Escorts Using Government Assistance

Do you think it's okay for a mother to steal from others to support her kids? Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny

depends. if they steal in a grocery store, that is included in the bill anyway. not so much harm done, if any at all. (not supporting stealing though) . If they steal someone elses income, then its bad, because they harm a person.

As to stealing in grocery stores. Are you aware that day after day tons of good food gets thrown away much rather than given to the poor, because that "would ruin the market". They overproduce milk, meat and such, and besides that animals have to suffer and humans have to starve, they are careless enough to throw it away at the end of the day.

So, i could care less if a starving mother steals baby things for her kids. No harm done, seriously. It`s a sign. A sign we should be ashamed of ourselves if a MOTHER has to steal food and go hooking to support her basic needs for her and her kids. Outrageous things like this have . e.g. started one of the agendas for OWS.
London Rayne's Avatar
Do you think it's okay for a mother to steal from others to support her kids? Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
Perhaps I should have not said "anything" because no, I don't think dealing drugs or stealing is very smart. I do however know more hookers who are better mothers than those working a normal job. I know CEOs who do more dirt and drugs than us so called scum providers, yet they sure have custody of their own children.

Nina I agree with your sentiments on the subject. If a mother who happens to be a hooker is FORCED to steal because she can't make ends meet, wtf is so wrong with getting assistance? Nuff said. I would never willingly let a child go without. Hell, I have even given escorts money to feed their children and never expected to get it back! I won't support some meth addict, but her children deserve better for damn sure. They should be taken away IMO, but that does not always happen.

Saying "some" hookers should not be on assistance is basically saying you don't care about their offspring. I certainly do. Not one person can help or save everyone, so that is where the govt. comes in handy! Duh...if you qualify and are in need, damn well get it! I think everyone knows just how against I am concerning lazy people using the system, but those who are out there doing everything they can ARE NOT LAZY!

If a provider is only pulling in 2 or 3 hundred a week, that's not enough money to support a child. Who wants to live in a neighborhood that is not safe? Who wants to use public transportation to get everywhere when that is not altogether safe in certain areas...especially late night. Goodness! I may not be as big of a biaatch as I thought, because I can't see forcing anyone into that type of lifestyle! What is worse...a hooker providing a GOOD LIFE for her children with assistance, or putting them in DANGER without it? That's an easy answer for me.
If they steal someone elses income, then its bad, because they harm a person. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Agreed. AND people who defraud the system ARE stealing from people who need that assistance.
I HATE the current social welfare system. People flock to abuse the system because it is easy and it makes you comfortable. TOOOO comfortable. Instead of dishing out Section8 vouchers so they can move their dopedealing BF to the burbs, how about building a giant shelter with cots.

Yes, women and children won't be homeless. But will they be happy and comfortable and ho'ing on my tax dollar? Hell no.

Instead of handing out hundreds of dollars a month on a foodstamp card just to cash out at the Arab store (no offense to my Arab brothers here, but y'all know the deal), hand them a box of rations. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
I agree 100%!! If Welfare was used for those really in need we would have far less homeless mothers and children.
Nina, I am with ya.. steal some damn food for the kids if thats what you gotta do. damn....
Who are we to say what is wrong with someone getting govt assistants when alot of providers DON'T PAY TAXES. (didn't say ALL PROVIDERS)I FOR ONE... HA HA
When you point fingers that point back.
Be honest with the reverse opposing situation...Well, well,well....
Women (civilians)out there saying we providers rip off the govt by not paying TAXES.(again, not referring to all providers).
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If a provider is only pulling in 2 or 3 hundred a week, that's not enough money to support a child. Originally Posted by London Rayne
In that case, She should be working at walmart.
At least she'll have benefits.

I may not be as big of a biaatch as I thought, because I can't see forcing anyone into that type of lifestyle! Originally Posted by London Rayne
That's the shocking part. You're not as big of a biaatch as I thought. LMFAOOOOOO

I just don't like being nice on SHMBs
London Rayne's Avatar
Defrauding is one thing...needing is another. If you are not making enough money and you qualify for assistance, obviously the govt. has said you should have it. How are you stealing anything if you are being honest about what you make? You're not. You might not be saying how you make money, but fk it. Every one of us here is in fact doing something illegal. So our children should suffer because we are here trying to make a better life for ourselves in the future? I think not.

My child will never live in an apartment, never go to a public school, and never see the hand of welfare because I choose to be a freaking whore for a few years whilst building a career! Not everyone is that lucky or stable. I get support from her father now, but that was not always the case. I did not take him to court...he offered. Up until a few months ago, I got nothing from him and did it all on my own with the help of only my parents. Still, for anyone especially another woman to suggest I could just suck a few more d*cks a week, is insane. It's not your damn body! Not all providers find it easy to see a lot of men which is why we don't!
London Rayne's Avatar
In that case, She should be working at walmart.
At least she'll have benefits.

