnths ban or something like that. Owes Favors eventually she did open her mouth

I got down to the bottom of it, wink
Champagne Brown's Avatar
. site trippin double post
Champagne Brown's Avatar
. double post
TryWeakly's Avatar
Thats a lie and you know it!

Do you want me pull up the slasher thread where you got caught in your lies?

You said 2 different stories.

Oh Ike, its wasnt one those cases loose lips sink ships, took the hit for who? 6mnths ban or something like that. Owes Favors eventually she did open her mouth

I got down to the bottom of it, wink Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Is it Christmas already?

Russ38's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Yeah, she took a ban for him, and didn't hang him out to dry when asked by a mod, who gave her this info or she'll be banned. She took the ban.

I knew something wasn't right here, by his responses, and intercepting.. Never in my life have Ive seen someone report being outted then have to deal with some reverse psychology bullshyt by, mod, and fake admin accts,to play these games..Yeah I know about the fake admin accts,and whos who.

Just ban her already, you know She did it..

My case is just like "Slave" she had the number that leaked her photo,but just didn't know what his handle was. She was told to put in girls area
to see if girls knew the number to match to a handle.

P sent this pic to the girls phone, and laughed about it while on the phone.

This didn't even have to get like this, you're the one thats f'd up, and that's something you have to sort out with yourself, that shyt dont got nothing to do with me.

Ban her im done with this crap.

Ike you got all the forwarded "pms" to know this is the same case, so stop playing.. You been covering for her for so long already, you paid it forward ..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar

Is it Christmas already?

Originally Posted by TryWeakly

The sweet baby tebow approves ...
Good morning,
My sincerest wish is this matter would get resolved as this lady has been hurt by P., and a few others it seems (including me).

I too have had my share of not so good experiences with P, as she lived with me for a spell in my home.
I was too trusting of her, and for that I will always kick myself in the rear.

During her stay I learned a lot of things about her character and let's just say I don't condone nor like people who are mean to others.

I know she is not kind towards people with whom she dislikes and I know for a fact she went on her Twitter page and spewed her hatred of me there, because a mutual client went on my page and posted 2 links to me. I of course cannot see them, as she has me blocked. (And blocked on FB.)

I ended up blocking him as he was being messy about it. She trashed me and my home telling others that I was a nasty person and my home was dirty. If it was that bad why did she stay all of those months??
She was just trying to hurt me, and she didn't think who she told these lies to would get back to me. People who actually know me, know what my house looks like and how it is kept. They know my character and know I am not mean unless you force my hand and make me be ugly to you.

She has no regard for peoples livelihood or personal lives and this is a shame because everyone deserves to be treated with human decency and kindness.

There are those WK's here on the board who will rush to her defense and there are those who may speak against me speaking up, but in all fairness, right is right and wrong is wrong.

I just learned a valuable lesson not to ever let anyone (provider) , get too close into my personal space and I certainly will never let someone stay in my home again, so they can trash me to others and abuse my good nature.

I am sorry this happened to you, and to the other person. I know 1st hand how it is to be treated with scorn and hatred by P whenever you are not on her side when she is being mean to others. I will not ever be that person who hates others just because she does. P.

I wish everyone the best this Holiday season.

Champagne Brown's Avatar
50yrs old, moving from providers home to home..

What's really going on, been liked that since she left here.. bless her heart Chile. Thought she would've been stable already.aww

I got my name on lease.

Man I've heard it all.
What is really sad is she doesn't know the meaning of true friendship, and being kind towards others.
She speaks about paying it forward with others and yet she always speaks mean about people.

She came into my home and criticized my things. She always treated me as if it wasn't my home and I was a tourist.
Nothing was ever good enough to suit her.

When I am a friend to you, I am a 100% true friend. I go out of my way to make you feel appreciated and I am always there for you. I don't see color as she does. She told me I would never understand her feelings as I am white and not black.
She had an advertisement on another place once recently that was titled about not trusting white women.... This is a sad thing to be so petty in this day and age.

If I were to live in someones home, the last thing I would try to do is tell them how to run it. It is their house for Christ sake's.

But that part is over and done, and water under the bridge.

And just to be clear I am not being mean or disrespectful towards anyone on this board just laying out facts.

Everyone has a RW life and a past. Everyone has done things they are not proud of I am sure (including me). But I would never use someones shortcomings to try and ruin their reputation. It never makes you look good and it actually hurts peoples lives.
