BBWDeAnna, here's your big chance!

I won't be seeing whatever else NTJME had to say either. Doubt I'm missing much.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-06-2017, 12:44 AM
I won't be seeing whatever else NTJME had to say either. Doubt I'm missing much. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
That's fine with me... be online with denying reality.... no loss whatsoever.
You fucked up and cannot admit it... there are worst things in life.... no big deal!!!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
It's starting to feel like Jr High in here. Originally Posted by BK

Arkansas ECCIE has been like junior high as long as I've been here, which is a long time...


I see NTJME is still talking, unsurprisingly. One thing I would like better for the ignore feature is if it would completely wipe the ignored person out of your view rather than just muting them. It's too tempting to just click the "View Post" button right there next to their post but...nah.

Edit: Of course, wiping someone out USSR-style wouldn't be a perfect solution because you would be seeing a lot of out of context quoted responses.

Arkansas ECCIE has been like junior high as long as I've been here, which is a long time...


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Yes and I regret having contributed to it. I mean it was fun for a while but really it's never going to resolve anything. Just two (usually more ) jackasses arguing on the Internet. I do include myself as one of the jackasses but I'm trying to backslide. It's self indulgent and doesn't accomplish anything other than escalating a conflict. I should have listened to the cooler heads (before anyone gets the wrong idea I don't include NTJME in that group) advising me to let it go.

I really don't care anything about saving face and I'm not going to trot out that hackneyed "be the bigger person" saying because if I was a bigger person I wouldn't have responded in this way in the first place, meeting antagonism with further antagonism in response. I joined this forum to get laid and have fun and that's what I'm going to do. If my former opponents want to gloat about it, that's fine with me. I like to try to build community in this place, not tear it down.

It's like the old movie "War Games". The only way to win is not to play. Too late for me not to play but it's never to late to quit playing. I have no doubt BBWDeAnna will keep on playing. Enjoy.
JaneDarling's Avatar
I just now saw this thread...and way too late...damn, I wanna read the blog now. I hate when people are talking about something fun and I missed the boat.
In any case, I especially loved the old timer's wisdom shared, so after reading the thread in its entirety, I think I'll share something my grandfather used to tell me (usually whenever I'd cry that yes, I was having fun playing with my cousins, and yes I only saw them once a year, but they weren't playing Fair or doing it Right)...

"The meat around a pig's ass is still pork."
I just now saw this thread...and way too late...damn, I wanna read the blog now. I hate when people are talking about something fun and I missed the boat.
In any case, I especially loved the old timer's wisdom shared, so after reading the thread in its entirety, I think I'll share something my grandfather used to tell me (usually whenever I'd cry that yes, I was having fun playing with my cousins, and yes I only saw them once a year, but they weren't playing Fair or doing it Right)...

"The meat around a pig's ass is still pork." Originally Posted by JaneDarling
Good perspective Jane. To be clear I think the only way to do it right from my end would have been to not do it at all, as a few people advised me but as Will Rogers said (paraphrased), some people just have to pee on the electric fence themselves. I don't have anything to say about whether the things the other party said or did were right or fair because it doesn't matter.

I did take my ball and go home though, so point taken. Seemed like someone had to or it would just go on forever and I'd rather go back to focusing on fun stuff on the forum rather than bitterness, of which I readily admit I was guilty of generating more than my share. It that make the loser of the game, so be it. I'm not implying that you were saying that, or at least I don't think you were but I am kind of thick sometimes (obviously) so I'm not quite sure. Anyway it's abundantly clear that I acted like a jackass and I intend to stop and not do it anymore. This was turning me into someone I don't want to be and I want the old me back, which is easy enough - just stop being a jackass.

"The meat around a pig's ass is still pork."- speaking of being thick, I have no idea what this means but if it's saying I was being an ass somehow, I wouldn't disagree.
JaneDarling's Avatar
Lol, Spanky....It means that yeah, sometimes the thing you like is tainted by Asshole, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the rest of it.

Basically, Just a more fun way of saying "Yeah, that sucks...but keep your chin up, and enjoy the people here who aren't Assholes." ;D
Lol, Spanky....It means that yeah, sometimes the thing you like is tainted by Asshole, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the rest of it.

Basically, Just a more fun way of saying "Yeah, that sucks...but keep your chin up, and enjoy the people here who aren't Assholes." ;D Originally Posted by JaneDarling
Oh, I see! Thanks for clearing that up. I really was perplexed!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
"The meat around a pig's ass is still pork." Originally Posted by JaneDarling
If I'm reading the diagram of cuts of pork correctly, the meat around a pig's ass isn't just pork, it's ham. And next to bacon, ham is Mr./Ms. Pig's most delectable gift to his/her human admirers. :-)


bcg (not to slight all those other wondrous cuts, though)
bluffcityguy's Avatar

Arkansas ECCIE has been like junior high as long as I've been here, which is a long time...


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Yes and I regret having contributed to it. I mean it was fun for a while but really it's never going to resolve anything. Just two (usually more ) jackasses arguing on the Internet. I do include myself as one of the jackasses but I'm trying to backslide. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Eh. And if being a jackass were illegal, very few of us (and probably none of us here on ECCIE) would be out of prison.

Just try to stay on the straight and narrow, but don't sweat it if you backslide. We're all flawed and imperfect creatures...


Hot Summer's Avatar
My eyes hurt now hahahaha....Blah blah blah LMAO ! Get ya some venting done babe lol
My eyes hurt now hahahaha....Blah blah blah LMAO ! Get ya some venting done babe lol Originally Posted by hot summer
Lol I'm over it! Much happier for it too.

And bcg, I think there are a lot of "hams" on this site, in the theatrical sense. I don't exclude myself.