That's the shocking part. You're not as big of a biaatch as I thought. LMFAOOOOOO

I just don't like being nice on SHMBs Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Wal-Mart will take more taxes than she has to pay here. No one said we are claiming 100 percent of our income...neither do waitresses and bartenders for that matter, so it's not just hookers. No one claims the exact amount of "tips" when they are in the service industry. Right..the maids claim that 20 we leave them on their taxes? Please! Everyone of us cheats the system in some way or another. No one should be so naive or dismissive when it comes to children.
Working at walmart or any other place does not guarantee insurance. Since, you brought that up, I worked for YEARS in the customer service arena (not too fkn good to work a civilian job) and they always put you down for part time so you don't get BENEFITS and still work you full time. Thats the fkn system for ya...
If it was sooo simple like that then we would ALL HAVE JOBS AND BENEFITS.

I cheat the system.. now what?
Defrauding is one thing...needing is another. If you are not making enough money and you qualify for assistance, obviously the govt. has said you should have it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
They didn't say "those who participate in illegal activities should have it" though.

Escorts make a lot of money. IMHO they should not need gov assistance. Just my opinion.
Some ppl want to analyze and dissect the simple answer to death.
The end result is what is best for the CHILDREN.
We are not talking about using the govt and not bettering ones situation and there are some that do just that.. yep..
Talking about govt benefits FOR THE KIDS... doesn't matter to me if the mother is a escort or a woman that is lazy.. The kids don't need to be victims of circumstances. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
I hear you , and i agree. But - strictly spoken - if people are too lazy or have whatever issues, you might want to consider , if the kids are not better off given away for adoption or such - as hard as that sounds. Please don`t kick me for saying that. But same recklessness that some people have in life it comes also down to the decision about kids. Some people just don`t care enough to consider their situation when deciding to get children. I think that has to be considered too. Other than that, i am with you.
They didn't say "those who participate in illegal activities should have it" though.

Escorts make a lot of money. IMHO they should not need gov assistance. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
Even if you don`t make a lot of money with that job ( i sometimes only escorted very rarely) you still make more than in a regular job.
Judge not lest ye be judged.

I know what a lot of people say is true - selling food stamps, getting free housing and other programs that are not needed, etc.

It's not cool when anyone takes advantage, no matter who they are. Since when did this center on what ur job is? All kinds of people take advantage of the system, not just escorts.

I would rather see some people take advantage and know that the programs are still there for those that do need it, than to take the programs away because of a few assholes who are fraudulently using the programs.

Despite what the media will make you believe, no one is getting rich on welfare except a rare few people who have sometimes figured out how to totally defraud the system (like those people who collected hundreds of social security checks under different names - that was amazingly evil).

It's there to help for everyone who needs it.

These programs include social security, medicare, medicaid, TANF, food stamps, and a myriad of lesser programs which help the elderly, disabled, learning disabled, alternately abled, children, under-educated, and others in need.

Previous to my current incarnation as an independent paid companion, I worked at the welfare office. Depending on the level of aid requested, the hoops to be jumped through and a rather complicated myriad of different proofs of destitute-ness are required, and I can assure you no one is getting section 8 without wading through mounds and mounds of bullshit, sitting on waiting lists, and putting up with a lot of insult and aggravation (have you seen section 8 in Houston? Not many clients will want to go there to see you at most of the locations.)

Getting food stamps and insurance for your kids is relatively easy. IMHO - by all means, eat and take ur kids to the dr. Some people do cheat these programs more than others - but these are not really considered welfare in the government's eyes - they are just social programs. We should all get medical insurance for what we pay in taxes. Food Stamps is considered a food surplus buy back program by the federal governement, and is not considered welfare. 3 months of food stamps is available to anyone who needs it any time they lose their job. All you need is your ID, and even that can be overlooked in some cases if you are hungry and in need.

If you have money in your name saved up in the bank, you can't qualify for any of these programs. So unless an escort with $$$ is putting all her money in someone else's name, she can't take advantage of ANY of these programs.

Mostly I don't think most people who have $ are going to go through what it takes to be on welfare just to be on welfare and get less than 500 a month in cash and benefits. If people are going through what it takes to be on it, mostly they need it. Everything else you hear is mostly propaganda the upper crust puts in your face to distract you while they funnel all your tax money off the top, closer to corporate America (try multi-billion dollar bailouts), not off the bottom, where the welfare programs are..

It can be tempting to be self righteous and say we should inter all poor into shelters, etc, to make sure no fraud is committed. Be careful what you wish for. That was the first step the Nazis took before they built the gas chambers. If someone can get you to believe the preposterous, they can then get you to commit atrocities.
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  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2011, 07:01 PM
Some ppl want to analyze and dissect the simple answer to death.
The end result is what is best for the CHILDREN.
We are not talking about using the govt and not bettering ones situation and there are some that do just that.. yep..
Talking about govt benefits FOR THE KIDS... doesn't matter to me if the mother is a escort or a woman that is lazy.. The kids don't need to be victims of circumstances. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Thank you. It really isn't as complicated as some would make it out to be.
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  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2011, 07:04 PM
They didn't say "those who participate in illegal activities should have it" though.

Escorts make a lot of money. IMHO they should not need gov assistance. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
If you make a lot of money, good for you.

Many ladies do not.

If that is beyond your experience base there's not much I can do to open your eyes.